Friday, July 11, 2008

.TEL is coming !

And it is a serious hit: A “very” serious HIT in the domain name industry.
For the first time companies and particulars won’t be suggested “just another domain name” they will have to pay interest in. This time .TEL is a tool dedicated to last and to be used.
.TEL is the first opportunity to be “found” online: to have a specific contact page standardized for all. We all received emails to update our information on various web sites, we all have a profile on a web site (MSN, FaceBook, Orkut, LinkedIn…) but no standard exists today to be part of a same directory. .TEL is a solution to this.
I tried the tool myself:
It is simple and easy to set up. No html knowledge required or whatsoever: just forms to fill in and menus to enable or not services.
I believe particulars will start to have a high interest in .TEL. What about Corporations:
  • A unique entry point to contact Corporations: no more contact page to search for on corporation web site but a simple link to the .TEL Url
  • A fantastic to synchronize address books directly at the Registry!
  • Géo-localization when necessary
  • More audience and traffic to your web Site: one more back link
  • Access to a worldwide directory and once again “standardized” for a better comprehension
.TEL is a revolution: don’t miss it ;-)

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