Tuesday, April 1, 2014

La chasse au .BUZZ est ouverte (article JDN)

Il n’est plus utile d’expliquer que les nouveaux noms de domaine sont lancés, il en existe de toutes sortes et dans de nombreuses langues dont le français. Nos marques, à ce jour, communiquent beaucoup avec les très populaires noms de domaine .COM car ceux-ci sont reconnus par les internautes. Pourtant, il est une nouvelle extension de noms de domaine qui vient d’être lancée et qui présente des particularités qui pourraient intéresser nos communicants. Voici venus les noms de domaine .BUZZ.

Des noms de domaine qui se terminent en .BUZZ
Les agences de communication et autres marques grand public n’ont qu’à bien se tenir car si elles communiquaient jusqu’alors en .COM, les nouveaux noms de domaine ICANN vont leur permettre d’innover et les sortir du lot. En effet, plus de 700 nouvelles extensions de noms de domaine sont en cours de lancement et dont le .BUZZ fait partie.

La suite sur le Journal Du Net.

700 nouvelles extensions sont lancées, enregistrez votre nom de domaine .BUZZ chez 1&1.

ICANN to close the Trademark Clearinghouse?

April 1, 2014 (Marina del Rey, California, USA) - The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) announced today that the Board of Directors has elected Dr. Jean Guillon to succeed Fadi Chehadé as President and Chief Executive Officer.
Dr. Guillon will take office at the conclusion of the Board's next meeting in the French Palais de l'Elysée, France, April 10-14, 2014.

Fadi Chehadé, ICANN's current President and CEO, has held the position since June 2012 and has overseen the start-up of the organization.

Jean Guillon's first action will be to end the ICANN new gTLD program, close the Trademark Clearinghouse program and reimburse all applicants.

Ouverture du « .vin » et « .wine » sur internet : 6 questions pour bien comprendre les enjeux

Pourquoi l’ouverture du « .vin » et du « .wine » pose problème ?

Ces nouveaux noms de domaine peuvent être source de développement économique pour le secteur vitivinicole, dont une partie du chiffre d’affaires est réalisée via Internet, tendance qui devrait s’accroître à l’avenir. Problème : les trois sociétés candidates à l’exploitation du « .vin » et « .wine » ont indiqué qu’elles vendraient les noms de domaine de second niveau aux enchères, sans se soucier de la protection des IG. Par conséquent, n’importe quelle entreprise ou individu pourra acheter un nom de second niveau correspondant à une appellation, par exemple « beaujolais.wine », et proposer à la vente des produits qui n’ont rien à voir avec l’appellation en question, voir avec du vin. Les risques concernent au premier chef les consommateurs (tromperies sur la marchandise), mais aussi les producteurs (risques de détournement de notoriété des appellations d’origine, voire même de cybersquatting). Certains noms de domaine pourraient même être achetés à des fins spéculatives.
La suite sur gTLD.club: http://gtld.club/2014/04/01/ouverture-du-vin-et-wine-sur-internet-6-questions-pour-bien-comprendre-les-enjeux/.

Pré-enregistrez votre nom de domaine .VIN

PR: Evolution not revolution helps distribution, Sunrise period opens for .BID, .TRADE and .WEBCAM

The new Internet naming convention, where websites can end in almost any characters rather than the old style .com, .net and .org, has been seen by many as a playground for fresh thinking and innovation on the Internet.

 The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), which regulates Internet names, cites the capacity for innovation as one of the reasons that has led to the expansion in the namespace, known as the new generic Top Level Domain (gTLD) program. ICANN long ago made sure that Registries (who own the names) can only sell to Registrants (who buy the names) through accredited intermediaries known as Registrars, these are companies such as GoDaddy and 1and1 that you may have seen advertising recently on TV. 

Over recent months, the Domain Name Industry has seen a variety of weird and wacky go-to-market strategies. There have been registries proposing a variety of pricing mechanisms ranging from $10 to $50,000 for a single web address. Other registries have opted for a hyperbolic price increase model over time jumping to tens of thousands of dollars per domain name in only a few years.

Some gTLD applicants have spent a huge amount of time, effort and resources building their own back-end registry systems while others have been spending similar efforts in a bid to try to bypass the registrar channel so that they can benefit from undiluted revenues.

While Famous Four Media is highly supportive of innovation in the domain name world, it believes that there is a time and a place for everything. At such a critical juncture of the Internet, Famous Four Media is convinced that now is the time for ‘evolution’ and not ‘revolution’ in this industry.

So, while others have been drawing up plans to take over the domain name world with ‘killer’ business paradigms and radical pricing mechanisms, Famous Four Media has quietly gone about its business and secured what it believes to be the most extensive Registrar distribution network in the new gTLD industry, in time for the 31 March 2014 Sunrise launch of its first three gTLDs .BID, .TRADE and .WEBCAM.

We are delighted to be bringing our new gTLD registries to market through such an incredible and well established distribution network,” said Geir Rasmussen CEO, Famous Four Media. “The fact that we have 82 Registry Registrar Agreements signed in time for the launch of our first gTLDs is not only testament to the hard work, expertise and dedication of our staff but also to the desire of ICANN accredited Registrars to work in partnership with us to bring great domain names to market”.

The 82 signed agreements will allow nearly 450 ICANN accredited registrars to market all of Famous Four Media’s 59 Top Level Domains globally as well as tens of thousands of resellers that work hand- in-hand with the Famous Four Media registrar network. This means that if you want to set your website apart with a descriptive web address, such as www.mycool.webcam or www.lowprice.bid or even www.londontax.accountant, you will be able to get one from almost any registrar anywhere in the world.

Andy Churley, Chief Marketing Officer
media AT famousfourmedia.com

About Famous Four Media
Famous Four Media Limited was set up in 2011 by a small group of recognized domain name experts and successful financiers to actively provide products and services to TLD Registry operators under ICANN’s new generic Top Level Domains (“gTLD”) program. Drawing on the best from both Registries and Registrars, Famous Four Media’s management team has extensive experience in the domain name industry having successfully launched, operated, marketed and run generic TLDs under previous rounds and having managed some of the largest corporate and retail domain name registrars in the world. The 59 gTLD applications, that are currently under Famous Four Media Limited management, include some of the most interesting and valuable domain suffixes, such as .ACCOUNTANT, .BID, .DATE, .DOWNLOAD, .FAITH, .LOAN, .MEN,. REVIEW, .SCIENCE, .TRADE, .WEBCAM and .WIN.

700 new gTLDs are launching with accredited Registrar 1&1, get your new .TRADE, .BID and .WEBCAM domain names today.

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !