Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The .WEDDING Sunrise Period has started

SUNRISE PERIOD START: Wednesday, 28 January, 2015;
SUNRISE PERIOD END: Monday, 30 March, 2015 - 23:45.


You will soon be able to register your .WEDDING domain name with Uniregistry.

Monday, January 26, 2015

The Sunrise Period for .FLOWERS starts today

"Flowers are emotive. They allow us to share and express our feelings toward one another, from love to gratitude and everything in between. Get you own .flowers now to create something beautiful and inspiring".

SUNRISE PERIOD START: Monday, 26 January, 2015;
SUNRISE PERIOD END: Friday, 27 March, 2015.


Register your .FLOWERS domain name with Uniregistry.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Le .CLUB: la nouvelle extension Internet de tous les records

Le monde du vin n’a qu’à bien se tenir
Le 14 janvier, s’est tenue une enchère de noms de domaine à Las Vegas et si les professionnels sont habitués à ces instants palpitants (et parfois bien abreuvés), une nouveauté est apparue: sur la liste des noms à vendre figuraient, comme souvent, des extensions reconnues sur le marché de la spéculation comme les .COM, mais aussi...des nouvelles extensions et surtout, des noms de domaine .CLUB.

Si les nouveaux Registres sont aussi là pour gagner de l’argent, ne le nions pas, on peut s’interroger sur l’intérêt de spéculer sur des noms de domaine représentant des clubs car d’une façon générale, et à un niveau international, un club n’est pas vraiment un lieu où l’argent coule à flot. Encore plus curieux, le prix de départ d’une de ces enchères était de plus de $100,000. Nul besoin de regarder bien loin pour lire les rictus sur les visages de professionnels.

Et pourtant…
Plusieurs noms de .CLUB sont partis aux enchères mais celui qui a surpris tout le monde n’est pas n’importe lequel: WINE.CLUB s’est vendu $140,000 au final et peut-être n’est ce pas un hasard car le monde du vin, par le biais du manque de protection des indications géographiques dans les extensions .VIN et .WINE, est une communauté qui fait beaucoup parler d’elle dans le programme ICANN des nouvelles extensions.

Une valeur sûre
Ainsi, si un tiers est prêt à payer si cher pour un seul nom de domaine, ceci est un indicateur fort de la valeur d’une extension Internet: combiné au fait qu’il existe aujourd’hui plus de 168 000 utilisateurs de ces nouveaux '.club", nous pouvons imaginer que cette extension a de beaux jours devant elle.

La Trademark Clearinghouse: un outil complémentaire au .CLUB
Bien que la période de Sunrise du .CLUB est terminée depuis longtemps - il s’agit de cette période privilégiée pendant laquelle les ayants-droit pouvaient enregistrer leur signe dans la base de donnée “Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)” pour enregistrer leur nom de domaine .CLUB en amont - la rapide montée en puissance du volume des enregistrements de noms de domaine .CLUB prête à questionnement.  Le .CLUB est le seul Registre qui ne triche pas: si celui-ci est le troisième plus gros vendeur de nouveaux noms de domaine, c’est aussi le seul qui n’en donne pas et qui n’en enregistre pas en son nom pour gonfler ses volumes de vente. Les noms de domaine .CLUB attirent naturellement les acheteurs. Alors pourquoi les marques doivent elles continuer à s’intéresser à la Trademark Clearinghouse?

Des marques protégées grâce à la “TMCH”
La relation avec la Trademark Clearinghouse est ici très simple: le .CLUB est peut être en train de s’imposer comme une extension incontournable, et qui dit incontournable, dit aussi à terme, développement d’un second marché.

