Monday, June 27, 2016

An offer received for a new domain name?

Just like many people involved in new gTLDs or domain names, I put domain names on sale: sometimes to learn about selling platforms and sometimes to try to sell get rid of a domain name. To be honest...I never receive offers and the reason for this might because the domains that I sell are of no interest. Recently, I bought 2 ultra generic domain names in complete unknown domain name extensions: both have less then 4,000 registrations. The reason why I am writing about this is that I just received an offer for one of them and checking the stats of the other...there is incoming traffic to the page where it is offered: something that I rarely saw before. Is this the solution to sell domain names on Internet?

  1. Article - Assessing Current Generic New gTLDs;
  2. Article - Are brands convinced by the pull of new gTLDs?
  3. Article - There are so many powerful ways to use the dotBrand;
  4. ICANN56: Core issues;
  5. Two more new gTLDs were delegated:
    1. The .FARMERS domain name extension;
    2. The .FEDEX new gTLD.
  6. ICANN56 - in Helsinky - has started;
  7. New domain names registration volumes:
    1. New gTLDs for French speaker: the Nameshield report;
    2. New gTLDs related to CITIES;
    3. New gTLDs related to CATERING;
      (2 new entries in the Catering report)
    4. New gTLDs related to PHOTOGRAPHY.
  8. French - DNS News n°218 (June 2016): a crazy year:
    1. Etat statistique des nTLDs au samedi 25/06/16 (données publiées);
    2. La déferlante du .XYZ;
    3. Lutte au couteau en Chine;
    4. Le Côté Obscur;
    5. Gouvernance de l’Internet, entre le «Pourquoi pas ?» de la NTIA et le «Pourquoi donc?» des sénateurs américains.
  9. There is a group (at ICANN?) which deals with Universal Acceptance;
  10. More coming during the day.
Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

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