- 44.155 trademark records submitted;
- 117 countries covered;
- 129 jurisdictions covered;
- 169,265 trademark years;
- 262,414 claims notifications;
- 809,867 ongoing notifications;
- 13,119 trademark records have expired.
A blog about New gTLDs and dotBrands (.BRANDs) from the ICANN new gTLD program. You can subscribe to The gTLD Club's Newsletter.
Thursday, May 31, 2018
Trademark Clearinghouse: latest stats
The Trademark Clearinghouse statistics for May 2018 have been released:
trademark clearinghouse,
Leuven, Belgium
I am a new gTLD Consultant based in Paris. "New gTLD" stands for "new generic Top-Level Domains" from the ICANN new gTLD program. They are new domain name extensions such as ".consulting" (instead of ".com").
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