I recently received a letter, sent September the 3rd, from the Registrar ENCIRCA who is fighting hard to find reasons not to let me become Registrant of a domain name a purchase with their PRO Forwarding service.
According to the .PRO rule (provided by the registry), you can register a .PRO if you provide credentials. The .PRO Forwarding service provided by the Registrar ENCIRCA allows to by-pass the Registry rule and register .PRO without credentials. A very good idea I have to say and highly tolerated by the .PRO registry.
What I find fantastic in their letter to their customers is their knowledge of how it works “behind the scene”:
“As part of the change, upon each new registration and renewal, the registry will be collecting license information from second-level registrants. However, the Registry will not be verifying the data.”
Isn’t it great to learn you can register a .PRO by-passing the registry’s rules?
Well, if you believe it is still time to register a great .PRO domain name, forget about it. Cyber Squatters already found how to by-pass the rules, thank to ENCIRCA and the registry tolerance. Hit Generic domain names and check by yourself: hotel.pro, sex.pro…And don’t forget, all these Registrants provided credentials to register their domain name according to the Registry.
Welcome to the domain name Far-west!
For you r information I worked at EURid, the .EU registry, during Sunrises and Landrushes.