Friday, January 24, 2025

ICANN latest video about Round 2 of new gTLDs (2026)

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Round 2 is coming : compare your new gTLD project's figures

Interested in learning if your upcoming new gTLD application "will sell" in 2026 ? Compare your project with real figures ! One year in review from January 2024 to December 2024 :

Learn more at Jovenet Consulting.

Friday, September 27, 2024

A .SEO new gTLD coming in 2026 ?

The first Round of the ICANN new gTLD program in 2012 brought many interesting surprises with new domain names dedicated to very specific professions, many of these are, or are not, related to the Internet. Ten years later, while potential applicants are wondering how to submit their new gTLD application and how to profit from it, this question turns out to be a very important one : how deep is a potential string connected to the use of the Internet and why should an applicant wonder about this? Let’s focus on the .SEO Top-Level Domain.

Read my full article here.

Monday, September 9, 2024

There are SO many institutions in Paris ready for a new gTLD

The city of Paris is filled with industrial groups, institutions, major organizations which need to be contacted/prospected to be informed about Round 2 of ICANN new gTLDs.

Most, like the example of the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine) in 2010, missed their chance to participate in contributing greatly in expanding their subject by participating in the creation of their .WINE and .VIN Top-Level Domains. I worked a lot on that project and feel partly responsible for its result since I was not able to create the right connections at the right moment. My projections at the time were a little higher than those published today, but they included participation from many wine institutions. 

Learning a lot from this experience keeps reminding me that we, experienced consultants, need back-up from back-end registries and other major players to be able to do the difficult job to convince and onboard clients. This difficult job is multiplied by X when trying to do that alone : it is so easy to loose a prospect for a bigger player.

To whoever reads this, I am interested in back-up.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

New gTLD Reports : Legal - July 2024

The "Law" new gTLD report was just updated for July 2024. This report shows number of domain name registrations recorded for the month of July 2024.

Check the report here.

.ASSOCIATES4 0304 0544 0654 0854 0784 0794 073ComingComingComingComingComing
.ATTORNEY5 1585 1295 1225 1155 0385 0144 991ComingComingComingComingComing
.ESQ2 3142 3412 3772 4062 4312 4592 387ComingComingComingComingComing
.LAW20 88221 04121 27221 34221 48121 55421 621ComingComingComingComingComing
.LAWYER9 0128 9848 8688 8268 7638 7308 738ComingComingComingComingComing
.LEGAL19 47819 59319 70919 78119 22519 30819 310ComingComingComingComingComing
.PARTNERS14 06414 13714 21414 32114 40114 49014 485ComingComingComingComingComing
.商标 (xn--czr694b)28 83628 86828 86828 58928 58928 36328 354

Sunday, July 21, 2024

New gTLDs : James is doing good...but not only

I like to refer in terms of volumes and recently noticed that the .BOND new gTLD has 544,071 domain names created in its root. Yes : more than 500,000 domain names ending in ".bond" instead of ".com" or any other extension. On the list of all new gTLDs from Round one of the ICANN new gTLD program, it stands in place 15 : not bad.

If I wonder who uses these domain names and what for, I also noticed that most other TLDs from this multiple registry seem to follow the same strategy : "volumes".

The interesting thing I see here is that Shortdot SA, which owns other Top-Level Domains (.CFD, .SBS, .ICU and .CYOU has all ot its TLDs listed in the TOP 30 of new gTLDs in volumes. At the moment I am reading the numbers, here is what I read :

  1. .CFD : 1,020,525 domain names.
  2. .SBS : 803,335
  3. .BOND : 554,071
  4. .ICU : 509,016
  5. .CYOU : 261,228
ShortDot SA has a total of 3,148,175 domain names created.

.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !