Friday, June 10, 2016

More new gTLDs were delegated

This has been a strange week working abroad in Iran. Just for the note, Google Apps for Work (the pro version of Gmail) and Twitter are blocked there. For this reason, it was difficult to update readers of this blog and Newsletter with Fresh news. I apologize for this and informed the Google support about this issue.
There was no new gTLD application submitted by Iran in the first Round of the ICANN new gTLD program but sanctions were raised in January 2016 so it now opens the door for this country to participate in the second Round. Jovenet Consulting is considering opening a bureau there but we will come back on this.

  1. New gTLDs related to HEALTH;
  2. New gTLDs related to CARS;
    (all new gTLD reports were updated this week)
  3. Don't miss -The Club Registry to release more names through registrars;
  4. 5 benefits brands identified from their dot brand launches;
  5. 12 new gTLDs were just delegated:
    1. .SAVE
    2. .PRIME
    3. .DEAL
    4. .EPOST
    5. .NOW
    6. .CHINTAI
    7. .FIRE
    8. .KINDLE
    9. .SILK
    10. .IMDB
    11. .AUDIBLE
    12. .TDK
  6. One more - the .GDN Registry has another accredited Registrar;
  7. Events (16 of June):
    1. Afterwork Nameshield in Paris. Subscribe here (see down the page):
    2. in Paris. Subscribe here.
  8. The .GROUP new gTLD:
    1. 600 ".group" domains registered in Sunrise;
    2. 1st Day New gTLD Totals: .Group 3,445.
  9. HOT - Can moving to a new TLD boost search rankings?
  10. Google: Migrating To A Keyword-TLD Won't Improve Rankings;
  11. ICANN:
    1. Future new gTLD Rounds (Tuesday June 28, 2016 13:30 - 15:00);
    2. GNSO – New gTLD Subsequent Procedures PDP Working Group (Wednesday, June 29 • 10:45 - 12:00);
  12. Sunrise Periods - Reminder: .STORAGE and .SHOP were just annonced
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.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !