A blog about New gTLDs and dotBrands (.BRANDs) from the ICANN new gTLD program. You can subscribe to The gTLD Club's Newsletter.
Friday, June 27, 2014
.WINE : is France frustrated?
Fadi Chehade,
Jean Guillon,

Monday, June 23, 2014
Project dotVinum is in the TIME
Here is an extract of today's article in the TIME magazine after Axelle Lemaire's "brilliant" intervention at ICANN. Since it is written in English, it is possible that my Government does not ever learn about this project...but does it want to?
"Several European countries have mounted resistance against the .wine and .vin domains since Project dotVinum made a public effort to register .wine in 2010. When ICANN launched the New gTLD Program in 2012, a handful of private firms applied for .wine gTLDs, drawing the attention of Portugal, Spain, Brussels, Luxembourg, Italy and the U.S., among other countries concerned about safeguarding the quality, reputation and brands of their wines".
"Several European countries have mounted resistance against the .wine and .vin domains since Project dotVinum made a public effort to register .wine in 2010. When ICANN launched the New gTLD Program in 2012, a handful of private firms applied for .wine gTLDs, drawing the attention of Portugal, Spain, Brussels, Luxembourg, Italy and the U.S., among other countries concerned about safeguarding the quality, reputation and brands of their wines".
Jean Guillon,
new generic Top-Level Domain,

Sunday, June 22, 2014
Still want to protect wine Geographical Indications?
ICANN gave its go on .WINE and .VIN and France thinks that protecting wine Geographical indications is definitely not possible? Actually it is not…
There is a way.
I am in London from 24 to 25 but back to Paris on the 27. Axelle, if your team is not already on holidays, I can give them tips.
There is a way.
I am in London from 24 to 25 but back to Paris on the 27. Axelle, if your team is not already on holidays, I can give them tips.
Read my latest "Trait d'humour" on .WINE and .VIN: http://gtld.club/2014/06/22/wine-vin-a-la-votre/
new generic Top-Level Domain,

Thursday, June 19, 2014
.WINE & .VIN domain names : a strange story
As the founding member of Project dotVinum for Wine Registries - a story which started in 2010 - I am just amazed by what I read in the press at the moment. If ICANN had done serious international communication about new gTLDs and not just a simple video posted on its blog, the situation about .WINE & .VIN would certainly not be the one it is today.
The last publication from Neelie Kroes, vice president of the European Commission, looks like a desperate letter sent to an ICANN board which will probably have few impact on "whatever the board decides"...unless I am wrong.
Since 2010, I had the chance to talk a lot about these wine Top-Level Domains, I even wrote a community project for .WINE - .VIN and .VINO domain names which was presented to some French wine institutions with that same message in the end: "Wow: interesting" or again: "Wow: expensive". I am very sad that I did not meet the CNAOC earlier because this could have been a French project in the end.
Today, the message sent to the wine community is very negative but...who's fault is it? And do we care to know who's fault it is now the ICANN Board has approved to proceed? As I wrote it many times, it certainly is not new gTLD applicants' fault who followed the methodology provided by ICANN: the new gTLD applicant guidebook (which French version is still not "final" and translated from the English one by the way).
Regarding the protection of Wine Geographical Indications, I'd be interested to know if the EC has any paid consultants on this question because solutions have been published, and read more than 6000 times. They are here and they were sent to ICANN. We never received any call from the EC to discuss them, why?
Regarding ICANN, we are not surprised if they never called as they probably considered that the Trademark Clearinghouse would be enough to protect Wine GIs (which is the case in a certain way). We were just very surprised to see that some ICANN insiders represented one applicant in discussions with officials.
Now .WINE and .VIN are approaching, the only suggestion that I think of for our European Institutions to exist on Internet is to start building their own Internet: an Internet managed by them. Regarding existing in ICANN...we'll still be talking about this in 20 years :-)
The last publication from Neelie Kroes, vice president of the European Commission, looks like a desperate letter sent to an ICANN board which will probably have few impact on "whatever the board decides"...unless I am wrong.
Since 2010, I had the chance to talk a lot about these wine Top-Level Domains, I even wrote a community project for .WINE - .VIN and .VINO domain names which was presented to some French wine institutions with that same message in the end: "Wow: interesting" or again: "Wow: expensive". I am very sad that I did not meet the CNAOC earlier because this could have been a French project in the end.
Today, the message sent to the wine community is very negative but...who's fault is it? And do we care to know who's fault it is now the ICANN Board has approved to proceed? As I wrote it many times, it certainly is not new gTLD applicants' fault who followed the methodology provided by ICANN: the new gTLD applicant guidebook (
Regarding the protection of Wine Geographical Indications, I'd be interested to know if the EC has any paid consultants on this question because solutions have been published, and read more than 6000 times. They are here and they were sent to ICANN. We never received any call from the EC to discuss them, why?
Regarding ICANN, we are not surprised if they never called as they probably considered that the Trademark Clearinghouse would be enough to protect Wine GIs (which is the case in a certain way). We were just very surprised to see that some ICANN insiders represented one applicant in discussions with officials.
Now .WINE and .VIN are approaching, the only suggestion that I think of for our European Institutions to exist on Internet is to start building their own Internet: an Internet managed by them. Regarding existing in ICANN...we'll still be talking about this in 20 years :-)
Jean Guillon,
new generic Top-Level Domain,

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
Cast your vote on .WINE & .VIN new gTLDs

Les noms de domaine .GLOBAL : l’alternative aux .COM
De nombreuses nouvelles extensions Internet sont à présent à disposition et de nombreuses autres sont distillées petit à petit, venant ainsi inonder l’univers des noms de domaine. Pourtant, c’est un fait: les nouvelles extensions sont là et trois paramètres sont à prendre en compte dans toute - actuelle - et nouvelle stratégie de marque :
- Les noms de domaine .GLOBAL pourraient bien s’imposer d’ici quelques années comme “le nouveau .com”: si tel était le cas, le coût modique de son renouvellement pendant les dix prochaines années devrait représenter peu par rapport à ce qu’il en coûtera si celui-ci est enregistré par un tiers.
- Les modes en matière de nommage sont bien surprenantes et très souvent, il est trop tard au moment de l’achat. Sécuriser son .GLOBAL fait partie des petits gestes qui permettent de "voir venir".
Savez vous qui est l’exploitant du nom de domaine leclerc.fr ? Savez-vous que le Registre du .CO, qui n’est rien d’autre que le Registre des noms de domaine pour la Colombie, est une des extensions qui connait la plus forte progression? Est-il besoin de rappeler que l’extension privilégiée des télévisions, le .TV, n’est autre que celle des îles Tuvalu, elles mêmes perdues dans le Pacifique? - Nul besoin d’enregistrer tous les nouveaux noms de domaine. Seuls ceux avec le plus fort potentiel devraient composer tout portefeuille de noms de domaine. Si une marque doit sécuriser les noms de domaine qui entourent son activité, sa stratégie doit aussi présenter un volet qui intègre les rares extensions génériques parues et à paraitre. Un groupe qui affiche plusieurs marques ou activités différentes aura besoin d’un nom de domaine pour le représenter dans sa globalité.
A lire sur le Journal Du Net: http://www.journaldunet.com/ebusiness/expert/57695/les-noms-de-domaine--global---l-alternative-aux--com.shtml
Jean Guillon,
new gTLDs

Monday, June 16, 2014
Alternatives for .COM : Think .GLOBAL (Part 2)
Alternatives for .COM : Think .GLOBAL (Part 2) http://t.co/47mg8LFQOV
— Business 2 Community (@B2Community) June 16, 2014

Saturday, June 14, 2014
.BRAND: Why your brand needs its own Top-Level Domain
Afilias Limited,
new generic Top-Level Domain,
new gTLDs,

Wednesday, June 11, 2014
Will the new .uk domain replace co.uk?
After 25 years The United Kingdom finally has a short, user friendly top level domain. Since yesterday it is now possible to register .uk domains. After three decades with variations like co.uk, org.uk and me.uk Nominet finally got around to offer the shortest, simplest and most memorable top level domain. Stephenfry.uk was the first domain name registered and during the day 50.000 registrations were completed showing the support for the new .uk.
Read the article from the EuropeanDomainCenter on gTLD.club
Read the article from the EuropeanDomainCenter on gTLD.club
united kingdom

Paris craint les adresses internet “.VIN”
Trois ministres ont interpellé Bruxelles sur le projet d’attribution de certains noms de domaine qui pourraient porter préjudice aux viticulteurs.
Les ministres français appellent plus largement Bruxelles à passer à l’offensive pour permettre une réforme de la gouvernance de l’Icann, organisme de régulation qui a son siège en Californie et relève à ce titre, en dernière instance, du département du Commerce américain.
A lire sur gTLD.club
A lire sur gTLD.club

Monday, June 9, 2014
What happens on a "General Availability" day
famous four media,
general availability,
Jean Guillon,
new generic Top-Level Domain,

