Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Submission in the Trademark Clearinghouse (TMCH)

Today's Toronto session provided an update on the status of the Trademark Clearinghouse's implementation:
  1. Procedures for submission of trademark data into the Clearinghouse (the Trademark Clearinghouse is scheduled to accept entries from Q1 2013);
  2. Implementation of Sunrise and Trademark Claims processes during the startup phases of new gTLD registries.

Download the complete presentation located down this page (if not there, it should come soon).
Official web site for the Trademark Clearinghouse is:

How to resolve string contentions sooner

The applicant auction is a private auction to resolve string contentions in advance of the ICANN last-resort auction.

The advantage of the applicant auction is that all the value of the auction stays with the applicants. Moreover, since the contentions are resolved more quickly, ICANN may award the top-level domains to the winning applicants sooner.

What are the key benefits of the Applicant Auction?

Relative to the ICANN last resort auction, the applicant auction has many benefits. The applicant auction:
  1. maximizes the value of the domains by putting them to their best use;
  2. rapidly resolves contention leading to faster ICANN assignment;
  3. allows the applicants to retain the benefits of resolution, rather than sharing the benefits with ICANN;
  4. lowers the price paid by the buyer—the applicant with the highest bid; and
  5. compensates sellers—the applicants with lower bids—with a share of the buyer’s payment.
Workshops ended yesterday but I am sure interested applicants will learn more here.

A summary of yesterday's ICANN meetings

Simple, fast, efficient:

Kieren McCarthy is an acknowledged authority on the Internet and Internet governance. I also suggest to ckech .nxt, an information service covering the Internet policy and governance worlds.

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !