Wednesday, December 30, 2015

What will it be: ".MOTORCYLES" or ".MOTO" ?
...will launch soon
The Sunrise Period for the .MOTORCYCLES new domain name extension was just announced and we are all happy about this but did you know that there are other new gTLD applications for motorcycles?

3 other applications related to motorbikes
There was another applicant interested in offering fans of motorbikes a shorter kind of domain names ending in ".moto". It is noticeable that it is:
  1. shorter;
  2. a singular version of a domain name extension.
As a motorcycle fan (most of the time riding a bicycle unfortunately), I would rather have chosen a shorter name ending in ".moto" instead of a longer one in its plural version as a choice for a domain name. If you (had) planned to develop a website, which domain name would you have chosen: or ?

This applicant, United TLD Holdco Ltd., which now has a different name by the way, had to withdraw its application because of...Google. If "because" may not be appropriate because I love the world of Trademarks, the reason of this withdrawal is because "moto" is a Trademark too: a Trademark which belongs to Google.

Google applied for the .MOTO new gTLD
The third applicant, Charleston Road Registry Inc., is the legal entity to operate new domain name extensions belonging to Google. It applied for the .MOTO new gTLD and prevailed in contention against the application of the other .MOTO applicant: United TLD Holdco Ltd.

It will be ".motorcyles" or...nothing
(...or an old ".com")
It will not be possible to register domain names ending in ".moto" because the .MOTO extension is a Trademark and it is reserved to the use of its owner:
Charleston Road Registry intends to operate the proposed gTLD as a closed registry with Google as the sole registrar and Motorola Mobility and its affiliates as the sole registrants. (Hereafter, any references to Motorola Mobility as the exclusive registrant shall include its affiliates.) The goal of the proposed gTLD is to allow Motorola Mobility to manage the domain name space for its offerings. The proposed gTLD will provide Motorola Mobility with the ability to customize its domain and website names for its offerings to signal to the general population of Internet users that its .moto websites are indeed managed by Motorola Mobility.  
Fans of motorcyles will have the opportunity to register domain names ending in ".motorcyles" soon with Nameshield.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Sunrise Periods ending in January 2016
The launching of a new domain name extension often starts with a Sunrise Period. The Sunrise Period is a good opportunity for a Trademark owner to register a domain name upfront and before anyone else. To do so, it is required to have a prior right and register in the Trademark Clearinghouse.

In January 2016, many Sunrise Periods end:
  1. .FEEDBACK new gTLD : 6 of January;
  2. .OFFICE : 6 of January;
  3. .FAMILY : 9 of January;
  4. .CARS : 12 of January;
  5. .CAR : 12 of January;
  6. .AUTO : 12 of January;
  7. .LASALLE : 14 of January;
  8. .CLOUD : 15 of January;
  9. .WINE : 16 of January;
  10. .VIN : 16 of January;
  11. .THEATRE : 19 of January;
  12. .SECURITY : 19 of January;
  13. .PROTECTION : 19 of January;
  14. .コム (com) : 31 of January;
  15. .YACHTS : 31 of January.
Participate in actual Sunrise Periods with the Nameshield Group.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

The new gTLD info of the day (Tuesday)
View the Status of TLDs
Moving averages used to smooth growth lines. Short/Long refers to number of data points used to calculate (short/long = 30/90 days). Secondary Y axis capped at 10% to improve visualisation while new gTLDs are launching.

2015 roundup: The 10 best posts about new top level domains
Whether you’re a brand holder, domainer or registry this is a good starting point to understand better the potential of the new domain extensions. All stories are in chronological order.

Listen to new gTLD Leaders: their predictions for 2016
Listen to Jeff Sass and Colin Campbell from .CLUB, as well as other registry leaders, predict what 2016 will be regarding new gTLDs.

Many Sunrise Periods are ending in January 2016.
Check the calendar and participate before it is too late with Nameshield.

Date announced for the .MOTORCYLES Sunrise Period
SUNRISE PERIOD START: Wednesday, 6 April, 2016;
SUNRISE PERIOD END: Sunday, 5 June, 2016.

2015 in Review: New TLDs
How new top level domain names progressed this year.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

New gTLDs related to Catering (and not "restoration")

Find me here
We just realized that "restoration" is not the appropriate word for the statistics below so we changed the Title. We just added .KITCHEN, .RECIPES and the .CATERING new gTLDs to our listing.

We strongly believe that the .RESTAURANT new gTLD will be a commercial success in the long term. This post reports on restoration TLDs registration volumes.
  • The .PUB new gTLD = 42 963
  • .MENU = 6 705
  • .RESTAURANT = 6 097
  • .KITCHEN = 5 972 (just added)
  • .RECIPES = 3 487 (just added)
  • .BAR = 4 512
  • .CATERING = 3 066 (just added)
  • .REST = 1 364
In blue: noticeable domain name registrations increase, in red, they decrease from one week to the other.


Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Monday, December 28, 2015

The new gTLD info of the day (Monday)

Buy her a present
11 Million+ New gTLD Registrations
According to, there are now more than 11 million registered new gTLD domain names. I am not sure if the 11 million mark was passed today or yesterday, but it currently stands at 11,062,149 registered domain names.

Whois Test Updates
The effective date of these changes is 31 January 2016. Test cases that do not pass the criteria for new requirements will receive 'warning' messages until the effective date above. These 'warning' messages will change to 'failure' messages from the effective date.

Christmas Comes For New gTLDs As Total Registrations Pass 11 Million
On 23 December, the number of domain names registered across all delegated new gTLDs passed the 11 million mark, according to, out of a total of just over 300 million domains registered across all TLDs.

The Opportunity Cost of Not Owning Your .COM
While this may not be news amongst the well informed, surely many companies out there wonder to what extent this is true, and whether it justifies or even dictates a .com domain acquisition for their business purposes. The introduction of the new gTLD’s makes that question even more relevant.

For Sale
Domain name is a Premium and it is available to register
Inquire here:

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

New gTLDs related to Photography

Member of the Ace Club
This week, new domain name registration volumes related to photography increase, none is in the red.

We strongly believe that the .PHOTO new gTLD will be a commercial success in the long term. This post reports on photography TLDs registration volumes.
  • The .PHOTOGRAPHY new gTLD = 51 515
  • .PICS = 30 992
  • .PHOTO = 24 196
  • .PHOTOS: 19 192
  • .PICTURES = 6 384
In blue: noticeable domain name registrations increase, in red, they decrease from one week to the other.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

The weekly "cities" new gTLD report by Jean Guillon

Buy here
Are new domain names for cities purchased? This weekly publication reports on cities new domain name registration volumes.

In blue: city extensions with a notable domain name registration increase; in pink we added ".city" and ".town" new gTLDs (unless when their registration volumes decrease); in red, city extensions facing a registration decrease from one week to the other. Please note that ".tours" (a French city) was added to the list.

  1. The .NYC new gTLD: 79 519 domain name registrations
  2. .LONDON : 62 299
  3. .BERLIN : 58 357
  4. .TOKYO : 41 806
  5. .MOSCOW : 25 908
  6. .KOELN : 24 018
  7. .AMSTERDAM : 23 711
  8. .МОСКВА (xn--80adxhks) : 23 405
  9. .HAMBURG : 23 253
  10. .PARIS : 22 865
  11. .CITY : 17 657
  12. .VEGAS : 15 019
  13. .WIEN : 13 428
  14. .MIAMI : 13 250
  15. .QUEBEC : 11 102
  16. .MELBOURNE : 8 609
  17. .SYDNEY : 7 884
  18. .BRUSSELS : 6 356
  19. .CAPETOWN : 5 078
  20. .COLOGNE : 5 167
  21. .NAGOYA : 4 066
  22. .JOBURG : 3 570
  23. .TOURS : 3 707
  24. .YOKOHAMA : 3 090
  25. .GENT : 3 074
  26. .DURBAN : 2 609
  27. .OKINAWA : 2 565
  28. .TOWN : 2 430
  29. .TAIPEI : 2 403
  30. .RIO : 1 111
  31. .OSAKA : 460

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Merry Christmas

I wish the new gTLD’s little world a Merry Christmas

I am happy to have shared news, info and provided consultancy services for these past four years and hope 2016 will be a good year for new gTLDs’ universal acceptance...and new domain name registration volumes.

The ICANN new gTLD program
Most new gTLD applicants are aware that things are not happening the way they should have but from my eyrie, I see registration volumes increasing: some registries cheat and some don’t. Whatever their strategy is, I believe that what matters is renewals and renewals are here: volumes increase slowly...but they increase.

Numbers are in the green
The reason why I am confident that new domain names will be a success is that I have been studying numbers once a week since 2012 and it is easily noticeable when an entire project like the ICANN new gTLD program is a success or not. When it is a failure, most numbers are in the red and actually...very few are.

Brands don’t use their .TRADEMARK
Those who could afford to apply for their .BRAND don’t use their domain names and I think it is a pity. There are many Luxury Goods & Jewelry brands who have spend a fortune applying for their own domain name extension and the result is that...they don’t use them.

New gTLDs are “pure innovation” and I really have a hard time understanding why so much money was spent to participate in the first Round of the ICANN new gTLD program to benefit from this innovation when Round two is coming and major Brands still communicate...with their “.com”. This is my word to existing .BRAND new gTLD applicants: “don’t wait for Round 2 to demonstrate your capacity to innovate”!

Jovenet Consulting
Jean Guillon

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Christmas: the new gTLD info of the day

Trademark Clearinghouse
39.629 marks submitted (December 2015) &
Not live but both domain names were just registered by @Nameshield. Surprise coming?

Round 2 of the ICANN new gTLD program
Next Round new gTLDs - New gTLDs are still being delegated, but it's time to prepare for the next round. What worked well in the past round, and what didn't? And how should the community disposition auction funds?

.SPACE reaches the 100,000 Registration Mark
Dot Space becomes the next Radix extension to reach the 100,000 registration milestone. Consistently in the Top 10 fastest growing gTLDs in registration and usage ( is live (redirection).

Competition, Consumer Trust and Consumer Choice Review Team Seated
ICANN today announced that 17 individuals have been selected to serve on the team that will review the New gTLD Program in relation to competition, consumer trust and consumer choice (CCT). Review team members represent an array of geographic regions and areas of expertise, and have demonstrated knowledge of the New gTLD Program or one of the review areas.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Wednesday: the new gTLD info of the day
Best year yet for ‘dot brands’
Many more noteworthy brands across different industries have introduced their new domain name extensions in the past year. Samantha Demetriou of FairWinds Partners reports.

Rethink your domain name
The reasons to consider a not-com domain name run from the practical (the ‘dot-com’ domain that fits most logically with your business name may already be taken) to the more forward thinking: many companies now realize that their website address can perfectly replicate their full company name, which, as Sam Rooeintan, founder of design firm Marstudio, notes, “breathes a whole new life into branding.”

What's in a Name?
What's the difference between .local and .here? Or between .onion and .apple? All four of these labels are capable of being represented in the Internet's Domain Name System as a generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs), but only two of these are in fact delegated names. The other two, .local and .onion not only don't exist in the delegated name space, but by virtue of a registration in the IANA's Special Use Domain Name registry, these names cannot exist in the conventional delegated domain name space.

Must-read: Is Google Changing the Internet with the New TLDs?
A wake-up call for brands in the new Top Level Domain (TLD) era.

.Club Domains is participating in the Right of the Dot/NamesCon auction
Live auction starts on January 11, 2016 at 2:00 PM Pacific Time (5:00 PM Eastern Time) at the NamesCon conference. Online Auction starts NOW and will be extended for an additional 10 days following the Live auction. The extended auction will include the domains in the live auction that do not hit reserve, and will close completely on January 21, 2016.

2016 Predictions: What to Expect for the Next Year in New TLDs
Turning our gaze forward, I think 2016 is shaping up to be the biggest and best year that we've enjoyed to date and will surpass many expectations as we continue the push towards mainstream adoption of these wonderful, innovative digital assets.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

The new gTLD info of the day (Tuesday) (SOLD)
Sunrise Periods ending soon
SUNRISE PERIODS END: Wednesday, 6 January, 2016
New gTLD concerned:
  • .FEEDBACK (register here)
How to Choose the Right Domain Suffix
Looking to buy an online home and get a custom domain? Just like real-world real estate, there’s one key component: location, location, location. When it comes to new property, would-be homeowners generally fall into these two camps:

The Sales Boom in Short Character Domain Names
Within the domain world, registries like TLD Registry who represent new names in Chinese characters .online (.在线) and .website (.中文网) have demonstrated their ability to reach this type of audience with ease. They have hosted live auction events including one co-hosted with Sedo in Macau during the launch phase in 2014.
Afilias seeks to freeze Architelos patent after $10m lawsuit win
Afilias seems bent on burying domain security software maker Architelos, after winning a $10 million lawsuit against it.

TLS says .feedback will be “UDRP-proof”
Top Level Spectrum plans to make its .feedback domains dirt cheap for domainers during its forthcoming Early Access Period, and is claiming that its domains will be “UDRP-proof”.

What's in a name (new gTLDs)
Whether its .academy, .club, .events or .coffee, a new not-com helps a business get right to the point of what it actually does. A lot of podcasts are moving to .fm, for example. And coffee shops, like, make it clear what they're all about, duh, selling coffee.

Happy Holidays From The .CLUB Team!
2015 was a busy and exciting year for everyone on the .CLUB team, but we could not have done it without the support of all our amazing partners, friends, family and supporters.

ComLaude Winter 2015 newsletter
In this issue we update you on changes to the domain name landscape and consider what these will mean for IP and brand professionals. We cover the new gTLDs, legacy gTLDs and country code registries. We also reflect on the work of the ICANN community in transitioning the core internet functions away from US control.

Conference: Successful Marketing of New TLDs
January 12, 2016
Successful Marketing Campaigns with New gTLDS – hear about the promise, opportunity, transformation and innovation in these new domain extensions from the registries.

Are domain names still relevant...
Domain names are becoming more and more relevant. The beauty of domain names is that they are a source of truth on the internet. Search isn’t. Search provides you with options and any one option could be a bad one. Trust is key on the internet and domain names can help build that trust.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

New gTLD Statistics
The French new gTLD report
By Nameshield

What are the registration volumes of TLDs (new domain name extensions) with a French meaning?
This weekly publication reports on new domain name registration volumes for domain names such as ".sale", ".cricket", ".club", ".xyz"...

In blue: French extensions with a notable domain name registration increase; in pink we added ".bzh" and ".eus" region new gTLDs; in red, French extensions facing a registration dicrease from one week to the other.

Read the complete report, by Nameshield

New gTLDs related to Restoration
We strongly believe that the .RESTAURANT new gTLD will be a commercial success in the long term. This post reports on restoration TLDs registration volumes.

Unfortunately, and for the fist time, the ".restaurant" domain name registration volume is decreasing this week:
  1. The .PUB new gTLD = 42 948
  2. .MENU = 6 716
  3. .RESTAURANT = 6 084
  4. .BAR = 4 519
  5. .REST = 1 369
In blue: noticeable domain name registrations increase, in red, they decrease from one week to the other.


Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

New gTLDs related to Photography
We strongly believe that the .PHOTO new gTLD will be a commercial success in the long term. This post reports on photography TLDs registration volumes.
  1. The .PHOTOGRAPHY new gTLD = 51 477
  2. .PICS = 30 951
  3. .PHOTO = 24 105
  4. .PHOTOS: 19 187
  5. .PICTURES = 6 376
In blue: noticeable domain name registrations increase, in red, they decrease from one week to the other. When no color = registration volumes increase.


Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Monday, December 21, 2015

UPDATE: the new gTLD info of the day (Monday)
Investor talks about new gTLDs
(End of the article)
"Clearly 3 out of 4 new gtld's are underwater by number of registrations. Of course the number of registrations may have little to do with the actual commercial success of a gtld. It just happens to be one of the only pieces of data we can judge by early on. Number of registrations may not matter to an end user. Then again, it may! I will judge by the total amount of money spent to advertise and promote any single gtld. That includes all Radio, TV, Magazine, Billboards etc."

New gTLDs and Legal Rights Objection : which rights to be invoked ?
In the framework of a legal rights objection proceeding, the panel shall assess whether the disputed new gTLD application might infringe complainant’s rights.
Season's Greetings from .AFRICA
The high point of our year was the Independent Review Panel (IRP) victory over the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) -the California-USA based organization that oversees the Internet Domain Name System. DotConnectAfrica Trust had applied for the .Africa generic Top-Level Domain registry from ICANN in 2012.

Dish DBS prevails in .PHONE over Donuts
.phone will be restricted
The new gTLD .phone is going to be tightly restricted, after Dish DBS won the contested string at auction.

Will your dot brand help your SEO ranking?
Dot brand sites have the potential to be better ranked than other TLDs, but it will actually be the brands’ responsibility to make it happen.

Tata’s bid for .tata gTLD scuppered by Morocco
Tata Group, the humongous Indian conglomerate, has been told its flagship application for a dot-brand gTLD has been refused.

New gTLD Development
A few foreign language sites are included this week, as the new gTLDs of course aren’t limited to the English language. The screenshots are linked, if you would like to check them out for yourselves.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

UPDATE: the French new gTLD info of the day

Quand Pékin s’empare de la gouvernance d’Internet
La Chine organisait cette semaine une Conférence mondiale de l’Internet. Est-ce le bon endroit pour en débattre?

Le contentieux des nouveaux noms de domaine (new gTLDs)
Afin d’élargir le champ d’exploitation commerciale de l’internet, un processus de création de nouvelles extensions a été lancé en 2011. Progressivement, des dénominations de sites web, plus conviviales et intuitives (.hotel, .flowers, .book, etc.), deviennent disponibles, au sein des nouveaux domaines ainsi ouverts. Certaines autorités publiques, grandes entreprises ou organismes professionnels ont par ailleurs souhaité accroître leur visibilité sur le net en créant leur propre domaine (.bmw, .siemens, .paris, .gent, .amsterdam, .alsace, .brussels), dont elles se réservent l’usage ou qu’elles mettent à la disposition des tiers intéressés, selon leurs stratégies respectives.

Mon Nom de Domaine .corsica
Montrer sa localisation en Corse : le référencement des moteurs de recherche est aujourd'hui géolocalisé, ainsi les sites en .corsica seront prioritairement indexés par ces moteurs de recherche et apparaitront plus facilement dans les résultats de recherche.

Noms de domaine : nouvelles extensions, nouveaux enjeux, nouveaux risques.
Le 26 juin 2008, l’ICANN (Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) confirmait sa décision d’ouvrir au public la possibilité de créer de nouvelles extensions. Depuis 2012, plusieurs centaines de nouvelles extensions génériques ont été créées.,21055.html

Appel d'offre noms de domaine (Camieg)
Externalisation du service de messagerie électronique et hébergement de noms de domaines de la camieg

Appel d'offre noms de domaine (Ville de Paris)
Gestion et valorisation du portefeuille de noms de domaine de la Ville de Paris

The weekly "cities" new gTLD report by Jean Guillon

Are new domain names for cities purchased? This weekly publication reports on cities new domain name registration volumes.

In blue: city extensions with a notable domain name registration increase; in pink we added ".city" and ".town" new gTLDs; in red, city extensions facing a registration dicrease from one week to the other. Please note that ".tours" (a French city) was added to the list.
  1. The .NYC new gTLD: 86 522 domain name registrations
  2. .LONDON : 62 489
  3. .BERLIN : 58 304
  4. .TOKYO : 41 726
  5. .MOSCOW : 25 786
  6. .KOELN : 24 015
  7. .AMSTERDAM : 23 643
  8. .МОСКВА (xn--80adxhks) : 23 320
  9. .HAMBURG : 23 254
  10. .PARIS : 22 782
  11. .VEGAS : 14 977
  12. .CITY : 19 407
  13. .WIEN : 13 434
  14. .MIAMI : 13 140
  15. .QUEBEC : 11 145
  16. .MELBOURNE : 8 607
  17. .SYDNEY : 7 868
  18. .BRUSSELS : 6 352
  19. .CAPETOWN : 5 189
  20. .COLOGNE : 5 177
  21. .NAGOYA : 4 072
  22. .JOBURG : 3 729
  23. .TOURS : 3 664
  24. YOKOHAMA : 3 101
  25. .GENT : 3 080
  26. .DURBAN : 2 667
  27. .OKINAWA : 2 582
  28. .TOWN : 2 442
  29. .TAIPEI : 2 387
  30. .RIO : 1 096
  31. .OSAKA : 459

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Friday, December 18, 2015

UPDATE: the new gTLD info of the day (Friday)

Porn firm wins .cam after years of objections
The controversial new gTLD .cam has been won at auction by Dutch porn site operator AC Webconnecting, putting an end to over two years of back-and-forth objections.

Verisign IDNs: Landrush details and Premium Domains
Verisign is getting ready to launch its first internationalized domain name, a Japanese transliteration of .com .コム.

Cheers! Registries and Registrars Doing the Right Thing by Patients
The good news? There are many registrars out there who take action and hold registrants accountable. The behavior of Rebel as discussed in the 2015 Notorious Market List is the exception, not the rule, at least when it comes to registry and registrar action against illegitimate online drug sellers. The majority of registries and registrars are doing the right thing by patients.

Imogen Heap wrote to ICANN
There are no other applicants willing to support and nurture our music community in the way DotMusic are bound to do so, should they win.

.feedback and .sucks: podcast
Invited to expand on their offerings, Top Level Spectrum CEO Jay Westerdal and Vox Populi CEO John Berard both joined us on the latest episode of the World Trademark Review podcast.

Domain Name Industry Brief
The third quarter of 2015 closed with a base of approximately 299 million domain name registrations across all top-level domains (TLDs), an increase of 3.1 million domain names, or 1.1 percent over the second quarter of 2015. Registrations have grown by 14.8 million, or 5.2 percent, year over year.1

Google confirms: Yes, you can switch to a new .melbourne domain without penalty
In the past, Google has been notoriously tight-lipped about the search performance of new TLDs, stating only that they will “not be treated any differently” than legacy TLDs such as .com and .net. This is despite independent research that has demonstrated some search benefits of new extensions and reports from businesses which have seen an increase in customers because of their new domain name.

What is a URL?
Is a URL the same as a domain name? Surprisingly to many, the answer is no. But the terms are used so interchangeably, it’s understandable why people confuse one for the other. But there is a difference.

How I just registered for free in just five clicks
This morning, I caused the registration of and was given control of a web site at

Could a new gTLD help you achieve your business goals?
Consider what registrations in generic new gTLDs would make strategic sense, but also brainstorm whether your own .BRAND might be a good idea. It’s a long evaluation process that, to paraphrase Nao Matsukata, starts with one question: Would it solve a problem for you?

CentralNic’s growing very rapidly
CentralNic CEO, Ben Crawford discusses the company’s involvement in Alphabet’s “.xyz” domain name and how they’re performing compared to the “GoDaddy’s of the world.”

Going on Holidays?

.XYZ Registry Reports Nearly All 5 Number Domains Sold Out
Daniel Negari, CEO of the .xyz registry has reported to that there are less than 10,000 five number .xyz domain name combinations left before they are all registered!

Domain Management Starter Guide: Strategy, Policies and Procedures
The bad news is domain management pain will aggravate further as the Top Level Domain (TLD) space expands from 22 (.com, .net, .org etc.) to 1,000+ TLDs (.news, .tech, .bank etc.), resulting from ICANN's domain name expansion program.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Thursday, December 17, 2015

MISE A JOUR: des noms de domaine qui se vendent vite!
Ce sont plus de 2000 4000 noms de domaine ".club" qui viennent d'être vendus en un jour. Il s'agit là d'un "score" plutôt impressionnant car si l'on s'en tient aux chiffres des autres "nouveaux" Registres, il est extrêmement rare de vendre autant de noms si rapidement.

Si, dans la pratique, il est courant de donner des noms de domaine pour les principaux Registres du top 10 des nouvelles extensions Internet en volume (voir; il faut savoir que tel n'est pas le cas pour tous les Registres: tout le monde ne "donne" pas de noms de domaine...pour des raisons évidentes de budget, de de valeur.

Ce qu'il faut savoir, et c'est là toute la magie de la méthodologie de ce registre hors du commun, c'est qu'il est encore plus rare de vendre autant de noms de domaine "Premiums" en un seul jour car les investisseurs misent habituellement sur les noms de domaine ".com" et nom sur les nouvelles extensions Internet.

Changement de mode de pensée
Le Registre pour les ".club" est en train de créer - et peut être même d'inverser - cette tendance qui pousse les acheteurs de noms de domaine à penser au ".com" en premier...tout en négligeant les autres extensions. Mieux encore, les noms de domaine ".club" vont peut être remplacer un mode de pensée que chaque Registrant (titulaire d'un nom de domaine) avait il y a encore quelques années lorsqu'il achetait son ".net" en plus de son ".com": juste "au cas où".

A présent, et si les noms de domaine ".com" conservent toujours une grande valeur, peut être va t-il falloir penser à sécuriser son ".club" en plus de son ".com " ou de son ".fr": pour des questions de sécurisation de son patrimoine identitaire par exemple.

Des chiffres et des noms
Un tiers des 2000 noms enregistrés sont des ".club" à 3 caractères, il s'agit là d'une indication claire sur la valeur des noms de domaine courts. Si au moment où nous publions ces lignes il est fort probable que de nombreux autres noms ont été achetés, il est à noter que l'achat de noms de domaine à des fins spéculatives (ou autres) se fait souvent pour des signes en anglais, et non en français.

Ainsi, si le coeur vous en dit, il y a fort à parier que vous trouverez encore des noms de domaine courts à trois caractères et en français dans la liste des noms qui sont encore disponibles. Celle-ci est disponible en téléchargement (dernière mise à jour au 16 décembre à 3 heures ET).

Tiens... est disponible à l'enregistrement ;-)

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Thursday: the new gTLD info of the day (updated)
Curiosity of the day
The .BROTHER new gTLD (see application here) uses two letter second level domain names. The new gTLD applicant guidebook is not supposed to allow this.

ICANN Appoints MFSD as First European Uniform Rapid Suspension System Provider
ICANN today announced that it has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with MFSD Srl (MFSD) establishing MFSD as a new Uniform Rapid Suspension System (URS) provider.
.Club has sold 2,000 premium domain name so far today
.Club registry gets solid results from release of 13,000 premium names.

.BANK By the Numbers: Domestic Impact
To date*, 5,165 .BANK domain names have been registered in the U.S. by 2,534 banks. Outside the U.S., 560 domain names have been registered. An infographic from last month provides additional insights into the international impact of .BANK.

new gTLDs 2015: Wachstum und Prestige-Projekte
In ihrem zweiten Jahr haben die neuen Domain-Endungen ihre Position auf dem internationalen Markt gefestigt – dank kontinuierlich steigender Registrierungszahlen und öffentlichkeitswirksamen Projekten.

British businesses fall victim to 'cybersquatters' amid domain name rollout
However, new research reveals that some of the UK’s biggest companies are failing to protect their intellectual property, with many domain names relating to British brands already being bought up by third parties.

The Com Laude & Valideus Gazetteer of Top Level Domains
The purpose of the Gazetteer is to help brand owners and IP professionals navigate the new world of domains which emerged when ICANN launched its new gTLD programme three years’ ago.

Two Sunrise Periods started today
the .SECURITY new gTLD;

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Sunrise Period for .SECURITY new gTLD starts today

".Security" domain names allow for a fully secure web presence your clients will trust.

  • SUNRISE PERIOD START: Thursday, 17 December, 2015 - 16:00;
  • SUNRISE PERIOD END: Tuesday, 19 January, 2016 - 16:00.

Where: participate in the Sunrise Period with Nameshield

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Sunrise Period for .PROTECTION new gTLD starts today
".Protection" domain names allow for a fully secure web presence your clients will trust.

  • SUNRISE PERIOD START: Thursday, 17 December, 2015 - 16:00;
  • SUNRISE PERIOD END: Tuesday, 19 January, 2016 - 16:00.

Where: participate in the Sunrise Period with Nameshield

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !