Thursday, February 24, 2011

.CORSICA TLD project

The call for tender for Corsica dated february 2010.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

This one I don't believe...

$500 000 for ?


Comment et quand lancer le .WINE ?

Conformément à la récente information publiée par l'organisme de gouvernance des noms de domaine - l' ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) - la prochaine (et probable) dernière version du manuel du candidat sera mise à disposition du public le 14 avril 2011.

Il s'agit de la méthodologie qui permet de déposer un dossier de candidature pour prétendre à gérer une extension Internet telle que le .WINE.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Next Applicant Guidebook : 14 april 2011

  • Board-GAC Consultations: 28 Feb – 1 Mar 2011
  • ICANN meeting: 14 – 18 Mar 2011
  • Release of Applicant Guidebook: 14 Apr 2011
Note : the word "next" is used, note "final". I admit I would have liked to read "...the final version of the guidebook..."

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ville de Miami

Une initiative du même porteur de projet que la ville de Naples, toujours en Floride.

No date to be announced in SAN FRANCISCO

"In addition to the Brussels consultation, the bylaws defined consultation will take place on 17 March, the day before the Silicon Valley–San Francisco Board Meeting. Because of the timing of the bylaws consultation, the Board will not approve or announce the new gTLD program at that Board Meeting."

To read about these delays and learn about the Governmental Advisory Committee's concerns (GAC), click here.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Dated 2 October 2000 !

No : new gTLDs are not a new concept !

"As of 5:00 pm California time on Monday, 2 October 2000, application materials seeking to operate or sponsor the new TLDs listed below were submitted to ICANN..."

List is available here

"What else ?"

I keep an eye on domain names with the sign "guillon" : but about this one, I don't understand : LLON77JMULTISERVICES85.COM

Another .FOOD TLD project ?

A web site with few information. Let's hope the people behing this domain name will provide more info soon.

It is the second time this initiative sees the day. First one was from Wolfgang Puck.

Monday, February 7, 2011

New pTLDs registered

The following TLDs were added to the Inclusive Name Space (INS) :
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .CHEMIE registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .CHEMICAL registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .CHEMICALS registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .BIOTECH registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .FITNESS registered though TLD.NAME
  • New Public TLD (pTLD): .DALY registered though TLD.NAME
It may take up to 48 hours to propagate the DNS information to all the public DNS Servers in the world to resolve the TLDs mentioned above. To review the details of new TLDs or other TLDs use :

Thursday, February 3, 2011

An open letter to allow .42 domain names

An interesting open letter to FREE / ILIAD's top management, a famous French Internet Service Provider asks (in french) :

"Je souhaiterai que Free ajoute officiellement la gestion du TLD .42 à ses serveurs DNS, afin d’initier le mouvement. Bouygues l’a partiellement fait avec sa Bbox, mais il ne s’agit visiblement pas d’une position officielle."

Basically, Wilkins, the author of this post, want the ISP to officially add the use of the .42 domain names to its DNS. Nothing wrong asking.

But, apparently, BOUYGUES, another large Telecom operator would already have authorized it !

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Noms de pays et territoires protégés.

Suite à ma dernière publication, voici un complément d'information : le dernier manuel du candidat indique aussi que sont protégés les noms de pays et territoires dans les 6 langues officielles des états membres :

"the list of United Nations member states in 6 official United Nations languages prepared by the Working Group on Country Names of the United Nations Conference on the Standardization of Geographical Names."

Les 6 langues concernées sont l'anglais, le français, l'espagnol, le russe, le chinois et l'arabe.

Ainsi, si www.españ sera bien protégé et donc interdit à l'enregistrement, ne le sera pas.

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !