Tuesday, July 30, 2013

American Administration involved in .WINE & .VIN new gTLDs?

I was recently informed that "the American Administration" would try to, or "would have tried to" tell .WINE & .VIN applicants to stop talking to French wine institutions regarding possible solutions on the protection of Wine Geographical Indications.

I have absolutely no idea if this is true or not but there are different reasons why this could be attempted:
  1. The GAC has not enough knowledge about domain names and/or new gTLDs to help solve the problem and it causes more trouble than needed with this issue. At this point it's better if it stops causing more trouble. Ex: I don't know who had the brilliant idea to raise an early warning on .VIN and not on .WINE but I wonder if it is not the GAC in which case I agree if the situation is handled differently.
  2. There is an issue with .WINE and .VIN new gTLDs and ICANN knows it. If nothing is done about these 2 strings...it would mean ICANN doesn't care about protecting wine GIs: this could cause more trouble in the future.
  3. Applicants know there is an issue with these 2 strings and it is possible they know it is too late already so they play the watch. Playing the watch can mean several things:
    1. "We don't want to protect .wine and .vin domain names because we could sell less domain names" (note I completely disagree with this) so let's just try to force it through;
    2. "We don't want to protect .wine and .vin domain names because it means more work for us and we don't care enough about these strings to spend more time on this (these)";
    3. "If we add more protection mechanisms, it will block future Registrants from buying and we don't want that" (note I also disagree with this);
    4. "French are as good in business as their President is good at Presiding and American, Irish and Gibraltar Champagne are as good as theirs so why would we listen to their requests?";
    5. "What? We never received any requests from them to solve the wine Geographical Indications question: did we miss something?";
    6. "We applied: why didn't they come with a Community application then?";
    7. "If we don't answer their requests, maybe the ICANN board will just drop it".
Of course I could invent may others but there is another one...

..."what if the ICANN board forces us to use these protection mechanisms for all of our other applications? Maybe we should just not answer then".

More soon.

Next new gTLD Applicant Webinar: 08 August 2013

Date/Time: 08 August 2013, 01:00 – 2:30 UTC (07 Aug, 6:00pm – 7:30pm PDT)
  • Information on evaluation progress and program developments;
  • Additional updates on Community Priority Evaluation;
  • Auctions and Extended Evaluation.
More information here.

Monday, July 29, 2013

L'Oréal to withdraw its .MATRIX new gTLD application

L'Oréal to withdraw another of its new gTLD application: the .MATRIX

"Matrix is committed to serving each and every community salon and empowering stylists to create positive change for their clients and the world around them. Through inspiration and innovation, Matrix supports every salon professional to achieve their dreams".
  • The withdrawn application can be found here;
  • The Matrix web site.

Friday, July 26, 2013

New gTLDs objections on a map!

A Google map with countries that have objected to domain name extensions.

View ICANN map in a larger map

Provided by Krishnadev

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

gTLD Strategy Congress: new speakers announced

Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Congress - UK & European Edition - September 26-27, London

Newly announced speakers from:
  • Microsoft UK;
  • GoDaddy;
  • ARI;
  • NetNames;
  • Interbrand;
  • The Domain Name Association.
Find out more at www.gtldworldcongress.com

Which CMS to use with multiple domain names ?

With new domain names coming, companies may want to use their new purchases instead of just stocking or parking them. To be able to do this: things must be simple and to be simple, it should take a few clicks to use a domain name. The same should apply for any Registrant who wants to use efficiently his new domain names with his web site.

I once searched an Internet Service Provider (ISP) who offered web hosting with a tool to manage a web site in multiple languages with multiple domain names, ex: www.brand.fr to point to the French version and www.brand.co.uk to point to the English one.

I never found what I wanted but new gTLDs may bring the right idea to a domain name and hosting provider like Gandi (for example). If using multiple domain names for a web site in multiple languages is an idea, new gTLDs will soon allow to use both a brand.rugby with a brand.sport on the same web site. So how do you do this when you don't know about coding or FTP transfer to upload your new PHP hosted CMS?

The idea here is to buy domain names and once this is done, the owner (or Registrant) should be able to point them to the right place on his web site and without:
  • Installing any program (the CMS should be offered by the hosting provider - there are many already);
  • Having to play with code to make things work;
  • 10 clicks.
I found a few hosting providers to offer such tools and Drupal was one of the CMS to allow the use of multiple domains but none offered to manage the entire web site in one single interface without having to play with coding.

This is a question I submitted to Godaddy once.

I think this topic may interest in the future and unless I am wrong, I'd say it is an opportunity to use domain names instead of just using simple directions or parking plarforms.

If someone has the answer to my question: I want to see it work.

Trademark Clearinghouse explained with French sub-titles

Friday, July 19, 2013

Bataille des noms de domaines sur Internet ".vin" ".wine", un mois pour s’entendre

La réunion de l’ICANN, organisme en charge de la gestion des noms de domaine sur Internet, s’est terminée le 18 juillet à Durban. Le programme d’extension des noms de domaines se poursuit. Les discussions sur les dossiers « .vin » et « .wine » ont été très vives. L’ICANN a donné un mois au secteur viticole et aux candidats pour s’entendre.

L’extension des noms de domaine soulève de vives inquiétudes dans le secteur du vin. Lors de la dernière réunion de l’ICANN à Pékin, le GAC (instance consultative au sein de l’ICANN dans laquelle siègent les gouvernements) avait décidé de surseoir à la décision d’attribuer des extensions sur plusieurs noms de domaines, dont le dossier « .vin » et « .wine ». A Durban, les discussions au sein du GAC sur ce dossier ont été très tendues entre les américains et les européens, deux conceptions radicalement opposées se sont affrontées. Au final, le GAC a réussi à déboucher sur un compromis : un délai de 30 jours est donné au secteur viticole et aux candidats pour s’entendre.

La CNAOC et la Fédération européenne des vins à appellation d’origine (EFOW) se félicitent que la décision d’extension des noms de domaines « .vin » et « .wine » ait été reportée. Les deux fédérations regrettent cependant que le délai d’un mois soit très court : « Nous avons informé les sociétés candidates aux extensions de notre souhait de trouver une solution et avons des propositions précises à leur faire. Ces propositions sont raisonnables et permettraient de concilier développement d’Internet et respect des appellations d’origine. Nous espérons que les candidats sont ouverts au dialogue et à la recherche d’une solution » ont déclaré Bernard FARGES et Riccardo RICCI CURBASTRO Présidents de la CNAOC et d’EFOW. 

Les deux organisations annoncent que si elles n’ont pas satisfaction « nous appellerons tous les opérateurs du secteur dans l’Union européenne à boycotter ces noms de domaine. L’Union européenne représente près de 65 % du marché mondial du vin ; un boycott massif remettrait en cause le modèle économique porté par les sociétés candidates à ces extensions. Il jetterait aussi le discrédit sur la politique conduite par les dirigeants de l’ICANN. Comme le droit nous y autorise, nous demanderons aussi aux tribunaux de radier tous les noms de domaine portant atteinte à la réputation de nos appellations d’origine ».

Les organisations veulent rester optimistes : « Nous mettrons tout notre poids dans la balance pour soutenir le ou les dossiers prévoyant des procédures assurant le respect des indications géographiques et pour en faire la promotion auprès des opérateurs ».


L’ICANN, organisme en charge de la gestion des noms de domaine sur Internet, a décidé d’ouvrir les noms de domaines génériques de premier niveau. Près de 2000 dossiers ont été déposés dont 4 sont liés au secteur du vin (1 dossier « .vin » et 3 dossiers « .wine »). Les candidats qui n’ont aucun lien avec le secteur ont annoncé leur intention de vendre aux plus offrants les noms de domaines de second niveau (exemple bordeaux.vin, chianti.wine, etc.). Le secteur européen du vin appuyé par plusieurs gouvernements et la Commission européenne, manifeste depuis plusieurs mois sa très vive inquiétude sur l’absence de règle imposant le respect des droits de propriété intellectuelle et des appellations d’origine en particulier. Les risques sont pour le consommateur d’accéder à des sites comportant le nom d’une appellation d’origine et d’acheter des vins n’ayant aucun lien avec cette appellation d’origine voire des contrefaçons. Les conséquences pour les producteurs pourraient être catastrophiques : cybersquatting, détournement de la notoriété et atteinte à la réputation.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Some update on .WINE and .VIN new gTLDs

The awaited GAC Communiqué was just published at ICANN 47 (Durban - Africa).

Here is what the document says about .WINE and .VIN new gTLDs:

"wine and .vin (ref. Beijing Communiqué 1.c.)
a. The GAC advises the ICANN Board that:

i. The GAC considered the two strings .vin and .wine and due to the complexity of the matter was unable to conclude at this meeting. 

As a result the GAC agreed to take thirty days additional time with a view to conclude on the matter."

More info ... is to come.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Interview of Frank Shilling (Uniregistry.com)

Check for more the list of applications on Uniregistry.com. Want to work abroad, check here then?

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

L'Oréal to withdraw its .REDKEN new gTLD application

L'Oréal to withdraw another of its new gTLD application: the .REDKEN

  • The withdrawn application can be found here;
  • The Redken web site.

Sunday, July 14, 2013

First new gTLD contract is signed with ICANN: the شبكة. Top-Level Domain

لماذا تختلف .شبكة؟

سوف تكون .شبكة أول نطاق بالمستوى الأعلى جديد يجري تسويقه، وأول اسم نطاق دولي عالمي باللغة العربية. فعند القيام بطباعة أربعة حروف فقط على لوحة المفاتيح العربية سوف تكون .شبكة النطاق بالمستوى الأعلى المفتوح الذي يختاره مستخدمو الإنترنت بالعربية.

تهدف .شبكة لأن تكون أول نطاق بالمستوى الأعلى بغير الإنجليزية بشكل حقيقي و ’بلا حدود’ على الإنترنت، وغير مقيد بموافقات أية دولة منفردة ذات سيادة.

سوف تقام مؤسسة .شبكة لتزويد تمويل المشاريع البحثية والتنفيذية التي تعزز رؤيتنا لإنترنت دولي حقيقي، و يجري تمويلها بجزء من ريع مبيعات أسماء النطاقات.

More information about .SHABAKA in English here
The press release at back-end registry provider.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Singuliers et Pluriels: une très étrange décision de l’ICANN

L’ICANN, instigateur du programme des nouvelles extension Internet, vient de publier une étrange décision. Alors qu’il va devenir de plus en plus difficile et couteux de protéger ses marques dans le programme des nouvelles extensions, l’ICANN vient d’autoriser les lancements d’extensions similaires au singulier “et” au pluriel.

La suite sur le Journal Du Net.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Congress

Download the Brochure for the Digital Marketing & gTLD Strategy Congress - UK & European Edition - September 26-27, London

Join conference chair, Richard Graham, Head of Digital, Richemont and a host of applicant brands and industry experts in London on September 26-27

Download the brochure directly here.
  • Learn how to utilise your .BRAND to its best advantage – with Google & Authentic Web
  • Focus on Anti-Counterfeiting - with HSBC & MarkMonitor
  • Protect your Brand – with Richemont & Lego
  • Understand what lessons can be learned from the fast tracked IDN CC and GEO TLDS - With .BERLIN
  • Learn practical marketing “Do’s & Don’ts” - with .CO & Afilias
And much more…

Designed primarily as a resource for applicant brands and those non applicants impacted by the imminent launch of the first new TLDs - ensure you’re a part of the conversation at this unique brand-oriented event.

Visit us online at www.gtldworldcongress.com

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

L'Oréal to withdraw its .KERASTASE new gTLD application

L'Oréal withdraws another of its new gTLD application: the .KERASTASE.

Since 1964, Kérastase has been creating new haircare services developed with the most advanced formulas, dedicated to enhancing the natural beauty of the hair. Kérastase sets the standard in luxury haircare with the promise of an elevated salon experience:
  • Hair transformation with immediate, visible results;
  • The latest innovations from la Recherche Avancée L’Oréal;
  • Tailor-made treatments for every hair and scalp diagnosis by trained stylists;
  • Comprehensive professional service for the ultimate salon experience.
More info:

Monday, July 1, 2013

I just pre-ordered whatever.wine and a few others

I just pre-ordered domain names with this new portal at 1and1. Below is the message received. At least, it is clear and there is no misunderstanding in the message. I printed in red a few things to pay attention to. I processed like this with a few other Registrars offering pre-registrations.
Pretty much familiar with how certain Internet service providers behave during a LandRush Period, it will be interesting to track which of them forwards these pre-registered domain names to auction once they have been grabbed by them.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Mr Jean Guillon,

Thank you for pre-ordering the following domains on a free and non-binding basis:


As soon as the relevant registries publish their terms and conditions, we will inform you and offer you the chance to confirm the purchase of your pre-ordered domains.

You are now in an excellent starting position in the race for the best "new" domains, with no obligations or risks involved.

You can view your domain portfolio at:


However, we cannot guarantee at this stage that your pre-ordered domains will actually be registered by the registry.

Best regards,

Your 1&1 Internet Team

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !