Monday, August 29, 2016

The .ECO new gTLD has launched

The .ECO domain anme extension
The .ECO new gTLD was just delegated. There were four applicants to apply for this string and let's say that the public story around this "eco friendly" new gTLD started early in 2011. I also recommend to read more posts from Jacob Malthouse, winning applicant of the .ECO new gTLD application.
This short post about the .ECO this morning because this Top-Level Domain is one of the first to have been announced (with the back-up of Al Gore). There were a lot of discussions about this TLD and it was unclear if it stood for "Economy" or "Ecology".
I recommend the reading of the .ECO application to learn more about its purpose.

City new gTLDs
I was updating the CITY new gTLD report this morning and noticed that a lot of Cities have only one domain name registration. City gTLDs concerned are:
  1. .BCN
  2. .MADRID
  3. .DUBAI
  7. .DOHA
This is rather strange but September is here and launch plans should come soon I suspect.

New domain name registration volumes:
  • New gTLDs related to FRENCH (speaking persons);
  • New gTLDs related to CITIES;
  • New gTLDs related to CATERING;
  • New gTLDs related to PHOTOGRAPHY.

Tonight's Newsletter:
To subscribe and receive the latest NEWS in your email, click here.

In our previous Newsletter:
  1. The .DIY new gTLD was delegated;
  2. Expand Your Reach with a Portfolio of Domains;
  3. Amazon May Roll Out Its Car Portal Using a New gTLD;
  4. New Domain Names Launching In 2016;
  5. Spurned applicant crowd-funding to fight ICANN for .gay gTLD;
  6. .Guru After Hitting a High of Almost 85K Domains is Now Under 60K;
  7. 40% of banks in the US have registered a .bank domain;
  8. targets Engrish domainers with new .xyz site.
Previous Campaigns can be viewed here.

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

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