Wednesday, December 28, 2016

It's the end of the .YEAR & predictions

It is the end of the year and, as a new gTLD fan, promoter and evangelist, I will keep updating my new gTLD reports on a monthly basis starting 2017. Now most of the new gTLDs have launched, registration volumes will probably be constants...more or less.

I am enthusiastic about new gTLDs but studying registration volumes on a daily basis taught me a lot about what to submit an application for in round two of the ICANN new gTLD program and what NOT TO submit an application for.

For those interested in submitting an application in future rounds of the ICANN new gTLD program, I strongly recommend to check registration volumes from round 1: each category of TLD expresses a need for new domain name extensions...or not. For example, I would not invest in an application related to Real Estate anymore. I think sport applications are of great value as well as applications for cities. I also think that a lot of niche applications will be highly valuable and have a lot of potential.

My predictions for 2017
I predict that a date to submit a .BRAND new gTLD application will be announced before mid 2018, possibly earlier. The reason for this is that nothing blocks ICANN from allowing new "specification 13" applications from being submitted today and there is a strong demand for this. I am also confident that there will be more .BRAND new gTLD applications in coming rounds. I also think that it will cost less to apply...and.. that there will be more service providers to offer to submit a .BRAND new gTLD application. There are already a lot of signs about this: there are more tools available, it reduces the number of service providers to sign a contract with, and there is more money to earn by offering such a service to an existing list of clients: I heard about a law firm who's already understood this.

What you missed in our previous Newsletters:
  1. Must listen to podcast - New gTLD predictions for 2017: hear predictions for 2017 from 15 people in the domain business;
  2. URS comes to .mobi as ICANN offers Afilias lower fees;
  3. Who do you think...has done the most to promote new gTLDs in 2016?
  4. December 2016 Dot Brand Insights;
  5. Donuts extends brand protection offering;
  6. GDD Industry Summit Sponsorship Opportunities (8 - 11 May 2017);
  7. In which extension(s) should companies secure their domains? (Last update of the year);
  8. Useful - Confusing New gTLDs (The complete list of confusingly similar new gTLDs);
  9. Here’s the Largest URS Complaint Ever Filed;
  10. Interesting - Updated Staff Report on Proposed Amendments to Base New gTLD Registry Agreement;
  11. Non .com in Snickers Commercial;
  12. Global bars and restaurants set to benefit from newly released pool of .bar and .rest domains;
  13. French - Amélioration des mécanismes de protection des marques dans le cadre des new gTLDs.
Starting 2017, we welcome new sponsors to and its daily Newsletter.

Friday, December 23, 2016

Confusing new gTLDs

Choosing the right domain name is like choosing a Trademark, it has to be taken seriously because it is a long time image investment.

If new gTLDs have brought new options to those in charge of creating a name (precision, availability, novelty) and registering its(their) domain name(s), they also brought the possibility to make a terrible mistake when choosing the right extension for a domain name.

First, I'd suggest to take a look at the list of "Singular versus Plural new gTLDs" and wonder:
  1. What if I someone else buys (and starts to use) my exact same domain name in its plural version?
  2. If I buy both domain names (one to use and one to redirect): what will be the trend in 5 years? Am I sure that I am making the right choice to use the plural version of the extension or should I use the singular one?
Second - and this one takes time - I'd suggest to carefully check the complete list of new gTLD applications by alphabetical order.

The same applies for Trademarks who will start to, or have started to, use their .BRAND new gTLD. Some strings can be the same with just one letter added. What happens if someone sends an email to Aigo Digital Technology Co,Ltd. (.AIGO new gTLD) and forgets the last "O"? The email could just never be received, because it was sent to a complete different company: American International Group, Inc. (owner of the .AIG new gTLD).

This is my list of confusing new gTLDs:
  1. .AIG & .AIGO
  2. .ART & .ARTE
  4. Many more to come...
The complete list was first published on CircleId and will be maintained at Jovenet Consulting.

What you missed in our previous Newsletters:
  • Interesting - ICANN Publishes Updated gTLD Marketplace Health Index;
  • Mitsubishi pulls plug on dot-brand gTLD;
  • 4 new gTLDs were delegated:
    • .FUN
    • .PHONE
    • .DATA
    • .MOBILE
  • is here;
  • Interesting - How brands use their new domain name extensions;
  • Just deleted (to be confirmed): 
    • .IINET new gTLD;
    • MUTUELLE new gTLD.
  • How Are New gTLDs Seen In Domain Name Dispute Cases?
  • People trying to unload 1-letter New gTLDs with expensive renewals.
Domain name registration volumes:
  1. Generic new gTLDs (.WEBSITE is doing good);
  2. New gTLDs related to CARS;
  3. New gTLDs related to HEALTH (is .HEALTH finaly coming?).
Our reports are available here.

Since most new gTLDs have launched, reports will be updated on a monthly basis starting January 2017.

Note to our readers: starting January 2017, the content of our Newsletter will be sent by email only. It will not be made available online anymore on

I wish you a merry Christmas.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Update: 4 new gTLDs were delegated

Four new generic Top-Level Domains were delegated. It means that they will soon start to spread on Internet and you will see websites with domain names ending in:
  1. .FUN (there were 3 applicants for this application);
  2. .PHONE (there were 2 applicants for this application and a similar TLD already exists: the .TEL domain name extension which has more than 100,000 registrations);
  3. .DATA (there were 3 applicants for this application);
  4. .MOBILE (there were 3 applicants for this extension and a similar TLD already exists: the .MOBI new gTLD).
The dates for Sunrise Periods should be announced soon at the Trademark Clearinghouse.

What you missed in our previous Newsletters:
  1. 3 new gTLDs coming? (.PHONE / .DATA / .MOBILE);
  2. Are ".com" domain names dying?
  3. Not-Coms See Major Growth in Web Traffic Rankings;
  4. New Afnic issue paper "Brands and the new Corp TLDs";
  5. Perfect Usage of a .Christmas Domain;
  6. Update - In which extension(s) should companies secure their domains?
  7. Will 2017 finally be the year of the new gTLD?
  8. The .CHARITY Independent Review Process;
  9. What is a .BRAND;
  10. NewG talk #17;
  11. Declaration on .AFRICA new gTLD;
  12. .Com Domain Registrations Back Under 128 Million.
Domain name registration volumes: 
  • New gTLDs related to COMPANIES; 
  • New gTLDs related to the LAW (the .LAW is in the blue); 
  • New gTLDs related to FINANCE;
  • New gTLDs related to COLORS;
  • New gTLDs related to SPORT;
  • New gTLDs related to ALCOHOL;
  • New gTLDs related to REAL ESTATE (many are in the red: end of the year?
Our reports are available here.

Since most new gTLDs have launched, reports will be updated on a monthly basis starting January 2017.

Note to our readers: starting January 2017, the content of our Newsletter will be sent by email only. It will not be made available online anymore on

Monday, December 19, 2016

The .WHOSWHO new gTLD becomes a .BRAND ?

The end of the year is often the right moment to speculate about the future of new gTLDs and I much appreciate to read posts such as the recent one written by Stuart Fuller from Netnames. Something that I just feel like learning is this sentence about the .WHOSWHO new gTLD turning in to a brand new gTLD?
"Two examples of this in the past few weeks are the decision by the Whoswho registry to essentially turn itself into a dotBrand..."
I fast checked the application and saw no sign of this so I asked the registry for a confirmation. It is also possible that my English is too poor to correctly understand what "essentially" means in the sentence.

Whatever the decision of the registry is - I was aware of decisions from .BRAND extensions to turn to generic applications dedicated to selling domain names but I was not aware of the opposite - it can make sense to block from buying domain names to rent a service instead...based on a domain name. This is another way to deploy a TLD. Then it is a question of marketing it. Creating innovative projects based on new gTLDs is also something that we offer at Jovenet Consulting.

What you missed in our previous Newsletter:
  1. Let’s be honest, what’s the chance that all the new domain extensions fail?
  2. An Innovative new gTLD project;
  3. .HOSPITAL new gTLD: hey wait!
  4. Update: new gTLD AFRICA Redux
  5. How Search Engines Are Killing Clever URLs;
  6. 2016: The Year That Was in .brands;
  7. Donuts has acquired .IRISH
  8. Coming articles:
    1. "Confusing new gTLDs";
    2. New business model for Round 2 (a new business model for Round two of the ICANN new gTLD program).
Domain name registration volumes: 
  • Cool - New gTLDs related to CITIES; 
  • New gTLDs related to CATERING; 
  • New gTLDs related to PHOTOGRAPHY.
Our reports are available here.

