Monday, September 2, 2013

What are new gTLD Governance Councils?

I recently explained in French what Governance Councils (GCs) are. Here is another version in English.

A domain name extension is unique
Many generic, community and other geographic new domain name extensions (also called "gTLDs" or "generic Top Level Domains") will soon become a focal point for the industry or sector they represent.

These simple denominators which define a vertical sector, profession, geographic, ethnic or other delineated group on the Internet have not existed on the Internet until now.

Read the end of my article on CircleId.

The Long Island Wine Council to write to ICANN

The Long Island Wine Council recently sent this letter to ICANN regarding its support to Napa Valley Vintners, CIVC (French Champagne), CNAOC, EFOW (and others) initiative against cybersquatting. The letter says that its small business members "have neither the staff nor the financial resources to effectively police fraudulent or misleading domain registrations".

The Long Island Wine Council web site.

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !