Tuesday, February 23, 2021

.BRAND applications which were either not approved by ICANN or withdrawn by applicant

Some new gTLD applications tried to qualify for Specification 13 to become the so called .BRAND new gTLD but 37 of them were not approved by the ICANN (or withdrawn). This is their list:

  1. .politie
  2. .mobily
  3. xn--mgbb9fbpob
  4. .booking
  5. .tata
  6. .amp
  7. .canalplus
  8. .digikey
  9. .tradershotels
  10. xn--mgbaakc7dvf
  11. .ged
  12. .office
  13. .travelguard
  14. .cashbackbonus
  15. .alcon
  16. .cimb
  17. .finish
  18. .ftr
  19. .jpmorganchase
  20. .konami
  21. .mrmuscle
  22. .orientexpress
  23. .piperlime
  24. .ram
  25. .rockwool
  26. .shopyourway
  27. .vanish
  28. xn--hxt035czzpffl
  29. .acer
  30. .ultrabook
  31. .dclk
  32. .goog
  33. .guge
  34. .hangout
  35. .mrporter
  36. .netaporter
  37. .translations

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