We are in May 2021 and some domain name extensions in the Catering and Culinary businesses show a positive progression curve: it is not the case for all of these TLDs but basically, most have their registration volumes to develop.
The .BAR is open
Registration figures have literally exploded for the .BAR new gTLD: from a 133,284 registrations in January 2021, it kept growing to 355,437 in May 2021. This is high for such a small TLD and I wonder if the COVID has something to do with this.
Expensive food TLDs
There is a strange fashion which consists in paying a fortune for TLDs with one single domain name registration. The ICANN still shows delegated extensions with one or two domain name registration. For example, the .EAT and .FOOD are just there...waiting with no use. The .FOOD new gTLD still shows a GAC early warning...which's been there forever. I wonder if anybody somewhere cares about these TLDs in limbo. Come on...someone is paying for this?
Too perfect progression curve?
I once noticed that domain name registration volumes from multiple registry Donuts had a strange - almost exact and precise - progression curve which was too perfect to be true. Of course, this is just my imagination. Good point for this huge financial operation: their .CAFE - .COFFEE - .KITCHEN - .PIZZA - .RECIPES but .RESTAURANT have progressed in volume since January 2021.
The .FAGE dotBrand new gTLD
FAGE is about yogurt and shows an interesting use of its 62 domain name creations: most are dedicated to a country. For example, https://be.fage/ is for Belgium and
https://fr.fage/ for France. All domain names are secured with a SSL certificate and I found no redirections to a legacy domain name extension (such as ".com"). This is clearly what I believe a dotBrand new gTLD is made for.
Catering IDN new gTLDs: a bad match
From the 20 Top-Level Domains of the Catering and Culinary new gTLD reports, two are IDNs which respectively demonstrate that IDN new gTLDs don't have their place in the modern world - at least in the Catering and Culinary businesses: both ".food" and ".restaurant" IDNs have had less than 100 registrations since the two applications were delegated by the ICANN many years ago.