Thursday, October 30, 2014

A profitable Registry (the .LUXURY new gTLD)

Do new Registries need to sell a lot of domain names to be profitable?

They do but in very specific cases, they don’t need to. Read about the .LUXURY example.

Most of the new Registries sell at a low price to encourage Registrars (the reselling network) to promote the Registry’s new domain names. Then accredited Registrars sell these domains at a higher price to their clients: the end users (or Registrants).

I like to dig and noticed that the .LUXURY new gTLD is already very profitable with only 1,216 registered domain names. Yes…you read well: there are 1,216 .luxury domain names registered. It is very few compared to the successful .CLUB Registry who has reached 127,725 registrations.

I did not even check if there were Premium domain names or a Pioneer Program but the asked price at the Registrar level gives enough information to know about the Registry’s revenue.

Are expensive domain names the key to success?

GoDaddy sells .LUXURY domain names at the price of $799.99 and Uniregistry at even a lower price than this at $688.88. An average price for a new domain name is between $20 and $30 a year, sometimes more and sometimes it is even less than $10. Paying $700 a year is just…very different!

Looking at the presentation of the one page Registry’s official website, one thing is learnt: it looks like a family business and it is possible that most of the Registry’s activity is sub-contracted to an external service provider so costs are reduced. But whatever it costs, I made a simple calculation.

The calculation

Let’s imagine that every Registrant interested in a .LUXURY domain name bought it at the cheapest price on the market ($688 with Uniregistry), it means this would already have generated $836.608 for 1,216 domain names. How do other new Registries selling their domain names below $30 feel about this when it requires $100.000 per year to run a Registry and $25.000 in ICANN fees (when below 50,000 registrations)?

The conclusion

New .LUXURY domain names are open to all, just like the majority of all other new domains. Selling domain names is difficult, in particular when there are so many new domain name extensions launching at the same time. A good idea to make a Registry profitable in Round two of the ICANN new gTLD program could be to:
  1. Get the best community endorsement for a targeted group who is already waiting to buy these domain names, or;
  2. Follow the .CLUB example with a generic and multilingual string to submit your application and sell at a low price with a communication budget, or;
  3. Follow the .LUXURY example and sell at a high price.
To submit an application in round two of the ICANN new gTLD program (with a cheap back-end Registry who already has references), you can contact me at Jovenet Consulting.

Fadi Chehadé mentions "a list" in his letter to Honorable Axelle Lemaire on .WINE & .VIN

"C'est la consécration" ;-)

The letter, made public last night, mentions "a reserved list of names". I personally want to congratulate parties in charge of protecting Wine Geographical Indications for reaching out to this conclusion.

Even if we did not have the chance to be thanked the same way as Honorable Axelle Lemaire in 2013 for informing ICANN about these exact same solutions, we are happy to read that these past two years were not wasted for nothing and that an agreement is to be found.

We also want to suggest ICANN (and Axelle Lemaire) to read our article dated April 22, 2013.

Extract of the letter: "The parties involved are now working on devising a mechanism which would offer protections to a reserved list of names, which would be contractually protected through ICANN’s registry agreement, along with a set of rules around how those names could be distributed to parties that have interests in and the rights to them".

  1. The letter (to be downloaded):;
  2. Geographical Indications and Appellations of Origin are easy to protect: stick to the official databases:;
  3. Official letter sent by Project dotVinum to ICANN in 2013:;
  4. Why Donuts should do both .WINE and .VIN new gTLDs:
Wine Geographical Indications might be able to register their domain names with Uniregistry (in a close future).

A profitable Registry (.LUXURY new gTLD)

Extract: I like to dig and noticed that the .LUXURY new gTLD is already very profitable with only 1,216 registered domain names. Yes…you read well: there are 1,216 .luxury domain names registered. It is very few compared to the successful .CLUB Registry who has reached 127,725 registrations.

I did not even check if there were Premium domain names or a Pioneer Program but the asked price at the Registrar level gives enough information to know about the Registry’s revenue.

Read the complete article on ans register your .CLUB & .LUXURY domain names with Uniregistry.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The .CLUB Registry is an example to prepare “Round2” of the ICANN new gTLD program

Extract: With lessons learnt from the first Round, what does a new applicant need to know to prepare for the coming Round? Which example should he follow to increase his chances of success?

Many new gTLD applicants had some good ideas but none of them knew that they would be so many to have these exactly same ideas so how did .CLUB proceed to appear as different, compared to other Registries?
Source (what a long URL).

Register your .CLUB domain name with Uniregistry.

Monday, October 27, 2014

The .Club TLD is becoming a “community of communities”

Colin Campbell

Colin Campbell has been an internet pioneer since 1993.

Our team recently dotClub leads the new Top Level Domain Revolution – in my view, it is by far the most successful. Eat.Club was recently sold for $20,000! I expect over the next 3 years, there will be over 1 million Clubs signed up to dotClub. Colin recently joined the CEO Registry and the Florida.CEO Community. Colin’s Identity page details his considerable achievements.


Colin’s work on .Club has seen the growth of a new Top Level Domain that features collaboration. The .Club TLD is becoming a “community of communities”, with broad application, from Soccer.Club, to the SFEntrepreneurs.Club.


To learn more about .Club, visit ColinCampbell.CEO and watch his video. You can register a Club Domain at MyDomains.Club

I have also tweeted and posted about Colin’s success on Linkedin.

*If you are a CEO Registry Member involved in something inspiring let us know and we will share your good work with the global CEO network.

And finally, if you are not already a member of the CEO Registry – you can Sign Up here

Jodee Rich

The CEO Registry
Powered by PeopleBrowsr

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Name.Space : Originator of new gTLDs since 1996.

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

L'avantage d'un .LAGUIOLE au second cycle d'appel à candidatures?

Déposer un dossier de candidature pour un .LAGUIOLE au second cycle d’appel à candidatures en, disons, 2017, permettrait au village de devenir propriétaire de l’extension Internet .LAGUIOLE et de décider de la commercialisation des noms de domaine ou non.
La suite sur

Membre d'un club de coutellerie? Le .CLUB est pour vous chez Uniregistry.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Une extension Internet .LAGUIOLE

Nous connaissons les noms de domaine qui se terminent en ".fr" et en ".com" mais savez-vous qu'il est possible de créer une extension Internet dédiée à Laguiole en tant que localisation géographique, et autoriser ainsi la création de noms de domaine qui se termineront en ".laguiole"? 

Sauvez Laguiole!
C’est avec un certain amusement que je relis cet article intitulé “Laguiole, à couteaux tirés” (source:

Pourtant, si je fais entièrement confiance à tous les Conseils en PI de la planète pour tenter de récupérer la marque “Laguiole”, il est une solution que le village n’a peut être pas encore envisagée.

Le ".laguiole": un TLD Géographique?
Je vous l’accorde, la solution à $185.000 plus les frais de préparation de dossier (de procédures de contestation aussi probablement) sont les premiers contre-arguments. Pourtant le dossier est défendable et permettrait au village de reconquérir l’intégralité de son territoire sur Internet…et notamment, celui des autres produits que la coutellerie estampillés “LAGUIOLE”.

Déposer un dossier de candidature pour un .LAGUIOLE au second cycle d’appel à candidatures en, disons, 2017, permettrait au village de devenir propriétaire de l’extension Internet .LAGUIOLE et de décider de la commercialisation des noms de domaine se terminant en .LAGUIOLE (au lieu de .COM)…ou non.

Ainsi, c’est le village qui déciderait:
de l’utilisation qui peut être faite de couteau.laguiole, de paris.laguiole, etc…
de qui pourrait être les titulaires de ces noms de domaine.

A bon entendeur?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Today : GAC Briefing to the ICANN Community - Protection of Geographic Names in gTLDs

Note this is about the future Round.

This session is to inform and exchange with the community about considerations regarding protection of geographic names in future new gTLD application rounds.

Friday, October 10, 2014

More on .WINE and .VIN at ICANN51

CENTR issued a guide for ICANN51 in which a date is given where interested parties in the .WINE question can learn more about how this wonderful story will probably end.

"This is not a large part on the GAC’s agenda at ICANN Los Angeles, but it is a very sensitive topic and likely to reflect wider divisions between governments on human rights issues at the United Nations. The session, scheduled for Tuesday, 14 October, 9:30-10:00, is not labeled a GAC-specific session, but an ICANN-wide session. It is, however, organized by the GAC. As with the issue of geographic indicators raised by .WINE and .VIN, the introduction of human rights into the ICANN sphere deepens links between public policy issues discussed in international intergovernmental forums and the forums that primarily focus on technical Internet governance. 

These interactions will increase the need to harmonize or coordinate between these different forums, and GAC members, as participants in both intergovernmental forums and ICANN, may have an important role to play in connecting those two worlds. How the GAC manages this session, therefore, could be an indication of how the GAC intends to approach that role in the near future".

CENTR is an association of Internet Country Code Top Level Domain Registries such as .uk in the United Kingdom and .es in Spain. Full Membership is open to organisations, corporate bodies or individuals that operate a country code top level domain registry.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Les élus du vin mobilisés avant la prochaine session de l’ICANN

Philippe A. Martin, député coprésident de l’Association Nationale des Elus de la Vigne et du vin (ANEV), accompagné par les députées Catherine Quéré et Fanny Dombre Coste, respectivement Présidente et Vice-présidente du groupe d’études Viticulture de l’Assemblée Nationale, ont été reçus par Denis Tersen, directeur de cabinet du Ministère de l’Economie Numérique mercredi 8 octobre. Ils souhaitaient s’assurer de la poursuite de la mobilisation de la France sur ce dossier qui inquiète de nombreux vignerons.
A lire sur

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Why .CHAT could be all that .TEL wanted to be and more

Almost everyone that has been working in the domain name industry for a while has a story about .TEL. It was introduced in 2005 and went live in 2009 with a flurry of publicity. It was a grand concept aiming to revolutionize the way in which people keep in touch. Unlike traditional domain names, the purpose of a .TEL domain name is to help manage and exchange contact information about people and corporate entities.

Read the article on

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