Specific industries like the building one are concerned with domain names ending in “.build”. Major cities and locations also have their specific domain names: residents and companies located in London can register a domain name ending in “.london”, the French Brittany has its domains ending “.bzh” and New Zealand created “.kiwi” domain names. Endorsed communities and Brands also have participated in these projects: AXA, the insurance company, has acquired the right to create its own domain names ending in .”axa”.
What are Registries?
Nic.club is the domain name of the company in charge of allowing the creation of domain names ending in “.club”, instead of “.com”. To understand well how these new domain names work, let’s imagine a pyramid on top of which is the ICANN: The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers. It is the actual authority for domain names and there is one worldwide to allow the creation of new domain name extensions.
Then right below is the list of “Registries”, there is one per domain name extension: there is one for “.com” domain names as well as one for “.club”.
Below the Registries you find the “Registrars”: they are the companies where end-users buy domain names. Registrars need to be “accredited” to selling domain names and they are more than a thousand.
Down the pyramid, you find end users: those who buy domain names: it is you and I and we are called “Registrants”.
Down the pyramid, you find end users: those who buy domain names: it is you and I and we are called “Registrants”.
If the “Trademark Clearinghouse (tmch)” is not part of that pyramid, it remains in an important hierarchical position because of its uniqueness: the TMCH is the only official procedure for Registrants to submit their Trademark datas in the process of registering a domain name.
A high level of interest for new domain names
On the list of new Registries launched in 2012, more than 450 have been launched already and this equals to more than 3.5 million domain names. On that list of 450 new extensions, the “.CLUB Registry” is the second most popular one in terms of registrations and the most popular in terms of use, since it does not give domain names away: people pay to acquire them.
Clubs have adopted .club domain names
If most new domain names can already be found in search engine results, they are still difficult to find. The case of Night Clubs is an interesting one: most night clubs - to have an online presence - seemed to be using old fashion domain names until recently but taken as an example, a search for a night club located in Boston will also show results using .club domain names: it is the case for the “Machine Night Club” when searching for “night club boston” (without inverted comas).
Google offers to list domain names according to their extension of reference: digging in the life of Night Clubs...there are thousands of them already!