I just wrote an article related to
affiliation and why I believe this could push sport organizations to do the promotion of their sport.
The problem is that I am not sure they care about promoting their sport because most are too local, but also....they probably have no idea that it is possible to offer domain names related to their sport and receive money from this.
To give an example, there are lots of Karate Clubs in France and there is one French federation which could offer these clubs to register their ".club" domain name and receive money from this. This is typically the kind of sport organization with the capacity to set up an affiliation program and send an email to all of its Karate Clubs.
New domain name registration volumes:
- HOT - New gTLDs related to CITIES;
- New gTLDs related to CATERING;
- New gTLDs related to PHOTOGRAPHY;
- New gTLDs with a FRENCH connotation;
- GOOD TO KNOW - New gTLDs related to COMPANIES;
- New gTLDs related to the LAW;
- New gTLDs related to FINANCE;
- New gTLDs related to COLORS.
Tonight's Newsletter:
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In our previous Newsletter:
- What’s in a Domain Name? Perhaps, the Future of News;
- New gTLD/dotBrands and what this means for search;
- URS requires clear cybersquatting;
- Announcing the Disrupt SF Hackathon;
- URS on arcelormittal.lol
- Two-character domains from Rightside will be available as of Sept. 14;
- NIC.AT Sister Company Takes Over Operation Of .VERSICHERUNG;
- Celebrating One Year of .online.
Previous Campaigns can be viewed