Monday, July 28, 2014

Final report of the IO is available on

This is the complete final activity report of the Independent Objector for the ICANN New gTLD Program. The report can be downloaded down the post.

I want to Thank Alain Pellet for allowing me the reading of this report.

For those who need to follow what is going on in the ICANN new gTLD program, I suggest to subscribe to the newsfeed or join the LinkedIn group on new generic Top-Level Domains (1600+ subscribers already).

A financial back-up to win .WINE ?

Could money be the solution?

What would happen if an applicant were to receive a financial back-up to go to auction and win it. In exchange of this financial back-up, it would protect wine Geographical Indications according to a solution provided by parties affected by this issue?

What if Project dotVinum were to enter the game with a € 5 million financial back-up, to help the best applicant win the auction (in a private auction or an ICANN sponsored auction):
  1. Would 5 million be enough?
  2. Would Axelle Lemaire help France?
  3. ...
Read my article on :

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !