The ICANN Board reaffirmed ICANN’s commitment to opening a second round of applications in the New gTLD Program as expeditiously as possible.
Date of the next ICANN conference on this question is : Mon, 25 June 2012 - 17:30 - 18:30
For those interested in watching, remote participation (with high bandwidth) will be possible in the virtual meeting room.
It is not possible yet to state a specific date for the second round because of the work ICANN has committed to related to the first round. First, the applications from the first round must be processed. In addition, ICANN previously committed to addressing the recommendations of the Governmental Advisory Committee requirements for assessment of trademark protections and root zone operation as a result of the first round.
For those interested in watching, remote participation (with high bandwidth) will be possible in the virtual meeting room.
It is not possible yet to state a specific date for the second round because of the work ICANN has committed to related to the first round. First, the applications from the first round must be processed. In addition, ICANN previously committed to addressing the recommendations of the Governmental Advisory Committee requirements for assessment of trademark protections and root zone operation as a result of the first round.
This session will ask participants to discuss ways to satisfy the prerequisites for launching the next round: particularly those concerning trademark protections and root zone stability. This will inform planning.