Monday, February 15, 2016

The new gTLD info for Monday the 15th

That's right: we didn't deliver our Newsletter on last Friday but delivering everyday is not something easy happens. IT happens when there is not so much to say. The good news is that info is collected for the next publication so you never really miss a new gTLD NEWS: it still reaches out to you.
Today, there is content in French but expect much more by the end of the day:
  1. HOT - Registry responds to MarkMonitor: Why Brands Are Missing The Boat;
  2. Three Million domains for this backend Registry;
  3. Cost of new domains reduces spam attacks (in French);
  4. New gTLDs and .SEO: or for SEO?
  5. Another "Multiple Registry" wants to serve the Chinese market;
  6. There are now more .CLUB domains than .MOBI;
  7. In French : new gTLDs  the in presidential elections;
  8. HOT - which domain name extensions should a company secure?
  9. Which is the new Registry with largest NAF cases?
  10. Statistics:
    1. French new gTLDs: a report by the Nameshield Group.
    2. .CITY new gTLDs;
  11. Did you know there is a new gTLD for physiotherapist (or physical therapist)?
  12. Institution to help .PHYSIO new gTLD's promotion; 
  13. An article on .MUSIC new gTLD;
  14. Another article on .MUSIC new gTLD's rejection (CPE);
  15. Partnership between Xbox and Steam coming: what about .GAME domain names?
  16. Much more coming during the day.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

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