Sunday, November 24, 2019

3 new gTLDs were terminated

The official ICANN page for terminated strings was just updated with " new extensions:
  1. .xn--estv75g (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited) - 07 November 2019;
  2. .NADEX (Nadex Domains, Inc.) - 16 October 2019;
  3. .VISTAPRINT (Vistaprint Limited) - 14 October 2019.

I find it sad that the .VISTAPRINT was terminated : the company is BtoC (first), has lots of competitors and the use of its own Top-Level Domain could have made a difference in terms of online positioning. With the so many products it offers, nit now makes it difficult to go straight to the right content and frankly, a would have offered more precision.

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.BRAND new gTLD Reports are updated once a month: CLICK HERE !