Famous Four Media nets $175,000 in a .WEBCAM premium name deal brokered by HuntingMoon
In a private deal, Famous Four Media has sold a package of 15 domain names to a single buyer. The deal, worth $175,000, was for adult oriented terms in the .WEBCAM registry. “We are delighted to conclude this deal so rapidly,” said Andy Churley, Chief Marketing Officer at Famous Four Media. “Agreeing a six figure cash deal so early in a registry’s life is a testament to the strength of the .WEBCAM suffix, the capability of the staff at Famous Four Media and the willingness of its broker network to collaborate.”
“The .WEBCAM registry has a lot of appeal for premium name brokers like HuntingMoon.” Said Evan Horowitz, CEO and Founder of HuntingMoon “It has been HuntingMoon's privilege to coordinate this historic, biggest ever reported new TLD sale. The fact that we collaborated with several brokers, such as Media Options S.A and Domain Broker UK, to achieve this landmark sale, in a newly launched new gTLD registry, is a great indicator for the success of .WEBCAM.”
The premium name sale comprised fifteen domain names including www.tube.webcam, www.asian.webcam and www.milf.webcam brokered by Hunting Moon. “We have always been confident that the .WEBCAM registry would have great appeal in a number of vertical and geographic markets” continued Churley “We have seen growing interest in our premium names as our first 3 registries .WEBCAM, .TRADE and .BID approach launch. Ola Alli, Famous Four Media’s premium name manager did an excellent job in securing this historic deal. This means so much to the registry and is excellent news for the new gTLD program as a whole.”
About HuntingMoon
HuntingMoon was set up specifically to help connect domain name and business owners with potential trading partners. HuntingMoon invested heavily to create an easy-to-use platform for trading assets such as: Domain Names, Domain Portfolios, Businesses, Web Traffic, Design, Content and so many more products and services which has led to the company becoming one of the most successful domain name brokerages around.
Web: https://www.huntingmoon.com/
“The .WEBCAM registry has a lot of appeal for premium name brokers like HuntingMoon.” Said Evan Horowitz, CEO and Founder of HuntingMoon “It has been HuntingMoon's privilege to coordinate this historic, biggest ever reported new TLD sale. The fact that we collaborated with several brokers, such as Media Options S.A and Domain Broker UK, to achieve this landmark sale, in a newly launched new gTLD registry, is a great indicator for the success of .WEBCAM.”
The premium name sale comprised fifteen domain names including www.tube.webcam, www.asian.webcam and www.milf.webcam brokered by Hunting Moon. “We have always been confident that the .WEBCAM registry would have great appeal in a number of vertical and geographic markets” continued Churley “We have seen growing interest in our premium names as our first 3 registries .WEBCAM, .TRADE and .BID approach launch. Ola Alli, Famous Four Media’s premium name manager did an excellent job in securing this historic deal. This means so much to the registry and is excellent news for the new gTLD program as a whole.”
About HuntingMoon
HuntingMoon was set up specifically to help connect domain name and business owners with potential trading partners. HuntingMoon invested heavily to create an easy-to-use platform for trading assets such as: Domain Names, Domain Portfolios, Businesses, Web Traffic, Design, Content and so many more products and services which has led to the company becoming one of the most successful domain name brokerages around.
Web: https://www.huntingmoon.com/
Read the complete Press Release from Famous Four Media here.
famous four media,

Sunday, June 8, 2014
9th June 2014 @ 14:00 UTC = GO !
.WEBCAM - .TRADE and .BID new domain names are entering General Availability today!
The new .BID Top Level Domain (TLD) name creates an online environment where buyers and sellers can rapidly locate the auction in which they wish to participate. A .BID Top Level Domain (TLD) provides a convenient, trusted name anchor that stands out from the competition, and prospective bidders will be drawn to it by its clear message and the fact that they can trade with confidence in a dedicated namespace. The use of .BID TLD improves online searches dramatically as global buyers and sellers are more easily able to identify the content of relevance to them, which in turn drives website traffic increasing trade and enhancing the auction process.
Domain names from these 3 new gTLDs will be available to anyone on the basis of "first come - first served" at GoDaddy starting 9th June 2014 at 14:00 UTC.
famous four media,
general availability,
new generic Top-Level Domain,

Friday, June 6, 2014
Alternatives for .COM ? (Part 1)
This is the first article of a serie of two: which new domain name extension will replace .COM?
There are plenty of new domain names and if .COM never had any real identity or true meaning, it is quite possible that new gTLDs may bring new ideas to those who want to acquire a global identity without focusing on a country, a niche market, a specific industry, a community or just anything which does not cover “the world”. I made a list of these new domain names with potential to replace .COM and I believe that the alternatives might be in the article after.
There are plenty of new domain names and if .COM never had any real identity or true meaning, it is quite possible that new gTLDs may bring new ideas to those who want to acquire a global identity without focusing on a country, a niche market, a specific industry, a community or just anything which does not cover “the world”. I made a list of these new domain names with potential to replace .COM and I believe that the alternatives might be in the article after.
Jean Guillon,
new generic Top-Level Domain

Sunday, June 1, 2014
Restricted domains: what they are
An extract from Donald's article:
"Thankfully some registries have set up their whois searches to let anyone know that the domain has restricted been restricted by ICANN. So if you were to go whois.donuts.co and search something like my.foundation it will give an error of being not blocked, and the same goes for whois.rightside.co with a domain like my.ninja".
Read the complete article from Donald Carter on gTLD.club
Read the complete article from Donald Carter on gTLD.club
donald carter,
new gTLDs,
restricted domains

The Emerging Global Web
The Emerging Global Web

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