Monday, February 27, 2017

Come on .RICHARDLI : show the example

New gTLDs need concrete examples to gain in notoriety. Famous people, super stars and other popular singers can help achieve this.

Unfortunately, the only person - worldwide - to have considered creating domain names with an extension ending with her name, DOES NOT USE IT.

Mr Richard Li Tzar Kai, a Hong Kong businessman and philanthropist, created the ".richardli" domain name extension but no domain name has been created yet, but one redirection. When you click on, you will notice that it works but it redirects to another website.

If I can understand the move to protect some finance personality's name, I don't understand why superstars with a big ego have missed the opportunity to apply for their family or complete name as a domain name extension. 

Securing a superstar's name as a Trademark is common. Some even spend outrageous amounts of money acquiring and registering domain names to protect the name of their child so...isn't it time to consider the next round of the ICANN new gTLD program to create a serious and unique buzz?

What about a ".kardashian" domain name extension for a ? Or will it be aé ?

Thursday, February 23, 2017

That old post I just noticed about Nomulus

IP Twins is a popular French law firm to offer a full-package of domain name related services (registration, search, audit and monitoring), web services (web content search, audit and monitoring, AdWords™, auctions) and IP services (consulting, TMCH, new gTLDs applications).

This company is typically the kind of law firm to offer its clients a .BRAND new gTLD solution for the next round of the ICANN new gTLD program.

I just noted this post about Nomulus, pointing to my article following the Nomulus announcement from Google and I appreciate to be quoted in it actually.

Another good read that I just posted.

Amazon or Google for new gTLDs?

Google offered the world its tool to operate new gTLDs: it is a backend registry solution, named Nomulus. Google new gTLDs already use this solution.

AWS from Amazon
You might have noticed the massive communication around AWS (Amazon Web Services) where the communication focuses on promoting cloud solutions from Amazon. A new gTLD was even created for this: the .AWS domain name extension.

If Google made it clear that it still does not know if it will create a key-in-hand offer for .BRAND new gTLD applicants, what about Amazon?

Amazon did not build its TLDs with an internal solution, it has a backend registry provider and has not yet considered creating its own solution.

Potential .BRAND new gTLD applicants still think that it is too expensive to apply for their own domain name extension and a cheap/simple offer, just build for them, would seriously help. Lowering the price at ICANN...would help too.

So which service provider will come with that offer?

What you missed in our previous Newsletters:
  1. SBI launches its website using "";
  2. .LIVE to Become Rightside’s Largest TLD;
  3. Conferences:
    1. Let's talk .NYC : Thursday 23 February (today);
    2. DomainX: Sunday 9 April;
    3. Domaining Europe: Sunday 14 May.
  4. Phishers are shifting their sights to new gTLDs?
  5. A 2019 Second Round of New gTLDs?
  6. Domain Registrations Face An Uncertain Future But Opportunities Are There;
  7. NewG talk #26 (the latest figures for the Top 10 NewG extensions);
  8. Reminder: list of confusingly similar new gTLDs;
  9. Market Flatlines After ICANN Introduces New gTLDs;
  10. Preparing for Round 2;
  11. Interesting: all New gTLDs by Category;
  12. A Q&A on Google's New gTLD Solution, Nomulus;
  13. New gTLD cost impact survey (INTA): deadline extended;
  14. : just (re)launched;
  15. 4 years to delegate the .AFRICA new gTLD;
  16. We Urgently Need a New Internet;
  17. Empire.Kred;
  18. ICANN : It rains domains in dot .Africa;
  19. The .AFRICA new gTLD's cover:
    1. Official date of the delegation: 15 February 2017;
    2. Official registry:;
    3. Application submitted by the winning applicant to the ICANN.

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The .RAP new gTLD

Many are familiar with the .MUSIC new gTLD which should launch...someday. For those interested, I think it is also important to inform that there are two three other new gTLDs related to music:
  1. The .HIPHOP new gTLD (1 960+ domains sold worldwide);
  2. The .COUNTRY new gTLD (1 470+ domains sold);
  3. The .DANCE new gTLD (5,240+ domains sold).
Kanye West
For a reason I still don't understand, when I think "Rap", I think of "Kanye West": for the quality of his Rap probably, but maybe also for his...eccentricity. His wife has probably something to do with this by the way. I also think about Birdman, Diddy, Dr. Dre, Jay Z and 50 Cent too.

A domain name extension is unique and whatever is said about them, each new gTLD application is a monopoly too.

2 reasons
There are two reasons why I believe that famous rappers would be successful applicants for the .RAP new gTLD:
  1. Eccentric people like uniqueness and a monopoly clearly answers that need of uniqueness: wouldn't a famous rapper want to be the only person to own the .RAP domain name extension for domain names such as www.birdman.rap or
    Another reason: can you imagine 50 Cent paying Jay Z to register the domain name "50cent.rap"? ;-)
  2. The first round of the ICANN new gTLD program clearly showed that new domain names are difficult to sell and to be able to sell, you clearly need a Dr .Dre to show off with a domain name ending in ".rap". Such famous rappers like Kayne West and Jay Z are famous enough to propagate such information. 
Good to know
  • "rap" is not prohibited by the ICANN to submit an application: it is no ISO 3166 alpha-3 code;
  • there was no application submitted in round one of the ICANN new gTLD program;
  • the RAP business is a multi-billion industry: can you imagine what a .RAP new gTLD would generate in terms of domain names sold?
We are in 2017 and round two of the next round of the ICANN new gTLD program shouldn't start (be announced?) before 2020, so there's still plenty of time to prepare a project...or just write this TLD on a list.

The .RAP new gTLD is "not" one the TLDs listed in my official list.

(but shush, I didn't say anything)

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

New gTLDs: 3 conferences are coming

Let's talk .NYC : Thursday 23 February
Lets meet and talk tech, NYC, domains and auction. We have some great info on how .nyc is doing, what's coming next and much more. You can be investor, developer, fan or just curious about .nyc domain.

DomainX: Sunday 9 April
Since inception in 2014, DomainX™ has been a dedicated annual domain name conference with multiple yearly events across the globe to network, spread awareness and educate public about domain names and the industry.

Domaining Europe: Sunday 14 May
DomainingEurope is an event, where many Top Level Decision makers from the global Domain Industry meet,make Business and share new tendencies, tools and knowledge.

More dates to be announced in coming Newsletters.


I received an email asking me why the .MOTO new gTLD was not listed in the SPORT new gTLD report.

The .MOTO new gTLD is a Trademark for which Charleston Road Registry (Google's company for new gTLDs) submitted an application to the ICANN. It intends to operate the extension as a closed registry with Google as the sole registrar and Motorola Mobility (and its affiliates), as the sole registrants.

For this reason it does not appear in the Sport new gTLD report.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Continental new gTLDs

Generic Top-Level Domains:
  1. .ASIA = done
  2. .AFRICA = done
  3. .EUROPE = to be done? (the ".eu" top-level domain already exists but is considered as a ccTLD)
  4. .AMERICA = to be done?
  5. .OCEANIA = to be done?
  6. .ANTARTICA = to be done?

Thursday, February 16, 2017

The .AFRICA new gTLD

.AFRICA new gTLD was delegated.

Check here (15 February 2017).

4 years to delegate the .AFRICA new gTLD

On the 13th of June 2012 was published the list of new gTLD applicants who submitted an application for a new generic Top-Level Domains. Check down this page to find the list. One might be surprised to see that there was one application only on that list...but in fact, there were two. The second applicant made a mistake submitting its application and applied for the ".DOTAFRICA" new gTLD instead (see below in the list). This issue was solver later one.

Almost 5 years to launch a TLD
I stopped following the different legal procedures a long ago since it was unclear what really happened and to be honest...what a waste of time and money. What to remember:

What you missed in our previous Newsletters:
  1. HOT - The languages of new top level domains (part 5 in a series examining the geography of new domain endings (nTLDs);
  2. .SPACE new gTLD is 2 years old;
  3. New gTLDs: meaning of the MIIT Accreditation;
  4. Thoughts About the Proposed Copyright Alternative Dispute Resolution Policy;
  5. Interesting: "We Need a New Industrial Internet";
  6. Amazon launches new Amazon Chime service on a .brand new gTLD;
  7. New gTLD Subsequent Procedures Working Group Transcript;
  8. Listen to Mert Saka at Turkey DNS Forum 2017;
  9. Live new domains:
    1. LIVE:
    2. UNICOM: (sitemap)
    3. NATURA:
  10. 1 more new gTLD gets the nod from China;
  11. The DNA Initiative Isn't Healthy for the Internet;
  12. .BRAND new gTLDs: answers from "Nomulus";
  13. ICANN to begin delegation of .AFRICA domain;
  14. New .BRAND gTLDs:
    1. Amazon:
    2. AFL:
  15. Why new gTLDs rule in usability!
  16. Geo “.Com” Vs. Geo “New gTLD”;
  17. .ART domain name launch shuts down over technical difficulties;
  18. NewG talk #25 (the rise of .loan has been spectacular);
  19. U.S. Antitrust Division investigating Verisign running .WEB new gTLD;
  20. Chinese TLDs get Chinese approval;
  21. .Ceo and .best to release 1 and 2 character domains;
  22. Which new domains are sold?
  23. The .AFRICA new gTLD:
    1. ICANN Free to Proceed with Delegation of .AFRICA;
    2. Third time lucky: ICANN beats off .africa ban;
    3. .AFRICA to finally go live after judge denies injunction.

Friday, February 3, 2017

New gTLD reports for February 2017

New gTLD reports for the month of February 2017 have been published. These were published on a weekly basis in 2016 for the launching of most of the new generic Top-Level Domains. These publications focus on domain name registration volumes according to businesses and industries.

Industries and businesses
A list of “themes” was chosen to target specific business and activities: new gTLDs related to CATERING, PHOTOGRAPHY, CITIES, COMPANIES, The LAW, FINANCE, COLORS, SPORT, ALCOHOL, REAL ESTATE, Singular VS Plural versions of a new gTLD, FRENCH new gTLD applications, RELIGION, GENERIC TLDs, CARS, HEALTH, new gTLDs with a FRENCH connotation and ADULTS.

These themes offer registrants two possibilities:
  1. Learn” and get to know which domain name extensions exist in their core business so they can register corresponding domain names if they want to;
  2. Stay in touch” so they can keep an eye on the domain name expansion related to their activity.
Registration volumes
One could wonder why it matters to follow new domain name registration volumes.

If it first matters for a dentist to know that there is a domain name extension ending in “.dentist” which exists (instead of “.com”), a “.agency” for an agency or a “.football” for a football federation; it is also important to know that such identities can correspond to your core business and that they are available to anyone who wants to register one. No need for an authorization to buy one and have a perfectly identified presence on Internet.

Second, domain name registration volumes offer the option to keep an eye on trends: when domain name registration volumes increase in an activity, it means that professionals are buying these domain names and that the activity concerned is developing on Internet under a brand new name.

A good example to give are “.cloud” domain names. Let’s be honest: who cares about “clouds”? Well, you’d be surprised to see that this domain name extension is massively being adopted by professionals of the cloud business with almost 100,000 domain name registrations. 

February 2017
It if was difficult to compare figures from January 2017 with figures from the last week of December 2016, it makes more sense to compare domain name registration volumes from January 2017 and February 2017. These figures are, and will be, updated on the second day of each month. Note that figures in blue represent a noticeable increase of domain name registrations, in red when they decrease from a month to the other.

All updated reports are available here.

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !