It is the recent number I was given by a major law firm in regard to the number of French companies which could be interested in acquiring their own new domain name extension. Of course, this does not mean that 200 french companies will apply but it gives an idea of how many more people are interested in understanding what it takes and what they could do with their .BRAND new gTLD.
For this reason, and also because Jovenet Consulting is a French company based in Paris, our website was translated into French. A few things like the page listing our publications in French and English are missing but these will be added in a close future. We appreciate your feedback on content and possible small mistakes.
What you missed in our previous Newsletters:
- Largest multiple Registry changes CEO;
- .SKI new gTLD : our legacy;
- The biggest .BRAND has 50,000 domains...but are they legit?
- Is the future of new gTLDs in India?
- .RADIO set for November launch, weird tiered pricing;
- New Sunrise Period: .FUN - Monday, 23 January, 2017 (details);
- Are you a member of the .ART world?
- Why might .brand TLDs be so important;
- Webinar: .BRAND new gTLDs (Tuesday, February 28, 2017);
- New York to auction 24 fashion .NYC domains;
- To Rightside: what are your thoughts on the new TLDs?
- Amazon, for example, posts holiday ads to amazon.BLACKFRIDAY
- Oracle launched
- New registry website for .RADIO
- The Future of new gTLDs (podcast);
- SEO : Play the Domain Name Game;
- HOT - Event Information: New gTLDs: the 2017 Update;
- Chinese Email Address and new gTLDs;
- Did you read that old post from the ICANN?