Thursday, July 31, 2014

New gTLD .RIP : “Requiescat in pace”

Thinking twice about it: .RIP new gTLD is multilingual...

Why would you have a grave in a cemetery when you know that few people will visit in a lifespan? Much better to have one on Internet: people will be able to keep on hearing about you, after you have died. They could read about your life and, why not, find a set of pictures from that very person who died. It is much nicer than standing in front of a grave that has plastic flowers on it.

Read my article on

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

“Requiescat in pace” (.RIP new gTLD)

What does “RIP” stand for?

I thought “RIP” stood for “Rest In Peace”. I thought it was an acronym used in English only and a TLD that would be understood by the next generation; because no one would ever register such a domain name ending in .RIP today.

When you say “RIP”, it makes you think of death…

I have also said that such a TLD was something…typically American and that no other culture would consider buying such domain names because promoting death online is something a bit odd.

“RIP” is not an English acronym … it is Latin and it is not used only in the United Kingdom or in the USA; it is used worldwide in all cemeteries. Once I went to a French cemetery and I found a tombstone on which “R.I.P” was written. I learnt something on that day: “RIP” means “Requiescat in pace”.

Bright idea in fact


The RIP acronym reminds me the problems we face with new gTLDs in multiple languages: what happens if you have a .WINE and a .VIN but no .VINO? Isn’t it unfair for the Spaniards and the Italians? Actually it is the reason why I chose the Latin word for Project dotVinum to have all the major wine extensions under the same domain name.

.RIP is a direct answer to that multilangual problem because Latin is a universal TLD here and addresses all those interested: not only the English speakers.

The idea

I downloaded all three applications but I did not even read them. I don’t mind what is written inside. What does matter is how I feel about registering a .RIP new domain name as a “user”.

Why would you have a grave in a cemetery when you know that few people will visit in a lifespan? Much better to have one on Internet: people will be able to keep on hearing about you, after you have died. They could read about your life and, why not, find a set of pictures from that very person who died. It is much nicer than standing in front of a grave that has plastic flowers on it.

I even started believing that .RIP domain names and a vast range of other dedicated online services are something you may start finding when organizing funerals. What if undertakers from different countries started to offer this as a service? Isn’t this a great idea?

The French “Confédération des Professionnels du Funéraire et de la Marbrerie” is going to be happy when reading about this.

Who is behind the .RIP ?

Who is crazy enough to have considered applying for the .RIP new generic Top-Level Domain?

There were three aplicants and only one is left now; the two other applications have been withdrawn from the ICANN new gTLD process:
  1. One is from United TLD Holdco Ltd (now RightSide) and was won in an auction; 
  2. dotRIP LIMITED (application was withdrawn); 
  3. Nevaeh Ventures Inc (application was withdrawn). 
Interested in reading about the applicant’s plan for .RIP? Download the public portion of the application here.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Why most brands may never sign the ICANN contract

What many dotBrands have failed or seem to have not to have understood (especially those who have already signed with ICANN) is that the contract is not designed for trademarks. The agreements are basically a lease agreement that can be revoked from you and given to someone else. What brand on earth would allow for someone else to run their trademark on the internet without their approval?

Read the article from Shaun Le Cornu on

Monday, July 28, 2014

Final report of the IO is available on

This is the complete final activity report of the Independent Objector for the ICANN New gTLD Program. The report can be downloaded down the post.

I want to Thank Alain Pellet for allowing me the reading of this report.

For those who need to follow what is going on in the ICANN new gTLD program, I suggest to subscribe to the newsfeed or join the LinkedIn group on new generic Top-Level Domains (1600+ subscribers already).

A financial back-up to win .WINE ?

Could money be the solution?

What would happen if an applicant were to receive a financial back-up to go to auction and win it. In exchange of this financial back-up, it would protect wine Geographical Indications according to a solution provided by parties affected by this issue?

What if Project dotVinum were to enter the game with a € 5 million financial back-up, to help the best applicant win the auction (in a private auction or an ICANN sponsored auction):
  1. Would 5 million be enough?
  2. Would Axelle Lemaire help France?
  3. ...
Read my article on :

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Just posted: 3 new gTLDs for builders

The building industry had now its own 3 domain name extensions. Their meaning is descriptive and pretty much the same but much nicer than .COM in the end.
There are 3 new generic Top-Level Domains for this industry :
  2. .BUILD
Read my short post here: and register your .CONSTRUCTION at GoDaddy.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Minds + Machines support: +1

Support matters

This is the email I received after purchasing a .COOKING domain name a few months ago. I then received an email explaining that my domain name could go to an auction if someone else tried to buy it too.
If I admit I did not notice this acquisition could go to an auction at the moment I purchased the domain name (far in advance), I am happy to learn that I can be reimbursed if my domain name is sent to an auction.

Transparency is an important matter when it comes to registering domain names and I pretty much appreciate to receive such kind email from M+M support because I would have been seriously pissed to receive an email explaining that my purchase was sent to auction.

The email received:


Hello Jean,

I'm actually waiting for someone to get back to me. I do apologize for the inconvenience and the wait. 

At the moment, ICANN is reviewing our program. We are making every effort to get the names that were purchased during Priority Reservation. If we are unsuccessful, we will be in touch the moment we hear from them. Of course, you are entitled to full refund before General Availability, if you would like to exercise that option.

I will be in touch as soon as ICANN contacts us, however, they are under obligation to get back to us by a certain time. I do apologize for that as well.

Best regards,
XXX (changed)

Registrar Support

Minds + Machines Limited


M+M = +1

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Dans Le JDnet, Jean Guillon critique ouvertement la position du Gouvernement sur le .wine et .vin

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

France has saved money on .WINE!

"What if France had applied for a .WINE new gTLD?" is my latest article on

Another view of the situation regarding .WINE is to wonder if it would have been a good idea for France to apply. If we consider the situation, France has saved a lot of money by not applying to .WINE. The problem to protect wine Geographical Indications remains and the solution is now to be found with existing applicants.

Read my article on

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !