Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Who Are the Major New gTLD Applicants? Part 2 : Uniregistry

"Simple you said"? This is the approach FFM and Uniregistry have in common. A potential Registrant must go to his Registrar, follow a Sunrise Period process if he needs it, and with a few clicks, buy it at the right price. Then, the job is done! The new and mandatory Trademark Clearinghouse registration process is a good (and very expensive) idea but it adds many steps to registering a domain name: if the number of Sunrise registrations is so low...there is a reason for this. One recent news: Uniregistry will be launching its own Registrar soon. Surprisingly, Uniregistrar.com is registered to… Uniregistry.

Read the article on CircleId.

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