Thursday, February 21, 2019

Google uses .LINK domain names

As a long time user of G Suite (the Google platform to operate a company), I follow up with their group entitled "G Suite Visible Changes for customers only". I receive updates about coming upgrades of the Suite. A moderator from the group publishes a URL to point to a Google Doc.

It is the first time that I notice the use of a ".link" domain name and I checked who the moderator is and it is a Google employee so I guess that must be part of a rule to publish information.

Why use a ".link" domain name?
Well, the example says it all and demonstrates exactly why new domain names from the ICANN new gTLD program are useful:
  • they are descriptive of an action, a subject or a content;
  • they mean something.
A link is "a link" and that's precisely what the capture shows below: to go to an information, you should follow this link (please click to enlarge).

Am sure Frank is going to be happy with this :-)

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