Since most new gTLDs have launched, reports will be updated on a monthly basis starting January 2017.

Friday, December 16, 2016

New gTLDs...since last Tuesday

I am working on two articles based on "facts" and I should post them soon. Your participation is welcome and I am happy if you drop me a line with your participation. The articles will probably be entitled:
  1. "Confusing new gTLDs";
  2. New business model for Round 2 (a new business model for Round two of the ICANN new gTLD program).
I developed a project which innovation is based on a new domain name extension. It focuses on:
  • Generating income and creating new sources of revenues;
  • Establishing a worldwide "mega" brand;
  • Giving worldwide visibility to  project owner;
  • Bringing strong innovation to the Internet.
Since I cannot finance such a project, I am happy to talk to interested parties. Note that the project can be adapted to an existing - but not yet developed - new gTLD. I'd love to talk to Amazon, to Google, to Automattic, to Facebook, Vistaprint...

The new gTLD group on LinkedIn has passed the 2,500 subscribers. As usual, you are welcome to post your news to the group as long as they are related to new gTLDs. We also send an announcement on Monday to subscribers so if you want to be read...this is the place have you content posted.

The .AUDI new gTLD
The AUDI Trademark creates more ".audi" domain names (see figures here). The registry has now up to 552 registrations and these start to be indexed in Google. There is an interesting that has been indexed recently. More to come?

.GDN : removed
The Top-Level Domain was removed from the Generic new gTLD report since the mission/purpose of the application still states: "Our mission is to commence a new generic top level domain name avenue for global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) industry and users, that enables and improve for commercial entities to illustrate, manage, market their products, services, education and experience, which enhance visibility and makes it easy for users to recognize GNSS activity on internet." What is written in the application is absolutely not what the front page of the registry says.

What you missed in our previous Newsletters:
  1. Where do new gTLDs stand on trademark issue?
  2. ICANN Call for volunteers (...allocate the New gTLD Auction Proceeds);
  3. Interesting - Could this be the next tipping point for the new gTLDs?
  4. Curious Statement About 2012 gTLD Round Name Collision Fears at IGF;
  5. List of gTLDs available for UDRP (to date October 17, 2016);
  6. How a Domain Name Could Transform Your Online Business;
  7. Free .SHOP domains until Christmas;
  8. Interesting - How memory recall is improved with new gTLDs;
  9. The .ECO new gTLD: 48 hours left for nonprofits to apply for a .eco domain grant!
  10. New gTLD .CAM Launched Today;
  11. Google just launches a new .GOOGLE domain:;
  12. 3 Sunrise Periods are ending on Saturday, 31 December, 2016 - 16:00:
    1. .游戏 (game);
    2. .企业 (enterprise);
    3. .娱乐 (entertainment).
  13. CentralNic plc Sell one domain name for $4.5million;
  14. Release of Two-Character Labels;
  15. Interesting - New gTLD numbers, more sources of information:
    1. gTLDs – Daten & Trends;
    2. TLD Summary Table.
  16. The Luxury Watch Market and Trademark Infringement in New gTLDs;
  17. Amazon updates its new top level domain website to prepare for launch;
  18. Just delegated: the HOSPITAL new gTLD;
  19. .SUCKS domain to drop its price 99% in January;
  20. Registering New Top Level Domain Names in China;
  21. Update: In which extension(s) should companies secure their domains?
Domain name registration volumes: 
  • New gTLDs related to ALCOHOL; 
  • New gTLDs related to REAL ESTATE (.RENT registrations to drop); 
  • New gTLDs related to SPORT;
  • Plural versions of new gTLDs (I added the .CAREER and .CAREERS new gTLDs);
  • French new gTLD applications;
  • New gTLDs related to RELIGION (a small increase in .CHRISTMAS domaine name registrations. Ie:;
  • Generic new gTLDs (all new gTLDs (.COM looses 70,699 registrations in one week);
  • New gTLDs related to CARS (552 domain name registrations for .AUDI);
  • Good - New gTLDs related to HEALTH (all new gTLDs related to Health (but .HIV) have their domain name registration volumes to increase since last week).
Our reports are available here.

Recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Note to our readers: starting January 2017, the content of our Newsletter will be sent by email only. It will not be made available online anymore on

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Trademarks more exposed starting January 2017

I force myself not to talk about the .SUCKS new gTLD because I strongly believe that it is the worst think that was brought by the ICANN new gTLD program. The latest announcement received from this registry - which front page states: " designed to help consumers find their voices and allow companies to find the value in criticism" - says that it will drop the wholesale price of .sucks domains to $1.99 in January.

What it means:
It means that the registry offers to buy a domain name for a cheap price starting January 2017 and it will then try to have buyers to renew the domain name at a much higher price at the moment to renew the domain name.
My suggestions:
  1. don't buy these domain names;
  2. don't participate in making the web worst than it already is;
  3. don't be fooled by such practice.
What does it mean for Trademarks and other Registrants:
During one year, starting in January 2017, your Trademark will be more exposed to infringements because of the low price of these domain names. Also, it will cost almost nothing to register or for a third party.
My suggestions:
  1. don't pay attention if someone tries to annoy you because the price to renew these domain name will be higher so a squatter will probably not renew it;
  2. when paying attention to squatters, you increase their willing to renew a domain name;
  3. if you think this is going too far, have a look at the PDDRP Procedure at ICANN (Trademark Post-Delegation Dispute Resolution Procedure): "The Trademark PDDRP generally addresses a Registry Operator's complicity in trademark infringement on the first or second level of a New gTLD".
  4. don't participate in making the web worst than it already is...

What you missed in last Friday's Newsletter:
  1. Coming new gTLD: the .HOSPITAL new gTLD should be delegated soon;
  2. Cognac Producer Successfully Obtains Domains Reproducing its Brand Under new gTLDs;
  3. NAR Has Moved to;
  4. HOT - Your Trademark never wants to face this:
  5. Coming in 2017, new domain name registration volumes for businesses related to adults;
  6. ICANN picks Madrid for next gTLD industry meeting.
Domain name registration volumes: 
  • New gTLDs related to CATERING; 
  • New gTLDs related to PHOTOGRAPHY; 
  • New gTLDs related to CITIES;
  • New gTLDs "sounding French"; 
  • HOT - New gTLDs related to COMPANIES; 
  • New gTLDs related to the LAW; 
  • New gTLDs related to FINANCE (a lot of red this week); 
  • New gTLDs related to COLORS. 
Our reports are available here.

Since most new gTLDs have launched, reports will be updated on a monthly basis starting January 2017.

Recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Note to our readers: starting January 2017, the content of our Newsletter will be sent by email only. It will not be made available online anymore on

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Sunrise Period starts for .ART new gTLD

Announced yesterday, the .ART new gTLD Sunrise Period
  • START: Wednesday, 7 December, 2016 - 16:00;
  • END: Tuesday, 7 February, 2017 - 16:00.

Interesting extract from the application:

It is difficult to anticipate the number of registrations in the restricted registry for .art, as the number may be determined by the effectiveness of marketing and the reception of internet users to the new gTLDs more generally. It is estimated that between 25,000 and 80,000 registrations may take place in the first year. It is difficult to estimate the number of people engaged at different levels within the visual arts community worldwide; however as a portion of the population, the number is likely to be significant and growing. In 2009 there were over 400,000 listed businesses engaging in the art market worldwide and between 5 and 15 million individuals engaging in arts related activities.
What you missed in our previous Newsletter:
  1. .CLUB Gets Approved by Chinese Government (Official announcement);
  2. Just delegated: the .HAIR new gTLD;
  3. Overseas TLD Registries Licensed by Chinese Government;
  4. Donuts,Inc:
    1. Bellevue startup Donuts finds success with domain-name registry;
    2. Jobs at Donuts Inc:
      1. Business Intelligence Analyst - Bellevue, WA;
      2. Director of Digital Marketing - Bellevue, WA.
    3. Why Donuts is Called Donuts.
  5. New gTLD Conference: ICANN New gTLD Program: Exploring Impact & Future Direction;
  6. HOT - Identification card to register a .TOP ?
  7. The .CLUB Registry approved in China;
  8. .xyz, .club and .vip get the nod to sell in China;
  9. The .BANGLA new gTLD;
  10. Innovation - Apple reveals self-driving car plans;
  11. The future of .COM after new gTLDs boom!
  12. Cross-Community Working Group on new gTLD Auction Proceeds Home;
  13. Imagine and Inspire with a .DESIGN Domain;
  14. Lancement du .RADIO par l'UER;
  15. The most surprising new TLDs so far;
  16. Amazon launches a new Brand TLD website;
  17. What Is A TLD? gTLD? ccTLD? newgTLD? IDN?
  18. Good read - Quelles sont les opportunités SEO des nouvelles extensions de domaine?
Domain name registration volumes: 
  • For Companies;
  • For the Law;
  • For Finance;
  • For Colors;
  • For Sport (check the .XBOX new gTLD);
  • For Real estate.
Our reports are available here.

Since most new gTLDs have launched, reports will be updated on a monthly basis starting January 2017.

Recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Note to our readers: starting January 2017, the content of our Newsletter will be sent by email only. It will not be made available online anymore on

Monday, December 5, 2016

All City new gTLDs have launched

We are now done with all new gTLDs related to Cities.

38 cities in the world submitted one or more applications to own their name as a domain name extension:
  • Some applied for several TLDs such as .BCN and .BARCELONA for the city of Barcelona;
  • Some, like the city of Moscow applied for the same string in their ASCII and IDN version;
  • In certain cases, the TLD does not only represent the city itself but an entire municipality or an emirate like it is the case for Abu Dhabi;
  • Some strings were applied for the same name but in different languages like the city of Koeln (and Cologne).
  • We added .TOURS as a city since it also represents the city of Tours in France (even if the city of Tours has probably not noted its existence yet);
  • The last to have been added is the .BOSTON new gTLD which was delegated last week.
The complete list of cities can be checked here and we welcome new strings (since it is possible that we forgot some). The .SPA new gTLD maybe?

What you missed in our previous Newsletter:
  1. 4 new gTLD were delegated;
  2. The tables are turned: now Donuts can delay Verisign;
  3. The Business Benefits of Not-Com Domain Names;
  4. HOT - Adopting a Creative Domain Extension;
  5. Some article about new gTLDs & Universal Acceptance;
  6. The ICRC:
    1. Letter from the Red Cross asking for full protection of "redcross" and "redcrescent";
    2. Answer from the ICANN.
Domain name registration volumes: 
  • New gTLDs with a FRENCH connotation; 
  • HOT - New gTLDs related to CITIES; 
  • New gTLDs related to CATERING;
  • New gTLDs related to PHOTOGRAPHY.
Our reports are available here.

Since most new gTLDs have launched, reports will be updated on a monthly basis starting January 2017.

Recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Note to our readers: starting January 2017, the content of our Newsletter will be sent by email only. It will not be made available online on anymore.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

ICANN new gTLD program: permanent protection?

This is a correspondence which was just published on the ICANN website between the Red Cross and the ICANN:

The ICRC to ICANN (translated by myself): "after five years of discussions, when can you confirm that "redcross" and "redcrescent" are fully protected at the first and second level (first and second level domain names)?

ICANN's answer:
"...the Board took a decision in 2013 to grant temporary protection to the names of your national societies; thus preventing such registrations at the second level for all new gTLDs. Such temporary protection will stay in place until an agreed permanent solution is in place."
"I will update you on developments concerning the latter and the process and likely timescales involved".
  1. Letter from the ICRC (download);
  2. Answer from the ICANN board (download).
What you missed in our previous Newsletter:
  1. Chinese registrants like .LOAN;
  2. Identifier Technology Health Indicators;
  3. Donuts loses $22.5m .WEB lawsuit;
  4. Cool - Just delegated: .BOSTON
  5. Court tosses Donuts’ .WEB lawsuit;
  6. Infographic Explaining Top Level Domain System;
  7. SEDO Registry services;
  8. . ART domain name seeks to become dominant global online site for art.
Domain name registration volumes: 
  • New gTLDs related to RELIGION; 
  • Singular VS Plural new gTLDs; 
  • New gTLDs related to FRENCH applications.
Our reports are available here.

Since most new gTLDs have launched, reports will be updated on a monthly basis starting January 2017.

Recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Note to our readers: starting January 2017, the content of our Newsletter will be sent by email only. It will not be made available online anymore on

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !