Tuesday, January 15, 2013

More GAC Early Warnings (updated)

Iran submitted Early Warnings from its GAC Member(s) after the deadline announced by ICANN:

A few things I noticed:
  • Back-end registry "Afilias Limited" and "dot Wine Limited" (Famous Four Media) are 2 of the 3 applicants who received an Early Warning for their .WINE application;
  • Alcohol was targeted in Iran's Early Warnings but...my bar seems to be larger than any bar you can find in Iran;
  • Regarding wine applications...well...no one speaks French in Iran and I am happy about that because the Reasons/Rationales for the warning do not concern any form of protection of our fantastic industry but a conflict with "ethical standards":

    "According to believes and values of Islamic Republic of Iran the applied for new gTLD is in conflict with ethical standards. From rational view point any action that lead to agitation and irritation of the humanity and faith; and have deleterious behavioral impacts which are not permitted.
    The applied for new gTLD can encourage people on doing non-religious, unethical and non rational actions.
    The applicant has not worked on any legislation or roles to prevent the registration of domain names under applied for TLD in Islamic and other sensitive countries, which is an aggression to the sensitive communities’ beliefs and regulations, causing many Unpredictable results."
Note that the Early Warnings that were submitted were posted as a courtesy to inform applicants, and for transparency into the process. If applicants would like to discuss the concerns with applicants who have filed late that is certainly encouraged. However, there is no "consideration" or "rejection" by the GAC of Early Warnings if they come late, as Early Warnings serve as a mechanism for individual GAC members/Governments to voice their concerns on certain applications.

The GAC support informs that Early Warnings are not consensus based within the GAC.

The list of late Early Warnings is published here.

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