Thursday, February 21, 2019

Google uses .LINK domain names

As a long time user of G Suite (the Google platform to operate a company), I follow up with their group entitled "G Suite Visible Changes for customers only". I receive updates about coming upgrades of the Suite. A moderator from the group publishes a URL to point to a Google Doc.

It is the first time that I notice the use of a ".link" domain name and I checked who the moderator is and it is a Google employee so I guess that must be part of a rule to publish information.

Why use a ".link" domain name?
Well, the example says it all and demonstrates exactly why new domain names from the ICANN new gTLD program are useful:
  • they are descriptive of an action, a subject or a content;
  • they mean something.
A link is "a link" and that's precisely what the capture shows below: to go to an information, you should follow this link (please click to enlarge).

Am sure Frank is going to be happy with this :-)

Acquiring a Registry (new gTLDs)

That might sound like an unfamiliar approach but many of the new gTLD industry reads this blog's publications. For this reason...they will probably read the below :-)

Hunting for a Registry
I tend to have that question coming more: "Jean, would you know someone willing to sell his extension?" Some are looking forward to buy an extension. On the other side, some are selling too but the problem with this is that you don't publish about it: you don't write that you want to drop your TLD (probably because you don't want to have to explain the reason for this).

I once contacted some targets: the .BANQUE new gTLD did not even answer my email, neither did the .WED (which appears to be in a bad position).

If I have no interest in these two anymore, this is the message that I want to send: some interested parties are looking forward to buying a Top-Level Domain BEFORE the next round starts, and I receive such questions more and more.

I will sign your NDA
Existing registries and backend registries certainly won't want a publication about a client wanting to get rid of his TLD, for this reason, I will be happy to sign whatever non-disclosure agreement you will want me to sign.

Backend registries, are you reading this?


.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !