The changes between previous version (8) and version 9:
- GAC early warning (;
- Initial evaluation (;
- Receipt of GAC advice on new gTLDs (;
- Subsequent application rounds (1.1.6);
- Eligibility (1.2.1);
- Required documents (1.2.2);
- Resources for applicant (1.2.10);
- IDN tables (1.3.2);
- Submitting an application (1.4);
- gTLD evaluation fee (1.5.1);
- Refunds (1.5.1);
- String requirements for IDNs (;
- Review procedure for geographic names (;
- Customary services (;
- Geographic names extended evaluation (2.3.1);
- Registry services extended evaluation (2.3.3);
- Panel selection process (2.4.2);
- Annex to module 2: separable country names list;
- Attachment to module 2: evaluation questions and criteria. Many modifications here;
- GAC advice on new gTLDs (3.1);
- Dispute resolution service providers (3.2.3);
- Filling procedures (3.3);
- Dispute resolution costs (3.4.7);
- Contention resolution and contract resolution (4.4);
- Attachment to module 5: gTLD registry agreement. Many modifications here;
- Terms and conditions (5-6-8-14).