Le second marché, ce sont ces noms de domaine que les “domainers” aiment à venir vous proposer d’acheter, souvent à un prix prohibitif. Ainsi, si une marque n’est pas encore enregistrée dans la “TMCH”, l’y enregistrer aujourd’hui est encore de bon aloi car les enregistrements de noms de domaine .CLUB devraient continuer de progresser. Enregistrer son signe dans la base de donnée et une façon de prévenir un litige car l’une des fonctions de ce service est d’alerter l’ayant droit lorsqu’un tiers vient à enregistrer le signe déjà enregistré dans la base de donnée. Ainsi, si l’on tente d’enregistrer votre marque en tant que nom de domaine se terminant en .club vous recevrez un email pour vous en informer. Pour rappel, l’enregistrement dans la TMCH permet aussi de participer aux périodes de Sunrise à venir. A savoir aussi, les annonces de lancements des périodes de Sunrise sont à présent disponibles sur son nouveau calendrier et annoncées depuis peu via son Groupe LinkedIn. Pour recevoir ces annonces gratuitement, il suffit de s’abonner.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Sunrise Period for .TIRES starts today

Flat Tires?

SUNRISE PERIOD START: Tuesday, 20 January, 2015;
SUNRISE PERIOD END: Saturday, 21 March, 2015.


Garages and other car fans will be able to register their .TIRES domain name(s) with GoDaddy or Uniregistry.

The new (gTLD) KPMG digital platform

Launching soon, the new KPMG digital platform will deliver an enhanced site visitor experience, and later this year, will migrate to its own secure gTLD domain ‘Dot KPMG’ at the world root of the Internet.

Register domain names with Uniregistry

Monday, January 19, 2015

Période de Sunrise du .ALSACE

Vous bénéficierez d’une phase préalable au lancement officiel du « .ALSACE » au grand public, du 19 janvier au 20 mars 2015, pendant laquelle vous êtes prioritaire pour enregistrer le nom de domaine de votre marque, raison sociale, enseigne, nom commerciale et sigle.

Pour consulter le calendrier des Sunrise, c'est ici:

Enregistrez votre nom de domaine .ALSACE chez Domainoo.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Sunrise Period for .KRED is starting

According to the Registry, "Kred is realtime, transparent and centered around your communities".
Learn more about .KRED:

SUNRISE PERIOD START: Friday, 16 January, 2015;
SUNRISE PERIOD END: Sunday, 15 February, 2015 - 23:45.


Thursday, January 15, 2015

2015 new gTLD Registration Forecast (a must read)

TLDWatch and DotTBA joined for a in-depth presentation on gTLD statistics and business implications.
  • A review of the 2014 gTLD activity;
  • Discussion of the Tier concept to rank gTLDs;
  • Projections for 2015 & beyond;
  • Drafting plan for lower tier gTLDs.

Download the presentation here:

.PHARMACY Sunrise Period starts today

SUNRISE PERIOD START: Thursday, 15 January, 2015;
SUNRISE PERIOD END: Monday, 16 March, 2015 - 23:45.

.PHARMACY is a secure and trustworthy top-level domain where consumers around the globe can be sure the medications they buy online are authentic and safe.


Register your .PHARMACY domain name with LexSynergy.

Monday, January 12, 2015


Je suis Charlie

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Did you know there is a new gTLD dedicated to Trademarks?

Extract: We already know that there is a list of Trademarks which applied for their own domain name extension but the case of the ".商标" TLD is for Trademarks in general: ".商标" means "Trademark" in Chinese. In simple words, it means that a could be registered and in even more simple words, it means that a www.yourbrand.TRADEMARK could be registered in Chinese language.

Read my article on

To register your .商标 (Trademark) domain name, check out for a Registrar here.

Did you know there is a new gTLD dedicated to Trademarks?

Do Trademark owners know that there is a new generic Top-Level Domain which means "Trademark"?

We already know that there is a list of Trademarks which applied for their own domain name extension but the case of the ".商标" TLD is for Trademarks in general: ".商标" means "Trademark" in Chinese. In simple words, it means that a could be registered and in even more simple words, it means that a www.yourbrand.TRADEMARK could be registered in Chinese language.

How come no one noticed?
It is rather strange that no one noticed about this TLD and even if the official Registry is very explicit about its TLD (understand that there is no trick here), there were no public comments about it but a few and dated...2012. A few questions arise:
  • What would have happened if an applicant had come with a ".TRADEMARK" new gTLD application?
  • Would it have gone through naturally with so few public comments?
  • Would Law Firms have let this happen without saying anything?
  • What about the International Trademark Association (INTA): would it have let this happen?
What should Trademarks do?
This TLD is sensitive and Trademarks should keep an eye on it. To do so,  registering in the Trademark Clearinghouse allows to activate notifications when a third party tries to register your sign as a domain name in any new domain name extension. Agood thing to do would be to register your domain name...just in case.

What do I think about this idea?
I think this idea is a great one but and shows three things to me:
  1. There is still a language problem with ICANN because I am certain this application would have been contested if someone had come with the same application in English. 
  2. As this ex ICANN Board Member states in this video, this should be a profitable TLD since the ICANN new gTLD program is a way for Registrars and Registries to make money (at least that what she said in 2012).
  3. If the .商标 went through on the first Round of the ICNAN new gTLD program, why wouldn't the English (and/or French) version of the string do the same in Round 2?
So what now?
Tomorrow, the TLD enters the claims notification period: may I suggest to hurry-up?

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Sunrise Period for .GREEN new gTLD

Launch Schedule:

Starts:  Feb 6, 2015: 13:00 UTC: Registration available to trademark owners that have registered their marks in the Trademark Clearinghouse;

Landrush: Feb 12 – March 14, 2015: 13:00 UTC: Also known as priority registration, open to everyone;

General Availability: March 24, 2015: 13:00 UTC: .green domain names launch by Earth Day 2015. Open to everyone on a first-come, first-served basis.


Monday, January 5, 2015

The Sunrise Period for .LGBT start today (5 January 2015)

.LGBT is great for businesses, organizations, and other entities that wish to express commitment to and unity with Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender people. Since “LGBT” is the term most preferred by the community, .LGBT is the internet address that will naturally be most appealing to this diverse audience!

Sunrise Period Starts today (Mon, 5 January 2015) and ends on Wednesday, 4 February, 2015.


Reminder: the Registry's website is available here and Trademark owners can submit their trademark data into the Trademark Clearinghouse. Interested parties will soon be able to register their .LGBT domain name with Uniregistry.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

I spoke to a .TAXI driver

An extract from my latest article:

What about .TAXI domain names?
The driver told me his business was good: he drove a nice Limousine, worked a lot, and upgraded the Status of his company to be able to earn more (which is a good sign). He told me ha planned to build his own project and I understood his idea was to create his own taxi platform so I came to asking him if a owning a website was of any interest for a Taxi driver.

Read the complete article on

Friday, January 2, 2015

Joe le .TAXI (I spoke to a taxi driver)

Last week I took a Cab on my way back from the Montparnasse Station in Paris. My wife had ordered a Taxi and it was waiting for us at the Taxi station. We had ordered it because we arrived late in Paris that night.

Surprisingly, the Cab was a black Limousine with no Taxi sign on its top and the driver, who wore a costume, was gentle and polite. If you ever took a Taxi in Paris, you probably know why I am adding this to this paragraph.

Discussing with a Taxi driver
We had ordered the Taxi through the SNCF (the official European distribution channel of the French railways) and I was interested in learning why my Taxi had no sign on top so the driver explained to me that the platforms he registered with had deals with the SNCF to provide a quality service. He also said that he felt unsecure to park next to other cabs because Taxis "with a sign" have to pay for a $150 000 licence to have the right to work. Taxi licences are limited in Paris and, as an independant driver, he had decided to work differently. I also learnt that the "taxi" sign cannot be protected.

What about .TAXI domain names?
The driver told me his business was good: he drove a nice Limousine, worked a lot, and upgraded the Status of his company to be able to earn more (which is a good sign). He told me ha planned to build his own project and I understood his idea was to create his own taxi platform so I came to asking him if a owning a website was of any interest for a Taxi driver.

To this question he said that, as an independent driver offering a quality service, he was considering this seriously but admitted that he had no clue about where to start so I gave him a few tips and focussed on the number one advantage there is to use a new domain name: a clear identity and precision. He had an idea about what a domain name is but never heard about the .TAXI new gTLD.

Are Taxis concerned?
As a Taxi - with a project in mind - I believe a driver should be concerned by .TAXI new domain names but prior to launching a website there are a few things to know:
  • There are other TLDs (Top-Level Domains or Domain names extensions) related to the Taxi business, they are:
    • the .LIMO new gTLD which is launched already and can be registered (3,178 domain name registrations worldwide);
    • and the .CAB which is already available too (3,588 registrations).
  • The .TAXI new gTLD is not launched yet and there are three applicants who will fight for it in an auction to acquire the privilege to manage domain names ending in .TAXI, they are:
  • Major TAXI platforms should prepare for the launching ot the .TAXI new gTLD and submit their Trademark Data into the Trademark Clearinghouse to participate in the Sunrise Period.
What would I do?
I am no taxi driver and renting a Limousine is a different service to me (as a client) so I guess I would definitely go for a .TAXI domain name instead of a .CAB. As an independent taxi driver, I would secure both domains: a .CAB domain name is $30 for one year and a .TAXI should probably cost the same when it has launched.
As soon as the .TAXI domain is registered and the website live, I would secure the .CAB domain name and direct it to the .TAXI website. If I rent Limousines, I would register a .TAXI domain name too and point it to my .LIMO website.

My Wishes for 2015 (Jean Guillon)

There are already many articles about 2014 look backs on new gTLDs and probably more coming. The links will be posted on Here are two of them:

My personnal wishes for 2015:
  1. .WINE & .VIN new gTLDs: ICANN, "please take a decision".
  2. Translation: the final version of the ICANN new gTLD applicant guidebook is still not translated in other languages but English. This is a lack of opportunity due to lack of understanding for potential applicants in Round 2 of the ICANN new gTLD program to take a close future?
  3. New domain names mass adoption: 2015 = (2014 x 2 registration volumes)?
  4. Alternative Roots ruled by Governments: it is still early to say but I hope countries from Asia, Africa and the European Union consider developing their own version of an Internet to compete with the ICANN root. Many disagree with this but a different Governance could: offer Brands a better protection; avoid (or help block) mass surveillance; give Corporations a trustful place where to be represented online; have adult content blocked for kids; help react fast to content related to terrorism and hate; terminate spam, etc...
    Humanity has no experience with other versions of the Internet: why wouldn't it be better and in other languages but English?
  5. More promotion for new gTLDs: the best way to spread the message is to have major Brands and niche markets to use new domain names, they are the one to talk about it on their visit cards, publications, emails, paper advertising and networks.
All my best wishes for this new Year.

Jean Guillon.

8 Sunrise Periods in January 2015 (new gTLDs)

More Sunrise periods are starting in January 2015:
  • .FRL has started already;
  • .LGBT : Mon, 5 January;
  • .GREEN : Tue, 6 January;
  • .VOTO : Tue, 13 January;
  • .VOTE : Tue, 13 January (and don't forget to Vote);
  • .PHARMACY : Thu, 15 January;
  • .KRED : Fri, 16 January (what is .KRED?);
  • .TIRES : Tue, 20 January.
Read the complete calendar from the Trademark Clearinghouse:

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Sunrise Period starts today for .FRL domain names (Happy New Year)

The .FRL Registry

I must admit that I went to Wikipedia to ensure about what .FRL means and here is an extract: Friesland or Frisia is a province in the northwest of the Netherlands. It is situated west of Groningen, northwest of Drenthe and Overijssel, north of Flevoland, northeast of North Holland, and south of the North Sea".

The Sunrise Period for .FRL new domain names starts January the first and ends in February the first. The official website is


Register your .FRL domain name with LexSynergy.

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !