Friday, March 25, 2016

LinkedIn: another place to learn about new gTLDs

More and more subscribers are joining the new gTLD group I created on LinkedIn a few years ago. For a reason I miss understand, this sudden interest in the group matches with the launching of the new gTLD Newsletter from

You are now 2,300+ members and I add more everyday. As always, you are welcome to participate and post your articles and other contents related to new gTLDs "only".

Domainers are welcome to post to this group. I block and delete posts like "please buy my in the new gTLD group".

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !