Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Will it be .WEB or .WED ?

Well, it seems that it won't be .WED since the Notice of Registry Agreement Termination by ICANN is now written and the TLD is being terminated.

Yes, there is a .WEB on its way and it is a strong barrier to launching a .WED but it does not absolutely mean that a future launching  of the .WEB (probably by Verisign) could not be transformed as an advantage to develop .WED (previously, that TLD stood for "wedding").

My opinion on this

I can hardly believe that the people behind .WED did not make it to sell their TLD because when I emailed asking for a price I got an error in return ! The details were provided by ICANN (...)

When a TLD is failing, you don't make an offer, you ask for a price. These guys just let the full TLD project fail because they didn't know how to handle the situation. Note that this is a good lesson to learn: when "you don't know", please ask those who do because there always is a solution and a SWOT analysis is just one of them. And actually, THERE ARE BUYERS around.

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