Friday, December 16, 2016

New gTLDs...since last Tuesday

I am working on two articles based on "facts" and I should post them soon. Your participation is welcome and I am happy if you drop me a line with your participation. The articles will probably be entitled:
  1. "Confusing new gTLDs";
  2. New business model for Round 2 (a new business model for Round two of the ICANN new gTLD program).
I developed a project which innovation is based on a new domain name extension. It focuses on:
  • Generating income and creating new sources of revenues;
  • Establishing a worldwide "mega" brand;
  • Giving worldwide visibility to  project owner;
  • Bringing strong innovation to the Internet.
Since I cannot finance such a project, I am happy to talk to interested parties. Note that the project can be adapted to an existing - but not yet developed - new gTLD. I'd love to talk to Amazon, to Google, to Automattic, to Facebook, Vistaprint...

The new gTLD group on LinkedIn has passed the 2,500 subscribers. As usual, you are welcome to post your news to the group as long as they are related to new gTLDs. We also send an announcement on Monday to subscribers so if you want to be read...this is the place have you content posted.

The .AUDI new gTLD
The AUDI Trademark creates more ".audi" domain names (see figures here). The registry has now up to 552 registrations and these start to be indexed in Google. There is an interesting that has been indexed recently. More to come?

.GDN : removed
The Top-Level Domain was removed from the Generic new gTLD report since the mission/purpose of the application still states: "Our mission is to commence a new generic top level domain name avenue for global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) industry and users, that enables and improve for commercial entities to illustrate, manage, market their products, services, education and experience, which enhance visibility and makes it easy for users to recognize GNSS activity on internet." What is written in the application is absolutely not what the front page of the registry says.

What you missed in our previous Newsletters:
  1. Where do new gTLDs stand on trademark issue?
  2. ICANN Call for volunteers (...allocate the New gTLD Auction Proceeds);
  3. Interesting - Could this be the next tipping point for the new gTLDs?
  4. Curious Statement About 2012 gTLD Round Name Collision Fears at IGF;
  5. List of gTLDs available for UDRP (to date October 17, 2016);
  6. How a Domain Name Could Transform Your Online Business;
  7. Free .SHOP domains until Christmas;
  8. Interesting - How memory recall is improved with new gTLDs;
  9. The .ECO new gTLD: 48 hours left for nonprofits to apply for a .eco domain grant!
  10. New gTLD .CAM Launched Today;
  11. Google just launches a new .GOOGLE domain:;
  12. 3 Sunrise Periods are ending on Saturday, 31 December, 2016 - 16:00:
    1. .游戏 (game);
    2. .企业 (enterprise);
    3. .娱乐 (entertainment).
  13. CentralNic plc Sell one domain name for $4.5million;
  14. Release of Two-Character Labels;
  15. Interesting - New gTLD numbers, more sources of information:
    1. gTLDs – Daten & Trends;
    2. TLD Summary Table.
  16. The Luxury Watch Market and Trademark Infringement in New gTLDs;
  17. Amazon updates its new top level domain website to prepare for launch;
  18. Just delegated: the HOSPITAL new gTLD;
  19. .SUCKS domain to drop its price 99% in January;
  20. Registering New Top Level Domain Names in China;
  21. Update: In which extension(s) should companies secure their domains?
Domain name registration volumes: 
  • New gTLDs related to ALCOHOL; 
  • New gTLDs related to REAL ESTATE (.RENT registrations to drop); 
  • New gTLDs related to SPORT;
  • Plural versions of new gTLDs (I added the .CAREER and .CAREERS new gTLDs);
  • French new gTLD applications;
  • New gTLDs related to RELIGION (a small increase in .CHRISTMAS domaine name registrations. Ie:;
  • Generic new gTLDs (all new gTLDs (.COM looses 70,699 registrations in one week);
  • New gTLDs related to CARS (552 domain name registrations for .AUDI);
  • Good - New gTLDs related to HEALTH (all new gTLDs related to Health (but .HIV) have their domain name registration volumes to increase since last week).
Our reports are available here.

Recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

Note to our readers: starting January 2017, the content of our Newsletter will be sent by email only. It will not be made available online anymore on

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.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !