Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Use LinkedIn to promote your new gTLD

Here is a nice email I received regarding the links to new gTLD projects I publish on the "new generic Top-Level Domains" group on LinkedIn. I changed the sender's names, domain name extension and web site for these emails to remain confidential.

It is not the first time I am told visits to a web site explode when the URL is promoted in this group.

The email received:

Subject: Thank You Jean!


I wanted to thank you for all the support. I noticed when you blogged about .CHANGED (dot-changed) and my website www.website.changed, my web traffic jumped! I am sure it brought a lot of online traffic to your sites too. Please feel free to write some more about it and be sure to add my website link too.


So, would you want to:
  • Promote your new registry or project;
  • Indicate to a possible competitor he'd better come out of the bush to discuss a possible partnership before submitting his application and avoid a bid;
  • Tell the entire new gTLD industry you exist;
  • Find a financial partner;
  • Find a back-end registry provider;
  • Find a council, a new gTLD consultant or any service provider.
The "new generic Top-Level Domains" group on LinkedIn is the place to be.

Oh, and I forgot something important: it is free.

Monday, December 19, 2011

.SCALE New generic Top-Level Domain?

Dotscale.com is a web site under construction which shows an "Estimated Time Remaining Before Launch" in 133 days.

133 days takes us around May the first 2012, just after the application window has closed and applications are made public.

Many projects won't be made public before ICANN lists them officially so I believe .SCALE could be a new generic Top Level Domain.

Friday, December 16, 2011

How many new gTLD applications?

January the 12 is approaching and many new gTLD applicants will submit ICANN their application(s).

How many applications will there be?

  1. 500 to 1000;
  2. 1000 to 1500;
  3. 1500 to 2000;
  4. 200 to 2500;
  5. More than 2500.
Cast your vote on LinkedIn

Thursday, December 15, 2011

New gTLDs will help endangered languages

Hi recommend checking the UNESCO interactive atlas of the world’s languages in danger and I am happy to see that new generic Top-Level Domains will help save some of these languages.
  • .CAT already exist ;
  • .BZH will probably have the "Breton" language to survive ;
  • "Basque" is vulnerable but there is a .EUS initiative
  • .CORSICA will certainly help the "Corsican" language to develop ;
  • .CHAMPAGNE would definitely help the "Champenois" but note I am not sure it is the language it would help first ;-)
  • .BOURGOGNE will possibly help Burgundian.
  • .CYM, .GAL and .SCOT also exist in other countries.
More here.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

.TODAY domain names

It is now possible to pre-apply for .today domain names on the project's totally new web site launched recently: www.dottoday.info

.TODAY's project is an interactive online magazine system which is being introduced ona web page entitled: ".today pre-application policy in 3 easy steps".

The principle is simple: you must find 10 supporters at least on Twitter and Facebook to be able to pre-register for a .today domain name and create your magazine page. Different magazines can be created:
  • Geo-magazines;
  • Social magazines;
  • Lobby magazines;
  • eCommerce magazines;
  • Brand magazines;
  • People magazines and;
  • Mashup magazines.
For more information regarding the concept, you should click here.

Monday, December 12, 2011

pseudo Top-Level Domain

A "pTLD" stands for pseudo Top-Level Domains. According to the definition I found in Wikipedia, these include .bitnet, .csnet, .exit, .i2p, .local, .onion, .oz, .freene and .uucp and have no meaning in the global Domain Name System.

  • You can read more on Wikipedia or;
  • Follow the discussion on LinkedIn (subscription required)

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

.LES Top-Level Domain

What the proposed TLD .LES ® is all about: providing everyone LESS of everything they don't want, specifically annoying advertising and high advertising costs across the internet.

Motto is: "Browse MORE Ad LESS™ ".

The concept is to "implement online standards for all the advertising and marketing over new proposed gTLDs in 2012".

Users will be able to browse more with less adds visiting web sites over a simplified network.

.les domain names and AdvertisingStandards.org together, are designed to give all consumers around the world the highest quality online browsing experience while increasing security and download speeds for PC's and mobile devices.

You can read more about the concept on www.advertisingstandards.org

Saturday, December 3, 2011

.TODAY Top-Level Domain

The 3 goals to achieve are:
  1. Re-structure/ reorganize the web, by the introduction of the hierarchically higher .today, name;
  2. Provide a software standard leading to a content focus rather than a technology focus;
  3. Create a collaborative system following human logic, starting from within, from local to global.
Read the entire article on Visitudt.com

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

How should Google treat new gTLDs ?

This is a video dated august 2011 I found and Matt Cutts, head of Google's Webspam team, answers the question: "Google treats .co as a generic TLD?". I selected this video because it gives an idea of how future new domain names could be considered in Google's algorithm. The .co extension is the country code Top-Level Domain for Colombia.

We all want to know if a wine web site ending with a the ".wine" extension will be better indexed than the same web site ending with a ".us" (.wine ans .us are examples here, question is the same for .rugby domain names). 

The answer is clear to me:
  1. It treats .co domain names like the country code Top-Level Domains they represent: domain names for the country of Colombia, then;
  2. .co domain names can be adapted (cheat ?) to the web site's content using Google tools.
For the average user who will buy a new domain name, it seems like what the domain name extension really mean will seriously be taken into account.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

.FC Top-Level Domain for "Football Clubs"

Yes, you read well: this is a two characters' string.

The idea here is to create a domain name extension for Football Clubs only. An interesting idea but .FC would certainly not be allowed by ICANN because 3 characters are required at least.

The idea is developed here: http://fcdomainnames.com

I founf .FC on Wikipedia.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

.NURSE Top-Level Domain coming ?

Spotted by NewgTLD site, Sir Thomas Fergusson, president of the Royal Londonderry Hospital of St. Pancras, has already applied for the .NURSE Top-Level Domain. I understand they are applying for this domain name extension in the first round.

Article can be found here

(Domain Gang is a parody site :-)

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Applicant guidebook available in French soon!

According to an email I just received:
  1. An updated version of the Applicant Guidebook will be available sometime this month ;
  2. French is one of the languages it is being translated into but there is no specified date for this publication.
I don't know what the changes are going to be in the updated version, neither can I say whether it will be called the “final version” or “version 8”.

I am happy French readers can have the same level of information as the rest of the world...because everyone knows the rest of the world speaks English right ?


Sunday, November 20, 2011

A French company registers the trademark POINT-PARIS

In October 2009, a French company registered the trademark POINT-PARIS (which means "Dot-Paris"). After the City of Paris challenged the registration, the French TM Office found the application valid.

Note there always is a "yes but"...

Read the explanation of Cédric Manara on LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/2w_ifH (you will be required to subscribe).

The decision can be read here (a .pdf document will open).

Nb: a subcription to the "New generic Top-Level Domains" LinkedIn group is free.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

.ROCKS Top-Level Domain

"Every Person, Every Place, Every Possibility, ROCKS!"

Check the we b site of the project here : http://www.rocksnames.com

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The .IBAN Top-Level Domain initiative

Found by Jean-François Vanden Eynde from eBrand Services, a .IBAN potential extension is being discussed. 

More information can be found here: http://fintlds.com/2011/10/dotiban/

.PAY or .GIRO Top-Level Domain ?

Read more about concetos concept and purpose of .PAY or .GIRO new generic Top-Level Domains.

"The “.GIRO” or “.PAY” Internet Top-Level Domain (TLD) is proposed as a specialized naming infrastructure to facilitating bank wire transfers internationally. It enables bank and postal account holders to publish memorable provider-independent account identifiers and to determine routings."

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

.WINE domain names in the French press

Found in SUD-OUEST, French wines are highly cybersquatted and France needs to catch up with domain names. .WINE domain names are to become a serious opportunity to consider.

According to a study from Jean-François Poussard and its online brand monitoring tool Keep Alert, .wine domain names (ex: www.internet.wine) can be an opportunity for France to start building its wine culture on Internet.

For more information, check the dotvinum project.

Monday, November 14, 2011

.NOBLE Top-Level Domain

"The objectives of The dotNoble Foundation are to promote international contacts between people who are entitled to use a noble title or similar predicate, and between organisations of such persons".

Web site is available here: http://www.dotnoble.org

.WATCH French Trademark registered

Company of the same name is being set up:


.DOG French Trademark registered

The trademark is translated in french as "point chien":


Saturday, November 12, 2011

.CLUB Top-Level Domain

.CLUB is one of these Top-Level Domains expected to appear at some point. The word "club" is an interesting one because it is used in the most spoken languages worldwide : English, French, Spanish.

Visit the web site here and : "join the club" !

Friday, November 11, 2011

Google talks about new gTLDs...

...and it sounds very good.

Check minute 37:19 on this You Tube video dated September 2011.

Matt Cutts is the head of Google’s Webspam team and he is the person to answer the magic question everyone invloved in a new gTLD project wants to hear the answer : will a new Top-Level Domain affect Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ?

Let's "re-question" here :

  • Will I be better indexed in Google if my web site which deals about wine has a domain name ending in .wine?
  • Will this web site be better positionned if I use www.mywebsite.wine instead of www.mywebsite.com?

Well...Google starts to talk and a new video from Matt Cutts is coming on new gTLDs :-)

Monday, November 7, 2011

.LION Top-Level Domain coming soon ?

Same dotlion.com domain name was registered with an "s" and points to the same page.
I did not check all animals' names. It is lucky "rotary" is not an animal's name by the way :-)

Friday, November 4, 2011

.WIEN new gTLD web site.

The official web site for .WIEN domain names (according to my unserstanding of Austrian).

Web site is available here

Monday, October 24, 2011

3 applicants for .WEB

Found on DomainNameWire, a third applicant for the .WEB Top-Level Domain :

  1. gTLD Revolution : http://gtldrevolution.com/?page_id=23 ;
  2. "The .Web Registry" : http://www.webtld.com ;
  3. Web.com : http://http://register.web.com.
Who's next ?

.FRIENDS Top-Level Domain ?

According to ProDomaines, the domain name dotfriends.com was recently registered for the price of $1800 and now points to a Facebook profile with 600 active users per month.

Read more here

.friends seems to be an application in Facebook.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How much is it ?

How much does it cost to buy your own Top-Level Domain ? What do you get with it ? How much does it cost per domain name registered ?

I read recenlty that price is not important...well...I disagree. I also read you should compare...well...I totally agree. Many offers do exist online and prices become public.

I didn't write long and complicated documents on this question and found it easier to list offers. Would you like to consult them, please subscribe to "Top-Level Domains" on LinkedIn (it is free) and click on "Promotions".

nb : would you like to be listed, send me an email

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

RFPs for .VICTORIA .SYDNEY .MELBOURNE and .NSW Top-Level Domains

An article found on Domainincite on a request for proposal (RFP) from the Australian state governments of New South Wales and Victoria for :

  1. .VICTORIA Top-Level Domain (TLD) ;
  2. .SYDNEY TLD ;
  4. .NSW (New South Wales) TLD.
Close Date & Time : 15-Nov-2011 9:30am

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

.GUILLON Top Level Domain

I was expecting a .SMITH to appear as a new generic Top-Level Domain but CentralNic is the first new gTLD service provider to offer this very specific offer for familly names only :

You can read more here : www.dotfamilyname.com

nb : you understood .GUILLON is an example here.


The Right Registrar

Article to read.

Here : http://www.gtldstrategy.com/technical-details-vendor-advice/

Did you notice domaining.pro does not point to this blog anymore ? I never found what to do with it so it is now for sale.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

.WIEN Top-Level Domain (RFP)

The capital city of Austria, Vienna, is issuing a Request For Proposal (RFP) regarding its Top-Level Domain.

The TLD is .WIEN

Th dead-line to send your proposal is november the third 2011.

http://www.wien.gv.at/dotwien/index.html (I suggest you read Deutsch)

Ville de Vienne en Autriche

La capitale de l'Autriche s'intéresse à son extension Internet personnalisée, le .WIEN


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Summary of changes to the Applicant Guidebook

The summary of changes to the Applicant Guidebook is now available in five more languages :
  1. Arabic ;
  2. Chinese ;
  3. French ;
  4. Russian ;
  5. Spanish.
The "Uniform Rapid Suspension" is also available. Check this page frequently for multiple translations.

Le manuel du .TOULOUSE disponible en Français

Alors que le manuel du candidat pour déposer une candidature d'extension Internet à l'ICANN n'était disponible qu'en Anglais, son résumé vient d'être mis à disposition en Français.

A consulter en bas de page, ici.

Version Française du manuel du candidat

Les parties du "manuel du candidat" sont à présent disponibles dans leur version Française. Je recommande vivement la lecture du "Résumé des modifications au guide du candidat"

Le document est disponible ici

Le module 5, destiné à la résolution des litiges, est aussi disponible dans cette page

Monday, October 10, 2011

.CORSICA Call For Tender

To identify, you can go there :


  • The CFT was published in september the 27th ;
  • Proposals are received until october the 17th.
Good luck.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Trademark Clearinghouse (or TMCH)

This is the Request For Information (RFI) issued by ICANN to identify potential service providers for the Trademark Clearinghouse. The definition of the TMCH is pretty clear by the way.

I suggest NOT to click on the link to definition of the Trademark Clearinghouse down this page (dated May 2011) but to refer to last version of the Applicant Guidebook (dated September 2001).


Thursday, September 29, 2011

New version of dotVinum's web site

Today was launched a new up-to-date version of the dotVinum project's web site. It now comes with :

  • An new ugly splash page for future announcements ;
  • A new (but less ugly) version of the English web site ;
  • A new (but less ugly) version of the French web site on a new sub-domain : francais.dotvinum.org.
I am aware I am bad with graphics but be sure version to come for the .WINE registry will be much nicer and certainly look more professional.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

.CONTRACT Top-Level Domain

The idea is not bad at all.

Read more here : http://www.afilias.info/node/1401

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Summary of changes to Applicant Guidebook (redline)

Showing changes from 30 May 2011 version to latest version 2011/09/19. The document is issued by ICANN and available down this page.

Direct link is here

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Le manuel du candidat pour le .TOULOUSE

Tôt ce matin, l'ICANN a publié le manuel du candidat dans sa dernière version. L'ICANN en a aussi profité pour réaliser un site Internet complet destiné à renseigner les candidats qui souhaiteraient poser candidature pour prétendre à leurs propre extension de noms de domaine.

N'oublions pas que si l'extension visée ici est celle du .TOULOUSE avec des noms de domaine du type www.ovalie.toulouse ou encore www.mairie.toulouse, les marques peuvent aussi candidater et se lancer dans un www.exemple.MARQUE.

Ce nouveau site Internet s'adresse donc à tous.

Le manuel ICANN du candidat final pour le .WINE

C'est une grande nouvelle, le manuel du candidat pour déposer une candidature à l'ICANN a été publié tôt ce matin.

L'ICANN en a profité d'ailleurs pour réaliser un site Internet complet qui s'adresse aux candidats qui vont déposer un dossier de candidature pour créer leur propre extension Internet. Notez que ce site s'adresse aussi aux marques du Vin qui souhaiteraient prétendre à leurs propres noms de domaine : www.exemple.MARQUE

Le .WINE fait partie des ces candidatures, c'est à présent officiel. J'ose espérer que le .VIN en fera aussi partie prochainement.

Le site Internet est disponible ici : http://newgtlds.icann.org/

La dernière version du manuel du candidat est consultable à cette page (en anglais). Je recommande de garder un oeil sur cette page car cette méthodologie sera prochainement disponible en français.

Les grands vins cybersquattés

L'équipe qui a développé l'outil de surveillance "Keep Alert" a profité de la période des foires aux vins pour étudier les noms de domaine des vignobles français. Leur identité sur Internet est malmenée avec de nombreux cas de cybersquatting partout dans le monde.

Pour rappel, le cybersquatting est une façon d'exploiter un nom de domaine proche du nom d'une marque ou d'une Entreprise (par exemple). Souvent, il s'agit d'acheter un nom de domaine et d'y ajouter un tiret, un "s", le chiffre "1" pour remplacer la lettre "L" et de faire pointer ce nom de domaine vers un contenu qui n'est pas lié à la marque d'origine.

Je recommande vivement la lecture de cette enquête de Jean-François Poussard.

Nb: excuse-moi Jean-François, j'ai quasiment recopié ton premier paragraphe :-)

New gTLD ICANN web site

All languages should be made available in most known language here :



Official web site of the new generic Top-Level Domains

  • Unfamiliar with what ICANN is and what are domain names ?
  • Should your organization apply to operate its own domain name extension ?
  • Are you looking for assistance, even financial ?
  • At what stage is your gTLD application during the process ?
  • Just wanting to inform yourself ?
The place to go is here and the document you should read is this one (New gTLD Applicant Guidebook 2011 Sept 19).

Final (but "final final") Applicant Guidebook is out today

Apparently, this is the one !

ICANN created an entire new web site for new gTLD applicants and it is available here

Just a little bit of history :
  1. Final applicant guidebook, version 8 ;
  2. May 2011 : New gTLD Applicant Guidebook, version 7 ;
  3. April 2011 : Applicant Guidebook - Discussion Draft, version 6 ;
  4. November 2010 : Proposed Final Applicant Guidebook, version 5 ;
  5. May 2010 : Draft Applicant Guidebook, version 4 ;
  6. October 2009 : Draft Applicant Guidebook, version 3 ;
    (May 2009 : Excerpts Organized Per Module), version 2.5 ;-)
  7. February 2009 : Draft Applicant Guidebook, version 2 ;
  8. Octiber 2008 : Draft Applicant Guidebook, version 1.
You can also read the latest fact sheet about new generic Top-Level Domains

Saturday, September 17, 2011

.KIWI Top-Level Domain

Kiwi is not only a fruit, according to Wikipedia it also is a bird from New-Zealand.

Save the kiwis ?

Web site is here

Thursday, September 15, 2011

A second applicant for .MED

A second applicant reveals its candidacy for the delegation of the .med Top-Level Domain :

.MED by Promopixel : http://aboutdotmed.com/ ("your safe namespace for medicine").

  • Another applicant previously announced its project : http://www.tldinvest.net/?s=projects#dotmed ("TOP LEVEL DOMAIN FOR MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS") ;
  • An old .MED project was announced a long time ago for "mediterranean" string.

Latest new gTLDs fact sheet

  1. New gTLD Program in Brief ;
  2. FAQs ;
  3. History ;
  4. Next steps.
Link is here.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

New gTLD applications in danger ?

The .INT domain names are operated by IANA and available for registration exclusively by intergovernmental organisations. The .int domain names are used for registering organisations established by international treaties between or among national governments.

According to the latest DAG, the lists of these organisations should be checked by new gTLD applicants to ensure their project is not at risk.

Read more on CircleId

Thursday, August 25, 2011

.MED Top Level Domain

A Top-Level Domain for medical professionals :


.LAW Top-Level Domain

A Top-Level Domain for legal professionals :


Sunday, August 14, 2011

400 members share about Top-Level Domains on LinkedIn

I realise I never do any promotion for the "Top-Level Domains" group on LinkedIn. We recently reached 400 members and it is increasing.

You are invited to join : http://www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=1840166

Jean Guillon

Join the "Top-Level Domains" group on LinkedIn

Join the 400+ members of the Top-Level Domains' group on LinkedIn to share on different existing projects :


400 membres pour échanger sur le .WINE

Pour rester informé sur les nouvelles extensions qui verront le jour en 2012, rejoignez les 400 membres du réseau LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=1840166

Des exemples de nouvelles extensions de noms de domaine :

  • www.exemple.WINE ;

  • www.exemple.MADRID ;

  • www.exemple.PARIS ;

  • www.exemple.BORDEAUX ;

  • ...

Le .TOULOUSE sur LinkedIn

Pour rester informé sur les nouvelles extensions qui verront le jour en 2012, rejoignez les 400 membres du réseau LinkedIn : http://www.linkedin.com/groups?about=&gid=1840166

Des exemples de nouvelles extensions de noms de domaine :

  • www.exemple.TOULOUSE ;

  • www.exemple.MADRID ;

  • www.exemple.PARIS ;

  • www.exemple.ROMA

  • ...

Friday, August 12, 2011

Toulouse ou TOLOSA ?

Encore ce matin je tombe sur un panneau "TOLOSA" à l'entrée de Toulouse. "Tolosa" au lieu de "Toulouse".

Je ne suis pas du tout persuadé que c'est l'identité qui correspond aux Toulousains, et encore moins que ce sont des noms de domaines qui seraient représentatifs de l'identité de Toulouse.

Cependant, le panneaux indiquent bien "Tolosa" et non Toulouse (mon petit doigt me dit pourtant que tout ça va bientôt être mis-à-jour).

Alors : www.vous.TOULOUSE ou www.vous.TOLOSA ?

Dépôt des candidatures à l'ICANN : la méthodologie arrive

Patience...c'est pour très bientôt.

Le guide du manuel de candidature sera prochainement publié dans sa version définitive sur le site de l'ICANN.

Encore un peu de patience donc :-)

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Ville de Hof en Bavière

Une nouvelle initiative en Bavière (l'information est disponible en Allemand) :


et : https://domain.hfo-telecom.de/

.HOF Top-Level Domain

HOF is a city in Bavaria.

More info is available here :


and there :


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

.GAME TLD project in danger ?

The brand "GAME DOT GAME DOT. GAME. JEU POINT JEU POINT.JEU" was recently registered at the INPI (France).

I think a link should be provided here, not to the INPI but to the ICANN Applicant Guidebook, no ?


.WINE & .VIN registered trademarks (also "dotvinum").

More keywords related to specific TLD projects were registered recently :


Surprisingly, "dotvinum" also appears in this list. "dotVinum" is the name of the project I set up in 2009 for the .VIN and .WINE Top-Level Domain applications. You can check the web site here.

Since I am not the one who is applying for this (these) trademarks, I wonder what strategy is behind this.

La marque "dotvinum" déposée à l'INPI

Intéressant : la marque "dotvinum" semble avoir été déposée. Un statut indique "demande déposée".

De même pour .vin et .wine ainsi qu'un certain nombre de mots clés liés au projet dotVinum.

A suivre...

nb : le dépositaire n'est lié en aucun cas au projet dotVinum.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

400 members

The "Top-Level Domains" group on LinkedIn reaches 400 members.

The Top Level Domains group is a networking group for the development of new gTLD projects.

Please join here.

Friday, July 29, 2011

.IPV4 & .IPV6 TLD projects

More French Trademarks for IPV4 & IPV6.

Note numbers are not allowed according to last Draft Applicant Guidebook.


.AMOUR Top-Level Domain coming ?

"Amour" means love in French.


The INPI is the "Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle" where Trademarks are registered in France.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

.VIP Top-Level Domain

Domain names ending in .vip will be available to a selected circle of persons only.

It is possible to send information about a desired domain name to receive an offer.

Web site : http://vipspaceenterprises.com/

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


"phishing, cybersquatting, typosquatting" the new threat to worry about is now named "bit-squatting".

Read the article from Domainincite

Thursday, July 21, 2011

.AAA Top-Level Domain

I was recently contacted by the owner of this project and was asked if I was "in" but I received no more information.

Checking the web site, I found information whith a link pointing to ICANN (dated...2000) so I can't really tell if there is a project here or not.

Web site is here : http://www.mamadomia.eu/

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

.AIGO Top Level Domain

The .AIGO brand wants to apply for its Top-Level Domain.

Article is in Chinese : http://www.cnetnews.com.cn/2011/0622/2043092.shtml

According to my understanding of Google Translate, AUDI would also have done an announcement of its interest to acquire its gTLD.

Monday, July 18, 2011

.TAXI Top Level Domain

According to the "Association for application and management of the gTLD dot-taxi", a .TAXI Top Level Domain could be prepared. A working group does exist and it is possible to participate in this project sending an email to : general-announces-subscribe@lists.dottaxi.de

Website of the association is here : http://www.taxi.de/dottaxi.html

Thursday, July 14, 2011

.APP Top Level Domain

"Securing the .app gTLD for the app development community"

Read the article on DomainIncite ;
Project is available here : https://dotappapp.com.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

New gTLD initiatives spotted

I found this interesting map with new projects spotted :
  • .LDN for the city of London (UK) ;
  • .VANCOUVER for the city of Vancouver (CANADA) ;
  • .MICROSOFT for the Microsoft Brand ;
  • .CHICAGO for the city of Chicago (USA) ;
Note I did not find any concrete link with more information regarding each project but...they appear on this map.

The .LDN is an interesting project to me since there already is a .LONDON for the city of London.

Friday, June 24, 2011

.GENT Top-Level Domain

The city of Gent announces its interest for the .GENT Top-Level Domain.


The official web site : http://www.dotgent.com

Ville de Gand (Belgique)

La ville de Gand, première ville du Bénélux à demander son extension Internet personnalisée : le .GENT


Le site officiel : http://www.dotgent.com

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ville de Tokyo

Je n'en dis pas plus :



Tuesday, June 21, 2011

.TOKYO Top-Level Domain ?

A "communiqué de presse" for the .TOKYO Top-Level Domain.


.JEWELERS Top-Level Domain

A specialized Top-Level Domain for for the jewelry industry.

To claim your .jewelers, click here 

Monday, June 20, 2011

Les .WINE c'est parti !

C'est à présent officiel, le conseil de l'ICANN a validé tôt ce matin le lancement du programme des nouvelles extensions Internet et propose une date de dépôt des dossiers de candidatures au 12 janvier 2012.

Cette date était attendue depuis...2008.

Jusqu'au 12 avril 2012 les candidats souhaitant prétendre à une extension Internet telle que le .WINE , le .VIN ou toute autre extension, pourront déposer un dossier de candidature à l'ICANN selon la procédure en vigeur.

La validation de ces candidatures prendra prendre de 9 à 20 mois. Ainsi les premiers noms de domaine du type www.vous.wine pourraient voir le jour dés 2012.


The ICANN board to vote the launching of new generic Top-Level Domains :

"Applications for new gTLDs will be accepted from 12 January 2012 to 12 April 2012".

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Lancement du programme des nouvelles extensions.

Du 19 au 24 juin 2012 se tient la réunion de l'ICANN à Singapour ou devrait être annoncé de façon officielle la date de lancement du programme des nouvelles extensions.

A la suite de cette annonce sera lancée une campagne de communication internationale de 4 mois au terme de laquelle les dossiers de candidatures tels que le .WINE et le .VIN seront déposés à l'ICANN pour entrer dans un processus de validation. Celui-ci prendra plusieurs mois.

Au terme de cette validation, il deviendra possible d'enregistrer des noms de domaine du typez www.you.wine.

Monday, June 13, 2011

A second applicant for .HEALTH ?

First applicant : http://www.dothealth.eu

Second applicant : http://dothealthgtld.com

Friday, June 10, 2011

A second applicant for .MUSIC ?

Fisrt applicant : www.music.us

Second applicant : www.farfurther.com

Thursday, June 9, 2011

.REISE Top-Level Domain

"reise" means "travel" in Deutsch.


Oups, sorry I forgot : DAGv7

This version 7 of the Draft Applicant Guidebook (DAG) is not open to public comments and could be finalized in June 20 or 21.


Monday, June 6, 2011

.BOURGOGNE Call for tender (closed)

The closed call for tender for a .BOURGOGNE Top-Level Domain.

To read the call for tender, click here

To take the survey, click here

Monday, May 23, 2011

Pré-enregistrement de votre nom de domaine .WINE

Suite à la découverte de cette page web ou il est possible de pré-réserver un nom de domaine .wine (marque.wine ou business.wine par exemple), je tiens à apporter quelques précisions.

