These are recent slides extracted from today's meeting. These topics will be discussed in the next ICANN meeting in Puerto Rico:
Something written about the next new gTLD applicant guidebook's format (the famous AGB):
Exciting, isn't it?
For action:
- Add to the slides for Council planning for PDP WG time at ICANN62 in Panama City.
- Take the list of topics in the Initial Report structure and send it to the WG in case we missed any topics.
- SOI Updates: No updates.
- Work Track updates:
- Work Track 1:
- Going through all of the topics and trying to make sure we reflected feedback from the calls and the CC2 responses.
- Getting that text into the Initial Report.
- Call scheduled for 06 March is TBD.
- Work Track 3:
- Finished meetings and going through topics.
- Making sure we've captured all of the input.
- Putting the language into the Initial Report.
- Work Track 4:
- Looked at preparing text for the Initial Report.
- Discussed Registry Testing System.
- Preparing topics for Puerto Rico.
- Name Collisions also will be a topic.
- ICANN Board resolution on a longer term study. See: Draft Project Plan for Name Collision Analysis:
- Work Track 5:
- Going through the different categories of Geographic names in the Applicant Guidebook. Identifying pros and cons.
- Looking at how we may want to consider doing the same thing in future or changing the AGB. Addressing variations between the initial policy work and the final AGB content.
- Look at categories that were not in the AGB.
- Working Session dedicated to WT5 in San Juan on 14 March 0830.
- Review of suggested Initial Report structure/planning for ICANN61
- Slide 2: Initial Report
- Slide 3:
- Complete the Final Report by the end of 2018.
- For the Initial Report we are not doing consensus calls. We are putting options out for public comment. Not the time to take a consensus call on one or more of the recommendations.
- Goal is to get out the Draft Initial Report out by the end of March and then have the WG review it in April.
- Thinking of changing the meeting schedule to meet every week to help with the review of the Initial Report, starting Monday, 26 March.
- In the planning for Panama we need to understand if the PDP WG will need a good chunk of the time at ICANN62.
- Slide 4: Work Track 1-4 and overarching issues.
- Slide 5:
- Overarching Issues and Work Track Topics.
- Options and open questions have not gone through a consensus call.
- Slide 6:
- Status Update Overview.
- Overarching Issues.
- Recommendations on 4 topics.
- Options/questions on 3 topics.
- Community Engagement: a lot of overlap with predictability or where we have tried to get feedback on this PDP.
- Slide 7:
- Status Update Drill-Down.
- Overarching Issues.
- Slide 8:
- Status Update Overview.
- Work Track 1.
- AOB: ICANN FY19 Budget:
- Only a short mention of the Subsequent Procedures PDP, but statement that there are no funds allocated for implementing any GNSO policy on subsequent procedures.
- FY19 goes from 01 July 2018 to 30 June 2019.
- If the Board waits until FY20 to allocate funds some think this could delay the launch of the next round.
- No time for this WG to file formal comments.
- PDP WG Co-Chairs may file individual comments.
Structure of the Initial Report (chronological order):
- Overarching issues
- Foundational issues
- Pre-launch activities
- Application submission
- Application processing
- Application evaluation/criteria
- Dispute proceedings
- String contention resolution
- Pre-delegation
- Contracting
- Post-delegation
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