Since the Icann draft applicant guidebook became a sort of bible, I tend to read it and read it again.
Yesterday, taking a look at the “Legal Rights Objection” ( I read : “An intergovernmental organization (IGO) is eligible to file a legal rights objection if it meets the criteria for registration of a .INT domain name”.
Taking a look at registered .INT domain names, I found The know .BASEL TLD project listed on could have the “Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal” to object its application on the legal right objection ground.
It is possible some brands will apply for a 3 or 4 characters’ string. Prior to doing this I would check carefully .INT domain names before doing so. Some ways to do this :
Check WIKIPEDIA’s list of organizations with .INT domain names;
Use Google’s advanced search within “a domain” with nothing in the search’s field;
Enter your string and add .int in any browser.
Nb : “IDEA” stands for the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (web site).
A blog about New gTLDs and dotBrands (.BRANDs) from the ICANN new gTLD program. You can subscribe to The gTLD Club's Newsletter.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
.IDEA Top-Level Domain ? Bad idea.

Monday, March 28, 2011
2 projets .VIN en concurrence ?
Voici ce que propose le manuel du candidat final dans le cas ou plusieurs projets de création d'une même extension Internet seraient déposés : ce cas de figure s'appelle le "conflit de chaînes".
"Les candidats sont encouragés à résoudre entre eux les cas de conflits de chaînes avant l’étape de résolution de tels conflits. En l’absence de résolution par les candidats en conflit, les cas de conflits de chaînes sont résolus soit par l’évaluation de la priorité à la communauté si un candidat communautaire en fait la demande, soit par une vente aux enchères."
Traduction :
Les candidats sont censés gérer ce problème AVANT de déposer leur dossier de candidature à l'ICANN, après il est trop tard et des frais seront imposés pour traiter le litige. Pire...des enchères !
Exemple :
- Vous n'êtes pas représentatif de la communauté du vin mais souhaitez déposer votre dossier de candidature afin de vendre beaucoup de noms de domaine sans pour autant vous soucier de qui va en faire quoi. Dans ce contexte, vous déposerez un dossier de candidature "standard' ;
- Vous êtes représentatif de la communauté du vin, un regroupement d'institutions du vin par exemple, et vous voulez protéger les gens du vin, leurs marques et leur univers, vous déposerez un dossier de candidature "communautaire".
Tous les cas de figures peuvent se présenter :
- 3 dossiers de candidatures standards + 1 dossier de candidature communautaire ;
- 3 dossiers de candidatures communautaires + 1 dossier de candidature standard ;
- 7 dossiers de candidatures standards ;
- 1 dossier de candidature communautaire ;
- 1 dossier de candidature standard + 1 dossier de candidature communautaire ;
- ...
Conclusion :
Quelque soit le cas de figure, représenter une communauté du vin, aussi importante soit-elle, est presque une garantie de succès face à une candidature standard.

Friday, March 25, 2011
This domain is not for sale
An excellent article from The Domains.
I just wish I never have to go through this.
I just wish I never have to go through this.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011 is up to date.
I recently found out the number of entries were limited on .TEL domain names so it was not possible to list more than 100 projects on the front page.
I did modifications on the web site and projects are now listed alphabetically and will remain announced on

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
.HITACHI Top-Level Domain
HITACHI is the second brand to announce it will apply fot its own Top-Level Domain.
Hitachi, Ltd did not yet officially confirm/announce on its web site(s) on date of March 22 2011.
Hitachi, Ltd did not yet officially confirm/announce on its web site(s) on date of March 22 2011.

Saturday, March 19, 2011
Final Applicant Guidebook : 30 May 2011
"The Board intends to complete the process for final approval of the New gTLD implementation program at an extraordinary meeting of the ICANN Board to be held on Monday, 20 June 2011, at the ICANN public meeting in Singapore."
Final applicant guidebook timelines : click here (.pdf)

Thursday, March 17, 2011
TLDs for Russian Cities and Regions
The RUCLID project is being put into practice with the initiative of Top-Level Domains implementation for main Russian cities and regions.


.BABY Top-Level Domain ?
A final refusal for the word mark ".baby".
Good and services description :
"parking domain names for others, namely, providing administration, registration, assignment and management of computer network information, network addresses, demographic information of network addresses and domain names for facilitation of the storage of domain name addresses".
Good and services description :
"parking domain names for others, namely, providing administration, registration, assignment and management of computer network information, network addresses, demographic information of network addresses and domain names for facilitation of the storage of domain name addresses".

Wednesday, March 16, 2011
.OSLO Top-Level Domain coming ?
Norway is opening the discussion regarding the creation of a Top-Level Domain.
- .oslo ?
- .trondheim ?
- .finnmark ?
- .svalbard ? Or ;
- .kontinentalsokkelen ?

Monday, March 14, 2011
Retour d'expérience au 14 mars 2011
English version published on CircleId
Alors que se tient actuellement le quarantième congrès de l'ICANN à San Francisco ou sera peut-être communiquée une date de lancement du programme des nouvelles extensions Internet, voici un retour d'expérience sur le lancement du projet dotVinum dont l'objectif est de proposer une extension Internet .WINE pour les gens du vin sur Internet.

Thursday, March 10, 2011
.AFRIQUE TLD project (in French)
The AfTLD (Africa Top Level Domains), third applicant for a .AFRICA Top-Level Domain announced it will also apply for the french version of the TLD : .AFRIQUE

Pre-registrations for new domain names (to come) are open
New Top Level-Domains : free new domain names pre-registration is open at United Domains. Note these domain names will be made available if and when their registries are launched.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Free new TLD pre-registrations are open...
You could pre-order your new domain names at Pool.
Now you can pre-register at UnitedDomains.
Oh...just one thing, would I tell a web site which domain name I plan to register : what do you think he would do with my request ?
Note it is not yet possible to block the registration of a domain name since their registries do not exist yet.
I am open to list other sources.
Now you can pre-register at UnitedDomains.
Oh...just one thing, would I tell a web site which domain name I plan to register : what do you think he would do with my request ?
Note it is not yet possible to block the registration of a domain name since their registries do not exist yet.
I am open to list other sources.

Monday, March 7, 2011
Official project is now listed here :
9/8/10 : Asif LLC also filed an application for .SECURE
.BANK :,120,345&action=Request+Status
More here
9/8/10 : Asif LLC also filed an application for .SECURE
.BANK :,120,345&action=Request+Status
More here

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