Thursday, January 21, 2016

The new gTLD info of Thursday

1st Day New gTLD Totals
.Family; .Feedback
Two other new gTLD’s launched yesterday Rightside (NAME) .Family and Jay Westerdal’s .Feedback.

Globe sells .boston domain
but local nonprofits will get discount on addresses
Nearly four years ago, The ­Boston Globe tried to get in on an Internet land rush when the number of domains — the .com, .org, or .edu in online addresses — were expanded. Now, the Globe’s parent company has decided to stick to more familiar territory.

Example of .FILM domain name
Hector McAdam is embarking on his annual journey from Scotland to a London shelter, where Christmas cheer and a turkey dinner await him...

.Car, .Cars & .Auto Hauls In Another Cool Million
The new gTLD’s .Car, .Cars and .Auto went into it’s first day of general availability (GA) yesterday a domain name could be registered on a first come, first severed basis.

Reviewing New gTLD Program Safeguards Against DNS Abuse
ICANN is currently engaged in data collection on DNS abuse and mitigation efforts implemented as part of the New gTLD Program. Members of the community and general public are invited to join ICANN on 28 January 2016 in an open discussion on the topic.

Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

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