Monday, September 3, 2018

LinkedIn: did some cleaning

I have a lot of contacts on LinkedIn and I would easily write that I n-e-v-e-r shared anything with probably 90% of them so I wonder: what's the point in allowing someone to add me in his list of contacts if he has nothing to tell me?

I once asked to someone who added me (and I accepted him to add me to his list) what was the reason for adding me and the guy...just did not answer me.

3,500 contacts?
I have an important list of more than 3,500 contacts and I use LinkedIn exclusively for work. I don't pay attention to the rest: my friends and family usually contact me on Facebook or send me emails...oh...and they call me too.

I've started a little cleaning on LinkedIn and since it is not possible to massively delete contacts - yes, you have to do that one by one on LinkedIn - I have decided to use the method below:
  • Self proclaimed mentors: go away;
  • Indian Seo specialists and marketing experts: go away (note that I have nothing against people from India but I am so spammed by these requests...);
  • No picture? Go away;
  • The word "influencer" (or equivalent) appears in you title? Go away;
  • You've not answered me after 2 messages: go away;
  • Recruiters: go away;
  • You sell wine: go away ;-)
  • You still use a ".com" domain name? go away;
  • Advertising your number of LinkedIn connections in your signature? Go away;
  • .com Domainers domain name investors: go away;
  • You forgot to put a capital letter to your family name: go away;
  • I don't understand more than 50% of what is written in your signature or title? Go away;
  • No personalized message with the reason why you want to add me on LinkedIn: go away;
  • Not in the new gTLD business (or close to it): go away unless you have a serious question.
Limiting to 300 connections = done
I did clean my list of connections and lowered its number of contacts to 300. I think that makes more sense and as a new method, I will try to stick to 300; meaning that I will remove a connection for one gained.

My email can be used to contact me instead (or visit Jovenet Consulting).

Good to know prior to contacting me on LinkedIn
  1. I now refuse LinkedIn incoming connection attempts when there's no introduction message;
  2. A "no" is always acceptable to me as long as I get an answer so I now:
    1. delete contacts who don't answer me;
    2. remove them from groups I moderate on LinkedIn.
"With regards"

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