De plus en plus d'initiatives similaires voient le jour et proposent de réserver un nom de domaine .VIN ou .WINE à l'avance, c'est à dire avant la date officielle proposée par le registre*. Il est important de préciser qu'à ce jour, les registres ne sont ni officiels, ni opérationnels, et ne le seront peut-être jamais. Ils le seront probablement entre 2012 et 2013.

Dans le cas présenté ici, il n'est pas proposé de payer votre pré-réservation. Cela comporte des avantages et des inconvénients. L'avantage c'est que vous pourrez peut être enregistrer votre nom de domaine dés l'ouverture des enregistrements. Il faudra payer ce prestataire de services pour cela lorsqu'il vous le demandera. L'inconvénient c'est que c'est sans garantie aucune. Un autre inconvénient est que le nom de domaine que vous allez pré-enregistrer va être affiché publiquement : c'est un peu comme dire au reste du monde que ce nom de domaine compte beaucoup pour vous.

Si vous vouliez acheter une toile de maître, vous vous promèneriez dans la rue en avec un haut parleur pour le clamer haut et fort ? Probablement pas car cela pourrait intéresser quelqu'un d'autre.

Je tiens au passage à préciser que le premier paragraphe est incorrect : "The objective of the .wine drive for an Internet top-level domain is to promote the American wine industry worldwide via a domain name extension that connects website content with tradition of wine". Le projet dotVinum est destiné à faire la promotion du vin de façon globale.

* Pour rappel, le registre est l'unique organisme de gouvernance autorisée par l'ICANN à créer les noms de domaine dans une extension Internet. Par exemple pour le .COM, c'est Verisign.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Ville de Mumbai (Inde)

"The city of Mumbai fully and exclusively supports the application of India TL Pvt Ltd for .Mumbai. We believe that this application best represents the interests and the community of the City of Mumbai and we request that ICANN approve this application."

La suite : http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/05/20/idUS101648+20-May-2011+RNS20110520

.MUMBAI Top-Level Domain

"The city of Mumbai fully and exclusively supports the application of India TL Pvt Ltd for .Mumbai. We believe that this application best represents the interests and the community of the City of Mumbai and we request that ICANN approve this application."

More here

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Google testing domain names In AdWords Headlines

"Google seems to be testing a new variation on AdWords display, showing the landing page domain name at the end of the headline, after a short vertical line. The apparent experiment appeared in the top three ads in the center of the page on Google.com, but isn’t showing up for most users."

Read more here

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Geniune idea : buy a .LV, get a .MOBI too

Launching a .MOBI extension with the .LV country code top-level domain :

"...every .lv registrant can activate an lv.mobi domain at no extra cost".

.RESTAURANT Top-Level Domain

Web site does not say much but they are the first to announce.

Good news Restaurants : http://www.dotrestaurant.org

Note "restaurant" is the same word in french and in english.

.DENTAL Top-Level Domain

"DotDental, the new home for the dental community on the web".

Domain names can already be requested on this page :

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Article: Game changer

Challenges to brand owners with the introduction of new generic Top-Level Domains are explained in this article from the Intellectual Property Magazine by Bart Lieben and Flip Petillion.

I agree with the idea that brand owners are likely to become more selective in which TLDs they will register domain names. As a strong believer in the new gTLDs, I think they bring the opportunity to be recognized in a group and add a strong added value to the identity of the registrant (the user).

Read the article here

Monday, May 9, 2011

The domain name lifecycle

gtld-lifecycle.jpg (960×392)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Créer le .VIN : en quoi cela consiste t-il ?

Tout comme de plus en plus de villes y songent, créer l'extension Internet .VIN , .WINE ou .VINO consiste à répondre aux 50 questions d'un questionnaire à la fois technique, juridique, financier et organisationnel qu'il est encore possible de commenter (en français) avant sa parution finale.

Le premier .CITY d’Australie : .SYDNEY ou .MELBOURNE ?

À l’instar de nombreuses villes dans le monde, Sydney et Melbourne envisagent de créer leur propre extension Internet. Mais les cités australiennes aspirent toutes deux à devenir la première ville d’Australie sur la toile et se livrent là une véritable bataille.

Read more (in french) DomainesInfo.

Qui sera le premier .SYDNEY ou .MELBOURNE ?

À l’instar de nombreuses villes dans le monde, Sydney et Melbourne envisagent de créer leur propre extension Internet. Mais les cités australiennes aspirent toutes deux à devenir la première ville d’Australie sur la toile et se livrent là une véritable bataille.

Lire la suite sur DomainesInfo

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SITER : an interesting concept

I already use a .TEL domain name but checking ICANN’ silver sponsors, I found this new logo I had never heard of before and the tool it is promoting : SITER.

I registered my domain name (it is free).

The idea is to «make phone calls using a website address instead of a phone number”. I must admit the idea is good because, if I am not sure my friends remember Guillon.com, I am certain about one thing : is always very painful to have a service provider on the phone when he doesn’t publish a telephone number on his web site (or on the yellow pages).

Let’s take an example

I want to call SFR (my French mobile service provider), what do I do ?
  • I remember their phone number. Do you know your mobile service provider’s phone number ? I don’t. 
  • I go to the yellow pages and hit SFR for Paris ? Well just try it… 
  • I go on their web site so I enter “sfr.fr”, then I click on “contact”, then I find a phone number. 
I must admit dialing sfr.fr on my mobile could be much faster.

Would SITER be the solution ?

Let’s download their application and wait for a few years : www.siter.com

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Changes I noticed from DAGv5 to DAGv6 Application submission period
The application submission period is expected to last for 60 days. Administrative Completeness Check
ICANN will post the public portions of all applications considered complete and ready for evaluation within two weeks of the close of the application submission period. Comment Period
Comments received within a 60 day period from the posting of the application materials will be available to the evaluation panels performing the Initial Evaluation reviews.

Comments received after the 60 day period will be stored and available for other considerations, such as the dispute resolution process. GAG early warning
Concurrent with the 60 day comment period, ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) may issue a GAC Early Warning notice concerning an application. Objection filling
The objection filing period will open after ICANN posts the list of complete applications as described in subsection, and will last for approximately 7 months (INSTEAD OF 5 ½).

1.1.3 Lyfecycle timelines
Based on the estimates for each stage described in this section, the lifecycle for a straightforward application could be approximately 9 months (INSTEAD OF 8).

The lifecycle for a highly complex application could be much longer, such as 20 months (INSTEAD OF 19).

1.2.2 Required documents (Community endorsements)
Written endorsements from individuals need not be submitted with the application, but may be submitted in the application comment forum.

1.5.1 gTLD Evaluation fee
Refund available to applicant: 80% within 21 days of a GAC Early Warning: USD 148,000 can be recovered

Attachment to module 2 III 18 c IV
Will you impose any constraints on parked sites, or sites that offer only advertising?

Demonstration of Financial Capability (Question 45)
The financial statements should be for the legal entity listed as the applicant, not a partner or parent company. Notes to the financial statements and annual reports or equivalent will not be reviewed.


6 Trademark Claims
6.1.1 New gTLD Registry Operators must provide Trademark Claims services during an initial launch period for marks in the Trademark Clearinghouse. This launch period must occur for at least the first 60 days that registration is open for general registration.

8 Cost of Clearinghouse
Trademark holders will pay to register the Clearinghouse, and registries will pay for Trademark Claims and Sunrise services. Registrars and others who avail themselves of Clearinghouse services will pay the Clearinghouse directly.

URS - 9 Determination
9.6 To conduct URS proceedings on an expedited basis, examination should begin immediately upon the earlier of the expiration of a fourteen (14) day (INSTEAD OF 20) Response period, (or extended period if granted), or upon the submission of the Response. A Determination shall be rendered on an expedited basis, with the stated goal that it be rendered within three (3) business days from when Examination began.
Absent extraordinary circumstances, however, Determinations must be issued no later
than five (5) days after the Response is filed (INSTEAD of 14).

Monday, April 18, 2011

.XXX works now.

.XXX is in the root and works properly, see :

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Draft Applicant Guidebook version 6

This guidebook is open for comments during 30 days.

To participate, use the  "comment" links

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Le .VIN dans la presse

C'est toujours un plaisir d'être cité dans la presse.

Un grand merci à L'Entreprise.com

.CALIFORNIA Top-Level Domain

A domain name extension for the US State of California.

Reasons explained to go for such a Top-Level Domain are to me good enough to register a .california domain name.

Even if it is difficult to say that Google will better index such domains - because content of the web site would be related to the "california" keyword" also present in the domain name - the benefit of showing "california" in the URL in your Google search results is of great value for the consumer.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

.CYMRU (instead of .CYM)

As announced in november 2010, I realized .CYM was listed in ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 list. This code was reserved for the Cayman Islands and could not, according to the draft applicant guidebook, be used as a string for the the Welsh cultural and linguistic community.

According to dotcym.org : "The top-level domain for the Welsh community will be .cymru". Reasons for this decision are explained here.

Note : Registries.tel has been updated

GAC comments on the ICANN Board’s response to the GAC Scorecard

Document is available in PDF format here - dated 12 April 2011.
22 more pages to read :-)

ICANN Board notes on the GAC new gTLDs scorecard (to be read first) - dated 4 March 2011.

These comments follow the final applicant guidebook timeline provided as a draft for final decision to launch new gTLDs in Singapore.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

There will be no www.france.BRAND

If you are thinking of a www.germany.brand or a www.españa.brand ? Well…think twice.

Large corporations see in new generic Top-Level Domains a good way to kill cybersquatting of their domain names in the next 5 to 10 years. Once used to it, users and future generations may remember that a domain name for a company like HITACHI ends in .HITACHI instead of .COM (or .JP).

Acquiring its domain for a brand is interesting because it guarantees you won’t have to fight and waste time to acquire a domain name : you own all of them from the beginning and you need no one’s permission to register a whatever.brand.
Also, there won’t be a need anymore to register your brand’s country code Top-Level Domain (ccTLD) in the country where you are located (ex : whatever.fr for France, whatever.us for the Unites States of America, etc…)
Yes : all domain will be yours when you acquire your own Top-Level Domain.

At least, it is what brands think but it is not true : registering a italiy.brand will just not be allowed.

According to specification 5 of the new gTLD agreement, “the country and territory names contained in the following internationally recognized lists shall be initially reserved at the second level and at all other levels”. It simply means that country and territory names will not be available for registration in all new domain name’s extensions.

Recognized lists are :

  • The English short form of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list ;
  • The table of country names from the technical reference manual for the standardization of geographical names maintained by the United Nations group of experts on geographical names (page 185) ;
  • The list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the working group on country names of the United Nations’ conference on the standardization of geographical names.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

.IDEA Top-Level Domain ? Bad idea.

Since the Icann draft applicant guidebook became a sort of bible, I tend to read it and read it again.

Yesterday, taking a look at the “Legal Rights Objection” ( I read : “An intergovernmental organization (IGO) is eligible to file a legal rights objection if it meets the criteria for registration of a .INT domain name”.

Taking a look at registered .INT domain names, I found basel.int. The know .BASEL TLD project listed on Registries.tel could have the “Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal” to object its application on the legal right objection ground.

It is possible some brands will apply for a 3 or 4 characters’ string. Prior to doing this I would check carefully .INT domain names before doing so. Some ways to do this :

Check WIKIPEDIA’s list of organizations with .INT domain names;
Use Google’s advanced search within “a domain” with nothing in the search’s field;
Enter your string and add .int in any browser.

Nb : “IDEA” stands for the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (web site).

Monday, March 28, 2011

2 projets .VIN en concurrence ?

Voici ce que propose le manuel du candidat final dans le cas ou plusieurs projets de création d'une même extension Internet seraient déposés : ce cas de figure s'appelle le "conflit de chaînes".

"Les candidats sont encouragés à résoudre entre eux les cas de conflits de chaînes avant l’étape de résolution de tels conflits. En l’absence de résolution par les candidats en conflit, les cas de conflits de chaînes sont résolus soit par l’évaluation de la priorité à la communauté si un candidat communautaire en fait la demande, soit par une vente aux enchères."

Traduction :

Les candidats sont censés gérer ce problème AVANT de déposer leur dossier de candidature à l'ICANN, après il est trop tard et des frais seront imposés pour traiter le litige. Pire...des enchères !

Exemple :
  1. Vous n'êtes pas représentatif de la communauté du vin mais souhaitez déposer votre dossier de candidature afin de vendre beaucoup de noms de domaine sans pour autant vous soucier de qui va en faire quoi. Dans ce contexte, vous déposerez un dossier de candidature "standard' ;
  2. Vous êtes représentatif de la communauté du vin, un regroupement d'institutions du vin par exemple, et vous voulez protéger les gens du vin, leurs marques et leur univers, vous déposerez un dossier de candidature "communautaire".
Tous les cas de figures peuvent se présenter :
  • 3 dossiers de candidatures standards + 1 dossier de candidature communautaire ;
  • 3 dossiers de candidatures communautaires + 1 dossier de candidature standard ;
  • 7 dossiers de candidatures standards ;
  • 1 dossier de candidature communautaire ;
  • 1 dossier de candidature standard + 1 dossier de candidature communautaire ;
  • ...
Conclusion :

Quelque soit le cas de figure, représenter une communauté du vin, aussi importante soit-elle, est presque une garantie de succès face à une candidature standard.

Friday, March 25, 2011

This domain is not for sale

An excellent article from The Domains.

I just wish I never have to go through this.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Registries.tel is up to date.

I recently found out the number of entries were limited on .TEL domain names so it was not possible to list more than 100 projects on the front page.

I did modifications on the web site and projects are now listed alphabetically and will remain announced on Guillon.info.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

.HITACHI Top-Level Domain

HITACHI is the second brand to announce it will apply fot its own Top-Level Domain.

Hitachi, Ltd did not yet officially confirm/announce on its web site(s) on date of March 22 2011.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Final Applicant Guidebook : 30 May 2011

"The Board intends to complete the process for final approval of the New gTLD implementation program at an extraordinary meeting of the ICANN Board to be held on Monday, 20 June 2011, at the ICANN public meeting in Singapore."

Final applicant guidebook timelines : click here (.pdf) 

Thursday, March 17, 2011

TLDs for Russian Cities and Regions

The RUCLID project is being put into practice with the initiative of Top-Level Domains implementation for main Russian cities and regions.

.BABY Top-Level Domain ?

A final refusal for the word mark ".baby".

Good and services description :

"parking domain names for others, namely, providing administration, registration, assignment and management of computer network information, network addresses, demographic information of network addresses and domain names for facilitation of the storage of domain name addresses".

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

.OSLO Top-Level Domain coming ?

Norway is opening the discussion regarding the creation of a Top-Level Domain.
  • .oslo ?
  • .trondheim ?
  • .finnmark ?
  • .svalbard ? Or ;
  • .kontinentalsokkelen ?
Comments are welcome here

Monday, March 14, 2011

Retour d'expérience au 14 mars 2011

English version published on CircleId

Alors que se tient actuellement le quarantième congrès de l'ICANN à San Francisco ou sera peut-être communiquée une date de lancement du programme des nouvelles extensions Internet, voici un retour d'expérience sur le lancement du projet dotVinum dont l'objectif est de proposer une extension Internet .WINE pour les gens du vin sur Internet.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

.AFRIQUE TLD project (in French)

The AfTLD (Africa Top Level Domains), third applicant for a .AFRICA Top-Level Domain announced it will also apply for the french version of the TLD : .AFRIQUE

Pre-registrations for new domain names (to come) are open

New Top Level-Domains : free new domain names pre-registration is open at United Domains. Note these domain names will be made available if and when their registries are launched.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Free new TLD pre-registrations are open...

You could pre-order your new domain names at Pool.
Now you can pre-register at UnitedDomains.

Oh...just one thing, would I tell a web site which domain name I plan to register : what do you think he would do with my request ?

Note it is not yet possible to block the registration of a domain name since their registries do not exist yet.

I am open to list other sources.

Monday, March 7, 2011


Official project is now listed here : http://www.domainsecurity.co/

9/8/10 : Asif LLC also filed an application for .SECURE

.BANK : http://tarr.uspto.gov/tarr?regser=serial&entry=85,120,345&action=Request+Status
.SECURE : http://tarr.uspto.gov/servlet/tarr?regser=serial&entry=85103038

More here

Thursday, February 24, 2011

.CORSICA TLD project

The call for tender for Corsica dated february 2010.


Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This one I don't believe...

$500 000 for GamesForGirls.com ?


Comment et quand lancer le .WINE ?

Conformément à la récente information publiée par l'organisme de gouvernance des noms de domaine - l' ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) - la prochaine (et probable) dernière version du manuel du candidat sera mise à disposition du public le 14 avril 2011.

Il s'agit de la méthodologie qui permet de déposer un dossier de candidature pour prétendre à gérer une extension Internet telle que le .WINE.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Next Applicant Guidebook : 14 april 2011

  • Board-GAC Consultations: 28 Feb – 1 Mar 2011
  • ICANN meeting: 14 – 18 Mar 2011
  • Release of Applicant Guidebook: 14 Apr 2011
Note : the word "next" is used, note "final". I admit I would have liked to read "...the final version of the guidebook..."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ville de Miami

Une initiative du même porteur de projet que la ville de Naples, toujours en Floride.


No date to be announced in SAN FRANCISCO

"In addition to the Brussels consultation, the bylaws defined consultation will take place on 17 March, the day before the Silicon Valley–San Francisco Board Meeting. Because of the timing of the bylaws consultation, the Board will not approve or announce the new gTLD program at that Board Meeting."

To read about these delays and learn about the Governmental Advisory Committee's concerns (GAC), click here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dated 2 October 2000 !

No : new gTLDs are not a new concept !

"As of 5:00 pm California time on Monday, 2 October 2000, application materials seeking to operate or sponsor the new TLDs listed below were submitted to ICANN..."

List is available here

"What else ?"

I keep an eye on domain names with the sign "guillon" : but about this one, I don't understand : LLON77JMULTISERVICES85.COM

Another .FOOD TLD project ?

A web site with few information. Let's hope the people behing this domain name will provide more info soon.

It is the second time this initiative sees the day. First one was from Wolfgang Puck.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New pTLDs registered

The following TLDs were added to the Inclusive Name Space (INS) :
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .CHEMIE registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .CHEMICAL registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .CHEMICALS registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .BIOTECH registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .FITNESS registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .DALY registered though TLD.NAME
It may take up to 48 hours to propagate the DNS information to all the public DNS Servers in the world to resolve the TLDs mentioned above. To review the details of new TLDs or other TLDs use : http://inaic.com/index.php?p=global-tld-whois

Thursday, February 3, 2011

An open letter to allow .42 domain names

An interesting open letter to FREE / ILIAD's top management, a famous French Internet Service Provider asks (in french) :

"Je souhaiterai que Free ajoute officiellement la gestion du TLD .42 à ses serveurs DNS, afin d’initier le mouvement. Bouygues l’a partiellement fait avec sa Bbox, mais il ne s’agit visiblement pas d’une position officielle."

Basically, Wilkins, the author of this post, want the ISP to officially add the use of the .42 domain names to its DNS. Nothing wrong asking.

But, apparently, BOUYGUES, another large Telecom operator would already have authorized it !

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Noms de pays et territoires protégés.

Suite à ma dernière publication, voici un complément d'information : le dernier manuel du candidat indique aussi que sont protégés les noms de pays et territoires dans les 6 langues officielles des états membres :

"the list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names."

Les 6 langues concernées sont l'anglais, le français, l'espagnol, le russe, le chinois et l'arabe.

Ainsi, si www.españa.wine sera bien protégé et donc interdit à l'enregistrement, www.Deutschland.wine ne le sera pas.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Des noms de pays et territoires protégés...en anglais uniquement.

Protéger les noms de pays fait partie des règles proposées par le manuel du candidat final dans sa version définitive.

Mais de quoi parle t'on ? Quel est le rapport avec le vin ?

Ce manuel n'est autre que la méthodologie proposée par l'ICANN, organisme de droit Américain, pour prétendre à une extension de nom de domaine. Dans le cadre de l'extension Internet .VIN, il faut s'adresser à l'ICANN pour en demander la création. A terme, cela permettra de créer des noms de domaine tels que www.blog.vin.

Ainsi, dans la version 5 de ce manuel (page 236), on peut lire en 5.1 :

"Country and Territory Names. The country and territory names contained in the following internationally recognized lists shall be initially reserved at the second level and at all other levels within the TLD at which the Registry Operator provides for registrations :
5.1. the short form (inEnglish) of all country and territory names contained on the ISO 3166-1 list, as updated from time to time".

Que faut-il comprendre ?

Il faut comprendre que les noms de pays et de territoires listés sur la liste ISO 3166-1 (ISO est l'Organisation internationale de la normalisation) seront protégés en anglais et donc interdits à l'enregistrement.

Si www.spain.wine ne sera pas autorisé à l'enregistrement car protégé en anglais, www.españa.wine en revanche pourra être enregistré.

Que peut-on en déduire ?

Sur cette base et si l'extension Internet .VINO (traduction du mot "vin" en espagnol) voit le jour, on peut en déduire que www.españa.vino ne sera pas protégé et donc autorisé à l'enregistrement alors qu'il s'agit de l'écriture du nom d'un pays dans sa propre langue !

Pourtant www.spain.vino sera interdit à l'enregistrement...

...logique ?

Questionnement :



Le programme des nouvelles extensions sera lancé dans les mois qui viennent.

Nb : notez que "www" a été conservé lorsqu'un nom de domaine est écrit, ceci pour une meilleure compréhension.

.POKER Top-Level Domain

Target seems clear for the .POKER TLD : Domainers.

A better ranking in search engine is an uncertain argument but I strongly agree "it is a safe bet".

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Buying a domain name with "InTrust Domains"

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

.MIAMI TLD in second round

I think it is bright saying, "I will be applying on second round". As Alexander Schubert writes it in his new project : "dotMiami LLC creates the application for the “.miami” TLD, secures the necessary funds, develops the business plan and collects the endorsement of Miami’s community".

Finding financial partners and collecting endorsements are the difficult parts of a project dedicated to selling domain names. And you need endorsements for a community project : the more you have, better your chances are to operate your TLD if you are in competition with a similar application.

It takes long to inform about new Top-Level Domains. Even today, it is difficult to explain interested parties the impact a new domain name extension can have on their community : it just not understood yet and the price barrier makes want to run away. So there still need more time for new gTLDs to demonstrate they will be a very powerful tool for communities. I hope ICANN's 4 months campaign pushes the message.

Note this has nothing to do with what I write but why do I expect a few standard applications to try to grab community extensions ?

Now...when I read I'll be there on second round, my fear is there is no second round. 19 months maximum to process all applications also means it could take 19 months at the minimum since all applications have to be processed for the second round to start. If you add the application window of 3 months and other delays between procedures, it is possible second round wont's start before 2 good years. And if we consider it is the first time so many TLDs are launched at the same time, well, it is possible second round starts much later.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

.USA Top-Level Domain in second round ?

An interesting case here since, according to the last DAG, a .USA could not see the day. "usa" is an ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 code.

I publish this one just in case ICANN would decide to allow it in second round.

Read more about the concept here

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

.MAIL Top-Level Domain

You can support this initiative adding this logo :

Or pay $ 9,999 to advertise on the web site !

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Plutôt .WINE que .VIN ?

Un certain nombre d'entre vous l'ont déjà remarqué sur la version française de la page d'accueil du projet dotVinum : il ne s'agit plus de créer une identité du vin en langue française ET en langue anglaise mais en langue anglaise uniquement.

Les chiffres parlent :

  1. Le système de scoring de l'ICANN permet d'indiquer si une extension à créer est proche d'une extension déjà existante et si celle-ci pourrait prêter à confusion à la saisie d'un nom de domaine. L'extension Internet pour le Vietnam est le .VN or celle-ci est déjà très proche du .VIN et effectivement : www.chateau.vn est très proche de www.chateau.vin.
  2. Déposer un dossier de candidature à l'ICANN pour lancer une nouvelle extension coûte $185 000.
  3. Il est difficile de connaître le volume de noms de domaine qui contient le signe "vin" et qui traite du sujet du vin. Ce signe est très court et intègre de nombreux autres mots. Le signe ".wine" permet d'identifier plus facilement et avec plus de précision le nombre d'utilisateurs qui exploitent ce mot dans leur nom de domaine actuel.

La communauté du vin est bien présente sur Internet, les gens et communiquants du vin sont nombreux. Cette communauté échange avant tout en langue anglaise. De ce fait et alors que sont en train de se créer des centaines de registres (nouvelles extensions de noms de domaine) qui verront le jour vers 2012, pour des villes, pour des secteurs d'activités, pour des marques et pour des cultures, il est important de se concentrer sur une identité qui représentera le plus grand nombre...

...dans un premier temps.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

.NAVAJO or .SENECA listed as new tbgTLD ?

Tribal names want the same protection under the ICANN Applicant Guidebook as other countries and territories listed within the ISO 3166-1.

Two examples of new gTLDs are mentionned in this comment on the proposed final applicant guidebook : .NAVAJO and .SENECA Top-Level Domains.

New ccTLDs listed on IANA

  • .BQ for  Bonaire, Saint Eustatius and Saba ;
  • .CW for Curacao ;
  • .SX for Sint Maarten.
Will domainers be there to hunt for .SX (sex) domains ?

... and .BQ for ... barbecue related web sites ?

Keep an eye on www.iana.org

Friday, January 7, 2011

Laurent GBAGBO now listed on OFAC's SDN list

The OFAC is the Office of Foreign Assets Control from the United States of America Department of Treasury.

As explained in 1.2.1 of the last Applicant Guidebook fomo november 10, the OFAC also administers as an economic and trade sanctions program : anyone listed in their SND list is automatically disqualified from the new gTLD program.

In today's update of the SDN list of specially designated Nationals and blocked persons, a certain Laurent Koudou Gbagbo appears.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

.NAPLES (Florida) or .NAPOLI (Italy) ?

This TLD project is about the city of Naples in Florida - USA

More about the city of Naples can be found here

.NAPLES Top-Level Domain concept is explained here

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

OMC : Phase finale pour les négociations sur les indications géographiques en 2011

Les négociateurs de l’OMC sur la propriété intellectuelle ont décidé d’établir un registre des indications géographiques pour les vins et les spiritueux d'ici la fin 2011.

Trois propositions de projet existent actuellement.

Il s'agit d'un dossier que nous suivons de près dans le sens ou les indications géographiques sont un volet important de la rédaction des conditions d'éligibilité pour accéder aux noms de domaine du vin.

New gTLD or New pTLD ?

Introducing more confusion to the world of new gTLD, please welcome the new pTLDs.
"pTLD" stands for "Public Top Level Domain"according to the Internet Names Authorization & Information Center (INAIC).

Recent pTLDs :
  • .APP
  • .CHAN
  • .SVC
  • .CLOUD
  • .PBX
  • .WHO
  • .GIB
  • .SME
  • .UN1
  • .INBOX
Note these Top-Level Domains won't be listed on Registries.tel since they don't follow the ICANN rules but the Public-root's rules.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ville de Naples (Floride)

Non, il ne s'agit pas de Napoli, la capitale de la région de Campanie en Italie mais bien de la ville Américaine du même nom en Floride.


Bad french press for .42


Note these recent projects do not come in competition with official TLD projects following the ICANN rules. These TLDs, to work properly, require to be configured on each computer.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


I am from the city of Toulouse/south of France (also called "the pink city") so I wrote a bit about a new gTLDs for its residents.

More here (in french)

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !