Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Dropped new domains: learn why it matters

"Dropped domains" do not necessarily mean something to traditional Registrants (those who buy domain names) but law firms should pay attention to this subject for one simple reason: once a domain was dropped and collected on a list (the Registry below offers this service), it is "more" at risk from being registered by a third party. If you are in charge of managing a domain name portfolio and don't understand what I just wrote, 2 options:
  1. Call me;
  2. Change your job ;-)
  1. New gTLDs related to SPORT;
  2. 1,000 three to four character ".club"  domain names are still available;
  3. ICANN - Study Finds Increased Awareness and Trust in Domain Name System;
  4. Community Objection Rehearing re .SPORTS;
  5. New gTLDs related to REAL ESTATE;
  6. New - .STREAM new gTLD to launch this week;
  7. A Registry has launched a tool to find dropped domains;
  8. LOL - "I suggest you do an availability check if you didn’t protect your brand in Sunrise";
  9. Article - Who really cares about new gTLDs?
  10. More coming.
Nameshield Corporate Registrar: Corporate domain name portfolio management
The Nameshield Group: Registry, Corporate and Retail Registrar

Most recent Trademark Clearinghouse Sunrise Period announcements

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