Monday, September 9, 2024

There are SO many institutions in Paris ready for a new gTLD

The city of Paris is filled with industrial groups, institutions, major organizations which need to be contacted/prospected to be informed about Round 2 of ICANN new gTLDs.

Most, like the example of the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine) in 2010, missed their chance to participate in contributing greatly in expanding their subject by participating in the creation of their .WINE and .VIN Top-Level Domains. I worked a lot on that project and feel partly responsible for its result since I was not able to create the right connections at the right moment. My projections at the time were a little higher than those published today, but they included participation from many wine institutions. 

Learning a lot from this experience keeps reminding me that we, experienced consultants, need back-up from back-end registries and other major players to be able to do the difficult job to convince and onboard clients. This difficult job is multiplied by X when trying to do that alone : it is so easy to loose a prospect for a bigger player.

To whoever reads this, I am interested in back-up.

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