Tuesday, March 13, 2012

.NRW Top-Level Domain

According to a publication by Managing Internet IP, the German state of North Rhine Westphalia will apply for its domain name extension.

Sponsored article from Minds + Machines on CircleId

Read the article here. More on Reuters here.


GMO Registry, a Japanese back-end registry provider, wins the bid for the city of Yokohama.

GMO registry receives letter of support from city of Yokohama to operate new generic Top Level Domain .yokohama, more here.
Press article can be translated from Japanese here.

Sedari talks about TLD applications

Still looking for video stories from New gTLD applicants! Email your video’s lin...: Still looking for video stories from New gTLD applicants! Email your video’s link to communications@icann.org for a mention here. In this video, Sedari speaks on behalf of their clients. If you’ve ever felt unclear about what “sunrise period” means, you’ll hear a clear definition and some original thinking in this clip.


Sedari talks about TLD applications
First thoughts about the motivations and learnings of the ICANN top-level domain application process from registry business platform company Sedari.

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !